
Men & women



Should a man pay the woman for her trip to him when they first met?

У меня такой вопрос к мужчинам. Вы согласны оплачивать поездку женщине, если вы знакомы только виртуально и вы никогда ее не видели в реальной жизни, но она собирается к Вам приехать? Конечно, когда вы сами этого очень желаете!)))

У меня есть твердое убеждение и принципы на этот счет, что женщина должна ехать на свои деньги, но это только мое личное мнение. Как вы смотрите на эту ситуацию?

I have a question for men. You agree to pay for the trip a woman if you know her only virtually and you never saw her in real life but she going to come to you? Of course if you really want this!)))I have a strong belief in this regard and principles that a woman should go for her money, but that's just my personal opinion. How do you view this situation?

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Reply to Maria on View the commented comment

Дорогая Мария, я восхищаюсь рискованными женщинами. КТО НЕ РИСКУЕТ, ТОТ НЕ ПЬЕТ ШАМПАНСКОГО. ДумаЮ, что Вы делаете все правильно


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Io ho incontrato qualche signora finora e ho quasi sempre pagato tutto, anche i visti in alcuni casi. Ora vi chiederete: come mai sei sempre qui? Semplice: alla nostra età non è facile trovare una persona con cui essere in perfetta armonia. Io richiedo un periodo di convivenza di almeno 10 giorni per capire e senza assolutamente dover finire a letto. Ho una casa grande su due piani e riservo il piano superiore alla signora. Non solo ma mi occupo della signora a tempo pieno- So che la maggioranza degli uomini normali questo non lo possono fare, ma ho deciso d'investire soldi e tempo per trovare la donna dei miei sogni. Pagare per avere una donna in occidente è giusto. Gli stipendi in molte città dell'est non permettono alle signore facili spostamenti.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Qui sì. Le donne sono controllate. Io ho sempre pagato



Reply to Neo on View the commented comment

You know, Neo. Many man insist that I went to see him. I can say 60%.
And of course, women. who agree to this option, insist on payment of the way and the hotel. You know, Neo, if you wont equality in all, you're need acquaint with another women.In Eastern Europe women feminists is minority. For us normal that man earns, pays for his women in the restaurant & etc.


Neo, 58 y.o.

South Africa, Cape Province

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Reply to Gulnar on View the commented comment

Same question for you...teach us... We, with our exoeriences at this age, and you at your age! Explain why would man need to pay for you!? Secondly, Steven and i are basically agree on everything..there are some finer details which doesn't change the basics.
At the age of 25 you are looking a man of 40!? For love or for money!? Please explain. I really want to learn how 25 year old think about this (i have never been 25 and never had a girlfriend in my life) 😉



Reply to Maria on View the commented comment

Маря, все очень просто - билеты до Москвы - туда-обратно обойдуться мне в 10-14000 рублей. Сейчас это чуть меньше моей месячной з/п.
Виза в Европу в 2012 году обшлась мне в 12 000 рублей через агентство.
Что-то я не думаю, что жених будет ждать пару лет пока я накоплю на билеты до США или до Чили (был такой поклонник - накопи, приезжай, а я на тебе женюсь).



Reply to Maria on View the commented comment

Мария, у меня больших финансовых возожностей для оплаты поворотов судьбы.



Reply to Jan on View the commented comment

jan, belive.
Just naw many man, who wont this.


Neo, 58 y.o.

South Africa, Cape Province

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Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

My friend, you are right in your way. If you are willing to spend all your money, to bring woman on holidays to you (might not be like that, you might actually find your dream girl), its your choice and nobody has right to dispute that.
Question was asked what do people think and by reading this forum, you will see that man paying for woman became as a kind of a rule! I personally disagree with that.
If i decide to pay for a woman to come to me is something i decided cause i wanted to and not be cause its a rule and is taken for granted that if i want to meet i have to pay and show my bank statements! I respect woman who is independent, as it shows real and true character and that she doesn't want to use and abuse man. She is paying for her self as she doesn't want to depend on the man!



Reply to Marina on View the commented comment

Спасибо Марина. Иногда нужно рискнуть))) Почему и нет?)))



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Ольга, конечно, я понмаю, что у всех разные финансовые возможности...В таком случае, есть другие варианты встречи: он к Вам или на нейтральной территории, как удобнее)))Здесь я говорю о том, что если женщина готова ехать к нему и у нее есть такие финансовые возможности, почему не исполнить задуманное?)))Я поняла, что многие мужчины здесь готовы платить за женщин...Мне просто интересно мнение мужчин))))



Reply to Marina on View the commented comment

Марина, а ведь Вы тоже встречаетесь в конце июля?))) В своем посте прочитала... Удачи Вам!!! Может,и шампанское потом на форуме?)))))



Мария,я думаю, вопрос кто к кому едет и за чей счет, сугубо индивидуальный. Если люди подходят друг другу и понимают друг друга, то они всегда смогут договориться. Результат встречи, конечно может быть разный, но финансовый вопрос, как первый тест на отношения, подходим или нет. Это тоже определяет насколько люди смотрят в одну сторону. На самом деле ситуации могут быть очень разные, и занятось в определенный момент времени, и денежные моменты. Здесь не может быть правил.
I guess the question to someone who travels and at whose expense, especially an individual. If people come up to each other and understand each other, they will always be able to agree. The result of the meeting, of course may be different, but the financial issue, as the first test of the relationship, whether or not. It also determines how people look in the same direction. In fact, the situation may be very different, and employment at a time, and money issues. There can be no rules.


Neo, 58 y.o.

South Africa, Cape Province

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Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Olga, that is very nice that man want you to go and see them. My opinion is that you try and get them to come and see you first as it is safer for you. And also if you don't have finances it will help a lot as you will know if is worth spending money for a second meeting to go an visit him. Don't take me wrong, i don't mid paying for woman to come and visit but i am not prepared to pay as that is expected from me if i want to meet her! If that is a rule, and i need to meet more then few woman to be able to find a right one, i might need to spend lots of money on their holiday! What if they aim is only that? How do i know if they are serious? But if you are prepared to pay for your self, it shows your commitment and seriousness in what you do.
If you didn't notice, i do originally come from Eastern Europe and i know what is the situation there so to say that majority is that the man is paying for the woman, like restaurants, i agree with, but that is if you are dating and in the same city! If you are married then both of you are working and contributing. But if you are in Omsk and you want to meet a guy in Moscow, i doubt that the man will finance your trip if he doesn't know you! But again, if he does, he does, not be cause its a rule but be cause he wishes to. Is not expected from him to do so.  


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Se una donna mi interessa pago anche il suo visto, non solo i biglietti.
Non credo che ci siano altre opzioni valide per una donna a conoscere un uomo dell'ovest e la ragione è molto semolice: 1) le donne sono controllate dal sito e gli uomini no 2) la donna deve conoscere chi vuole frequentare amorevolmente e dove conosce? Ma solo sul posto!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

L'hotel o no dipende dal tipo di sistemazione che l'uomo può dare alla donna in casa propria e dal grado d'educazione e di rispetto che l'uomo ha per la donna.
Ovvio che se uno può dare alla donna camera privata con bagno, TV e internet mi pare che l'hotel sia inutile
Ricordatevi che voi conoscerete un uomo soltanto vivendoci assieme, nella vita quotidiana! E non necessariamente facendo sesso, ma vedendo chi lui è e cosa fà!



Reply to Yuliya on View the commented comment

Да, Юлия, Вы конечно правы. Мужчина и женщина должны уметь всегда и обо всем договариваться между собой. И это все индивидуально!)) Но существуют еще какие-то принципы, через которые трудно переступить...Я об этом...



Reply to Neo on View the commented comment

Well, finally someone thinks like me. Thanks NEO!


Steven, 55 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Neo on View the commented comment

I would say that it does seem that we agree on the basics, but not on the details. And your point about each person making their own choices is of course quite valid. We each have our own ideas of how to make this multi-cultural, multi-national relationship work. Personally, I do not consider men and women equal in the sense that they are they same. Frankly we are far from the same and I truly believe that feminism has not only given women a raw deal in general, but is also in the process of creating wimpy men also. This is one of the reasons why I am not really interested in an American woman. Many of them are what I call "half the man". I don't want my woman to be the same as me. But this topic is not about gender equality vs traditional family roles. The other side of the equality is likely not there either: financial. Although in some ways it is closer than many might believe. In the US especially now, there is less disposable income than there was 5 years ago. And so a trip from the western US to Ukraine or Russia may take quite some time to save for and also the vacation time allotted in the US is generally significantly lower than in Europe. Again, that is not the topic of this discussion.

To me I suppose that there are two categories of visits then that we may be talking about. The first is between two people who are more casual virtual acquaintances. In this case, it may be reasonable for the woman to pay for the trip abroad (or at least the travel expenses). I would not agree to pay for a woman I was not serious enough about or did not know well enough to fly here, but would be happy to entertain and such. However, if there is the plan for potential marriage then I think that the position I proposed earlier is the correct process: the man goes to the girl first and then ideally she comes to him temporarily. My experience is that the visit in her country (or a neutral site) is too much like a vacation and everyone has a good time on a vacation. Having the woman come for a month or more then is a chance to live as a couple in normal life where you are going to be living your life together. This is much more realistic opportunity to see if you are compatible truly.

I went through this same process a few years ago, met a nice girl on this site and after some time, visited her at her home, rented an apartment there and spent time together. Then a few months later, she came to the US for a week, although again this is like a vacation. At the end of last year, she came again for 2 months and we found that the situation was not as compatible as we thought and that was that.
But I paid for her trips here and mine there. She was not in a position to pay and I never expected her to do so. If she was my special girl, I would never have expected her to, that is my responsibility. But then I also think that much of this comes down to making a proper choice. You can spend a lot of money of you are not patient enough to spend the time. There is always a price of some sort.
As for women expecting me to pay for them, that is a different story. I have had women on this site want to meet immediately, to go away to some special vacation. This seems a bit pretentious to me and the sort of girl I am interested in would not suggest such beyond possibly asking when I would come to her to visit.
All that being said, if the man decides to offer a paid trip to him for the woman, that is matter between then, but I don't think I would do that myself.



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

А если женщина не захочет, чтобы мужчина оплачивал ей поездку и визу? Или такое Вам даже в голову не может прийти?)))
E se una donna non vuole l'uomo a pagare il suo un viaggio per lui e un visto? O è che non si poteva nemmeno immaginare può venire?))


Neo, 58 y.o.

South Africa, Cape Province

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Reply to Steven on View the commented comment

Steven, you have basically said everything i did! We disagree on some details which are not topic of this discussion. You have explained actually better then i did..  


Neo, 58 y.o.

South Africa, Cape Province

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Reply to Tetjana on View the commented comment

I am glad to see that we have more and more woman with principals..   Its my pleasure Tetjana and thank you for being who you are.



Reply to Neo on View the commented comment

Hello, Neo! The topic of equality arises on the forum again and again. Equality as a social phenomenon exists only in the western world. Unfortunately, women in Russia and Eastern Europe don't know what equality means and how it can be - be equal with a man (!). If you want to find a woman here, you have to take this fact into account. If not, you'd better search among local women who are equal with the men and there's no need to spend money for tickets, visa and adaptation.
What does equality mean to me personally - 1) both are nearly of the same age, 2) both have a good social status - a job (the salary can be, of course, different because we have different living standards, 3) both do not have any credits in any banks, 4) both do not have any relatives who need to be taken care of. This list can be continued.. The question is - who are the both looking for?
I've got two friends of mine who married the western men. One is an American and one is an Englishman. The American guy came to Ukraine 6-7 times to visit her and they got married here, in Ukraine. She was 38 y.o. and he was 36. Now they have been living in the USA for about 10 years. She's got a green card this year.

The Englishman made two tries, he came to Ukraine twice and met two other ladies who he didn't like. And only the third try was successful - it was my friend. He was 59 and she was 50. He started coming to visit her every 5th Friday during half a year. Then, the first attempt to get a visa for her to the UK was a failure. Then, he bought a VIP visa for her at 1000 eurous. They have been living in the UK now for two years. She passed all English exams and got a residence this year that gives her the right to find a job at last.

Both those men didn't think about or expect equality from their women. They understood that their women didn't have the financial opportunity to come to visit them in their countries, they just loved them and and acted and were ready to sacrifice.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart to find an equal lady on this site. Good luck!



Reply to Neo on View the commented comment

i think, you not understand haw we live in Russia & other ex USSR republics. a plane ticket to one end to Moscow its my average salary for 2 week. For Moscow guy its a trifle for pocket expenses. In Russia we call it - "Feel the difference".
i know one couple - the Moscow husband send e-ticket for the flight and the woman arrived.
if guy invite me to South Africa for my money - I'm not going. i havent money for this travel.
You all time write that for women its holiday. Aha, holiday. I go to foreign country, i dont know people around, place around. i must good loking, try like to man (Neo, you honestly write - you will choose from several women), smile, sow best side. nerves in airport - he meet me or not? What if he changed his mind? - you know, Neo, we chat with other girls about it time to time. She come. but man dasen't met her in airpot, not answer for phone call. Women stay in airport along in foreign country. but she was paying for everything herself. its very banal story. nothing common with a holiday.

I think you need searching at site secured slavic feminist. you havent any chance with other girls.



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

i think its depened from level of confidence women to men.
my lust relationship with a man make me very careful


Neo, 58 y.o.

South Africa, Cape Province

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Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

Dear Inessa,
I think you need to read all my posts before telling me about eastern woman and equality with men! I do come from eastern Europe and we even speak very similar language. So, you need to base your opinion on the facts and not on what you think it is! Woman in eastern Europe are very equal - talking about rights, income, jobs, etc.
What you understand being equal is different from mine and probably from lots of other people. But equality is only set by law and that is what i refer to. But as Steven said, that is NOT subject in this post! Please read again the question which was asked - it was asked if man would/should pay womans trip expenses and that her opinion is that woman should pay for her self! With that came that lots of woman on this site expect man to pay as a kind of a rule! I have given my opinion on that and explained why. Which shows that i agreed with Maria that woman should be independatnt!

Now, you can see that some woman also agree with Maria so we are not alone in this. But most of us agree that the man should travel first as it is safer for woman that way.

So, subject of equality is not really an isue here. We all have right on our opinions and its our choice if we want or do not pay for woman! There are man (like our italian friend) who is willing to pay for every woman to go visit him...   I cant say he is wrong or right, its his choice, but it cant be expected from him to do that.
And on the end, thank you for the wish and i think i have found the right one who is coming to see me at her own expense and she is coming first to me!? Yes, its unbelievable and i feel honoured.. She will be spolied to the maximum for 11 days..   And she will never forget that...i guarantie..   I am sure she will update you after she gets back to Russia on her magic trip. 😉


Neo, 58 y.o.

South Africa, Cape Province

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Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Dear Olga,

I dont know but i think the language is the problem here! I know that salaries are not good in Russia. I also know that salaries in Moscow are larger then in Omsk. But i also know that Moscow is the most expensive city in the world!!?! You see, i am a businessman, so its my job to know these things too. Next, you said, you know couple, Moscow husband or boyfriend send e-ticket - i do that for all of my girlfriends anyway, but NOT for a stranger!? I agree with you, its a risk for woman to travel first! That is why i said that man should go first and if all workout, then woman travels second time to him. After that, you can see if you are dating further, or getting married or just split and stay friends. Now, if you split and stay friends, you have travelled, seen the other side of the world, had a good time (site seeing, dinners, etc.), which no man would allow you to pay for, other words you had a decent holiday. When man comes to you, its obvious you will show him your city too, so he has a nice holiday. Nobody is at loss. If everything works out, its got your self a husband..  

For me to search somewhere else is not necessary. I am not the only one with this opinion and i think i have found one who is amazing.. You can see my previous post and read what other woman say about this too. Lucky for me (and for many other people), we are all different and that is why many of us cant match.   I wish you good luck in your search.. Maybe you should consider our italian friend as he will pay for you to go and visit him.. 😉



Reply to Neo on View the commented comment

Dear, Neo! I'm happy that you have found the right woman and expecting her coming. I understood completely the topic of the post and I know exactly that if those two foreign men (the husbands of my friends) had waited for their ladies to come at their own expenes, they would have never met and created a family.
You say: "Woman in eastern Europe are very equal - talking about rights, income, jobs, etc." They are just TALKING (!) You right that "equality is only set by law" but in reality all the laws that can defend women here STAY ON PAPER AND DO NOT WORK (!)
Well, I'm an indepedent person, have the opportunity to travel but I'm a little indecisive in character and this fact can prevent me from going to visit a man in his country. So if the man is brave anough to come here and spend time and money on the trip, I'd be very happy to meet him and then can go to visit him.



Мария, я тоже с Вами соглашусь. Первая встреча-это риск для обеих сторон. И, на мой взгляд, правильно поделить этот риск . Мужчина не должен. Но он может захотеть- захотеть прилететь к вам, или захотеть оплатить вам поездку. А дальше уже вы в праве выбирать то,что вам комфортнее-воспользоваться желанием мужчины,или самой оплатить поездку,или поделить расходы пополам. Когда в отношениях начинается разбор кто кому и что должен-то это конец отношениям, а если они даже еще не начались... Правильный подход- "я хочу это сделать для тебя". Всегда можно найти разумный компромисс. Нет возможности ехать далеко- встречайтесь на нейтральной территории. В конце концов, не общайтесь с теми,кто живет так далеко, рассчитывайте свои возможности. А то все эти разговоры "я такая бедная, ты должен оплатить мне всё" больше напоминают договор купли-продажи,а не отношения.



Женщины, почему бы это:

Если кто серьезно заинтересован в вас достаточно, чтобы хотите посетить, то никогда не платят за свое путешествие. Никогда!Человек стоит иметь отношения с должны быть в состоянии предоставить своим билетом. Если он не может, то как подходящее супруга могут быть он честно? Если он не может себе этого позволить, то он ждет, пока он не скопил достаточно денег, чтобы заплатить за свое путешествие. Если он не может сохранить, чтобы оплатить его путешествие, чтобы увидеть вас, он может определенно не могут позволить себе оплатить все другие расходы, начать новую семью с вами. Это не имеет ничего общего с честью, морали, этики, или гендерных ролей .... Это базовый экономика и здравый смысл. Если он не в состоянии купить билет в один самолет, то он, вероятно, не будет в состоянии содержать семью в ближайшее время.

Во-вторых, Как только он приземлится, он, как и любой другой незнакомец вы встречаете на улице. Его расходы на проезд и раз он взял не делает женщину обязаны дать ему ничего взамен, кроме той же самой любезностью она дает любому, кто ей встречается впервые. Вы не обязаны ему секс, ужин или даже поцелуем из-за него тратить деньги, чтобы прийти к вам. Если вы и человек, имеют истинной связи и чувствовать искреннюю страсть, то все, что происходит естественно между мужчиной и женщиной, независимо от обстоятельств ..... Но я бы сказал это .... если вы любите его настолько, чтобы согласиться, чтобы посетить, и он делает это усилие, признать, как много это значит для вас. Мы не богаты, и иногда мы делаем значительные жертвы, что мы не говорим, и что вы никогда не можете видеть или знать о, просто так, что у нас есть возможность путешествовать, чтобы увидеть вас. Имейте это в виду. Уважайте друг друга, не теряя собственного самоуважения.

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