Men & women

What do women so rarely answer? why are they unable of having regular communication? so short answer and smileys and disappear often in middle of discussion. they pretend being here for serious relationship but do nothing for knowing man's person, if ever it matters for them...
Вы думаете что женщина должна сидеть на сайте 24 часа в сутки чтобы дать вам доказательство что она серьезно настроена? многие заходят сюда в свободное время на 5-10 минут в перерыве на работе, во время ланча в кафе, в пробках. Если женщина вам интересна то оставляйте свои контакты, а не ждите что она будет сидеть в переписке несколько часов

I don't always agree with you but this is a very good point. I can have lots of time to come on here but then I can have solid work then the other person thinks there's a reason I don't answer all time but it's life kids work many things. The fact someone answers you is a acknowledgement of interest

Why are you looking for a reason, just take womens action at face value. If somebody wants to talk to you they will find time. If they want to get to know you, they will answer your questions with details and ask you questions in return. If they have no time for you and can't bother to answer your questions they're saying they're not interested or they're way too busy and dull either way good riddance. Just accept it and move on.

out of topic answer but indeed if they are here 5 min a day in traffic jam or in doctor's waiting room, they have no serious wish to correspond seriously and finding the mate, being here is not for killing time normally, regards .

I try make time for everything but sometimes 24 hours in a day ain't enough! Other days I've much more time. I understand about making time but sometimes it's not so easy... but I understand your point

Привет. Здесь на форуме хорошая площадка, чтобы вы рассказали о себе. Девушки тоже не уверены, что вы серьезного знакомства желаете. Возможно, вы слишком нетерпеливы. Иногда я переписываюсь с мужчиной и совершенно не чувствую его энергетики, его эмоций. Абсолютное хладнокровие. И потом бываю удивлена, если мужчина просит вебкамеру свидание. я отвечаю уже из чувства вежливости в это время. Человек задает вопросы очень личные, но ничего сам на них не отвечает. И я не чувствую ,что за личность. Я сообщаю ему об этом. И прошу дать правильную дату рождения. Для составления гороскопа совместимости. И тогда я начинаю понимать его правильно:. Мы идем разными дорогами. Он уже на отдыхе и расслаблен. Он пенсионер. А у меня много забот и трудных для меня дел. А мужчина хочет комплименты и легкость в общении. Шутки с моей стороны. Я Я начинаю понимать, что он хочет приятного общения с легкой долей эротики. А я изначально сообщила: в данное время я очень напряжена и долго думаю прежде чем решить. какой шаг сделать в собственных хлопотах. У меня нет навыка. специальных знаний.. Маленькими шажками я двигаюсь. И кроме меня никто не заинтересрван в этом деле.. И мне приятнее было бы общаться с мужчиной, если бы он обсуждал мою тему. Вник в мою тему.
`Или я вызываю интерес у мужчины, который моложе меня на 11 лет и красив и внешне привлекателен. Но он так скуп на рассказ о себе. Отвечает на вопросы весьма однозначно. И все, что его интересует :это когда
я приеду в город около которого он живет?. Я устала от такой переписки и решила взять тайм аут и удалила свое личное фото и всю переписку. Я поняла. Надо решить свои дела. И только после я смогу стать легкой, игривой, девочкой. До встречи Всем всего хорошего.

We all get busy David, but you can tell when somebody is making an effort and someone isn't. If I'm busy and I'm interested in someone I'd probably take 30 seconds and send a quick note to say I'm swamped today, but I will write you when I have a moment, whatever I can do to very quickly let them know that they are on my mind. That small gesture is usually enough for somebody to feel important. How often have you been really interested in someone and disappeared on them or given them nothing to work with?

I agree with mostly what you say in principle. It's good manners to make 30 seconds for person if your interested in them. Relationships can be complex if both people are busy and one replys slow it has a knock on effect. If you have free time and interested in someone it's much easier to keep checking your phone than if you for example driving 3 hours and 250km for example. But I agree mostly with what you say


Hi, Mat. You are used to expect instant results, so you start to lose patience at any slightest delay. When you correspond with someone you like but don't know well enough yet, it's very similar to a slot machine. There is also a lot of uncertainty, anticipation and anxiety. You are set to receive a message. You want it, you need it right now. But if you don't get a quick response, it knocks you off track. That's probably okay. You texted a man and asked him out, and he didn't respond. What to do in such a situation? Certainly not to sprinkle ash on your head and think what you said or did wrong. Do not forget that sometimes it's not you, but that other factors come into play. Something can happen in a person's life that you have no idea about, but it can affect their desire to start a relationship. Good luck!
можно иметь серьезное желание и намерения найти парнера, но разве ради этого необходимо бросать работу, домашние дела, семью, хобби? ведь если два человека интересны друг другу то они всегда могут обговорить когда они имеют свободное время для разговора. вероятно вам не пришло в голову спросить это у девушек вы просто заходите и начинаете писать и ждете моментального ответа и диалога

I agree with you Billy. Women almost never write first, ok we know this, so we make the step and even in a place where people is supposed to talk, exchange with the aim of finding the second part, it is discouraging to see what you have in return, you read profile and women mostly don't, this is why i fill profile partially, it is not read anyway. enough for starting discussion normally. i also notice that men should also always "feed" the conversation otherwise happens what happens usually: discussion is over. i do not write to women who have reply rate under 20%, and there are so many... best regards.

Just something to think about Mat in regards to not writing women who have reply rates under 20%. It has been my experience that these women aren't necessarily less talkative or less interested in meeting somebody, it may be the contrary but they have just become better at knowing what they want in somebody and selectively choose whom to be that way with. As has been brought up, many of us have busy schedules, if you've got limited time you may not have the ability to engage with every person who messages to pad those reply rate stats but that doesn't mean you won't have time to properly engage with the one(s) you are interested in getting to know. My reply rate is over 20% but when I thought about it there is no way I reply to over 20% of the women who message me but when my pictures in contests get high voted, I get a message and I'll send a thank you note and I think that pads my stats, so if somebody reached out to me thinking he replies a lot, they'd be disappointed. So bottom line if somebody interests you, reach out, if they aren't receptive move on. There is always going to be a built in inequity with online dating, men will do much of the effort work in getting womens attention initially but that's life, it works the same offline, it sucks but that inequity usually balances out later, women are usually better at keeping relationships going once they're in them. Life has a way of balancing most things out.

Elena Premudraya
Здравствуйте добрейшая душа Прасковья. Недавно весь форум давал вам советы бросить ваши заботы о ремонте текущей крыши над вашей квартирой подальше. 😅Кажется никому не знакома протечка стен с раствором голубиного помета во время дождей.
Я вам тоже советую беречь свои нервы. Сделать самой то, что вы наверно и делаете. Застелить пленкой пол чердака, ставить ведра, где сильно протекает. А после окончания даты капитального ремонта крыши подать в суд на все организации, которые не устранили ваши протечки. Сделайте сейчас все фото с датами. И сделаете на конец ремонта фото с датами. Гнилушки деревянных перекрытий так ведь и останутся гнилушками. Я поняла что дом ваш многоквартирный а жильцы энертны или ответственные за капремонт люди откровенно игнорируют ( воруют) средства денежные или материальные на этом ремонте. Я вам сочувствую. Не надевайте розовых очков и берегите свое психическое здоровье. Поезжайте в страну, где проживает красивый и молодой мужчина моложе вас на 11 лет. Позвольте себе хотя бы флирт с ним и просто выйдите из зоны своих тревог и дискомфорта и пригласите туда вашего знакомого пенсионера. Я представляю его таким диванным игрушкой с пультом от телевизора в руках. Успехов вам!!☺
I'd be curious to see whom are these 10-15% of men who got their attention and are replied to and got a communication... i have idea of the profiles.. others have to send industrial amounts of letters for getting few returns, i don't contact much, i read profile and target if i see similarities.
Yes big inequity, it's as if we have to do everything to build a dialogue, no equal communication while we just want to communicate and know the interlocutor.
I start to think some women are here just to satisfy their ego and see how many men they attract... those pics are done for it... and not really to know, communicate and meet. Some time ago, woman wrote me first (rare thing but happens). her: nice to meet you; me: nice to meet you too. She reads but didn't reply anymore, better laughing than crying... cheers everyone.

Who are these men in the 15%!!! I'd guess Me,Billy, and Ben to be three of these men!!!
I've just compared 3 profiles!!!! Matt Your 34 years old Tall and from a western developed country... our friend Billy from Canada got beautiful dog and 35 years old... I'm 46 from England.... Both Me and Billy not report problems with contact with woman and I've had replies from women with a 6% reply rate before now.... if not lower!! I've brought my kids up alone and when first single I was not looking for relationship when I was yours and matts age!!!
I've also had successful dates relationships and romance in my life and I'm rather successful in all I do.... I can relate allot to Billy's positive attitude!!
I'm sure both me and Billy if wanted could get replies off who we see has the most suitable women to us..
I quote your words "I start to think some women are here just to satisfy their ego and see how many men they attract... those pics are done for it"
Eastern Europe is extremely poor area of the world containing the most beautiful women in the world...
Face, Figure and clothes are what makes these girls attractive and is there ticket out of poverty and corruption! I love Eastern Europe but I go there on a western wage with a Eastern Europe wage I'd not like it!!!
If you peel back the clothes make up and face you will find intelligent girls who are not always has confidant has you would think!!
These girls know they need to get with western man to have children or secure a stable future! By getting a full mail box ain't going to get this goal! There photos are done to get "the best man" out of who shows interest... a man who is accomplished with a positive attitude!!!
These girls want the best man but they are not desperate, you need to show why you are worthy of there effort and beauty and to leave there homeland they need to trust you...
Leaving family is the most biggest step any girl can make to be with a man.. The man needs to be worthy and above all Worldly!!!!!!
Worldly and Confidant are two worlds where me and billy seem to be at a huge advantage to you. (Sorry to billy for talking about him)
however I only write about Billy the positivity from his posts and profile which is clearly his advantage!!
I am in contact with who I want to communicate and by constructing quality letters I'm sure if I was looking to make contact with new women I'd get a huge message return rate!!!
You are a male version of Victoria who wrote a few weeks back in forum very negative don't smile but "not bad looking" you need to write personal messages based on the target members profile...
Write letters of substance is my advice!!!

Did you ask her about something to show your interest? She gave you a chance to start a conversation. When I sent a wink to my future husband he sent a wink in answer to me. I decided, he wasn´t interested in me. And only when he sent a normal letter, I replied.

Quote: "Eastern Europe is extremely poor area of the world containing the most beautiful women in the world...
Face, Figure and clothes are what makes these girls attractive and is there ticket out of poverty and corruption!"
What the hell was that??

I am speaking generally I'm not talking about forum users. There are girls who want a better life. Corruption is a major problem. Wages in most Eastern Europe country's for a weeks work are less than a days wage in the west! If a man comes to places in Ukraine for example he can live like a king but if a women comes to the west from Ukraine without support it's very difficult. I see from your profile your pictures are in America! Your Smart , Beautiful, and most likely have a good job. This is not always the case. Many girls rent a room within an apartment or live with there parents. I didn't want the statement to be an insult however my family left USSR in 1890 for a better life in England. I'm ethnic Russian but Born in England! I love Eastern Europe and would live there with my wealth without I wouldn't like to do so. My answer is Subjective!

Не хочу создавать отдельный пост с вопросом. Воспользуюсь этой площадкой .Надеюсь автор будет любезен и не поставит " не согласен" как это он старательно выразил под каждым камментом )) Мой вопрос мужчинам и женщинам : "Как реагировать, если мужчина добавляет в " избранные" ? И чем отличается " функция " подмигнуть" от функции "добавлена в избранные" ? есть какая - то иерархия или все это фигня и не надо обращать внимание ?

I always look at who winks who adds has favourite and who views me and if I like profiles and pictures I will send message I'm not into games so it's a case of if I've had attention off desirable woman I respond. But nothing beats a high quality personal letter off an attractive person to create initial interest in my view and think that goes for both male and female members?

я ошиблась. Продублирую вопрос. Конечно получить письмо это приятно . Но я спросила какая разница между " подмигнуть" и " добавить в выбранные " ?
Подмигивают часто , в " выбранные" добавляют гораздо реже.
И как должна реагировать женщина, если мужчина добавил ее в "выбранные " ?
Вами заинтересовались, но в интернете вообще лучше ни на что не реагировать, пока не состоялась личная встреча. Бывает количество подмигиваний в день ограничено, если не заплатил, тогда если подмигивания закончились, то можно добавлять в избранные вместо этого.

I think a wink is a lazy way to say I like you but can't be bothered to message you.... add to favourite I think means the person want's to find you for some reason. ?

спасибо, Вера. я не знала, что на подмигивания существует лимит )))

сохранил на будущее, про запас, как бурундук
обращать на это внимание или нет - только Вам решать.
First of all don`t take it in person.
Women can behave strange, the same as men: some send smiles, some just write "hi! how are you?" every day without any new information.
If they disappear often in middle of discussion, why not to ask them (not us) why they disappeared?
Bad internet connection?
Can`t say "I have to go, can`t chat for ages, have the real life"?
Maybe the time is -...night?
Maybe they are not interested in the country/age/lifestyle and think that to disappear is better than to explain it to you?
Maybe those women visit this site rarely as they are not interested in the searching husbands here.
I really don`t know. Too many reasons.

ну, так и есть. Если мне мужчина не нравится , то я и не реагирую, не пишу даже коротких сообщений. и пофигу на уровень ответов.