
I seek advice



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Предупреждаю - это очень серьезная тема из разряда " Бери и делай", " "под лежачий камень вода не течет" .
Прошу коллективный разум нашего форума помочь мне ( и не только мне) написать универсальное письмо для тог чтобы отправлять мужчинам , которые меня заинтересовали . Нужно все - эпилог , пролог, кульминация !!! эпиграф тоже было бы не плохо.

заметила , что функция " подмигивание" испортила мужчин и женщин . Перестали, знаете ли, писать длинные красивые письма.

Вспомнила - мужчины падки на лесть . Вот моя первая подсказка .

однажды я увидела фото мужчины - принц с голубыми глазами и волосы - чистый лен . Но у него не было возможности читать письма. и давно не было на сайте. Не удержалась и написала " привет, принц". о, чудо. Он купил себе "золотой" статус и мы начали общаться. Сразу пошел контакт, флюиды искрились. Он обещал научить играть меня в гольф и жизнь принцессы.
Сказал, что не пьет и не курит, спортом занимается. Решили пообщаться в скайпе - я включила , минуты 2 смотрела , выключила, слезы покатились .
Кто догадается, что я увидела и почему заплакала ?  

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Vera, 51 y.o.


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Reply to David on View the commented comment

Well I watched a video of some ukrainian matchmaker at youtube and she shared her experience she made with her clients. Many men and women went on dates and all went well, it was first and sometimes second date as well, men liked how the women looked like, she was beautiful, they enjoyed conversation with each other which was also perfect, they talked for hours, they found many things in common, they liked the same films, did the same sport, etc. but after that men didn't want to continue and the matchmaker wondered what went wrong when everything was so perfect and the reply she got was that there was no sparkle and no feeling she was the one. And then someone commented talking about chemistry like this:
"Chemistry is when you get that feeling when someone walks into a room and you get that electric feeling, alertness course through your body which you don't get from most other people. Then when up close that intensity of eye contact usually quick eye movements. This way you know she feels the same way but of course there is usually awkwardness in being in each others presence because of it. You can of course have a relationship on other grounds work out, on personality compatibility, a strong liking for each other, pleasant companionship but I think long term these may have the potential to be mistakes."



Надюша, чтобы привлечь внимание надо писать не о папе и маме, сестре...-о чувственности..(тонкая граница), но , увы,работает. Важна интрига



Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

     вот и не пишут принцы, чтобы не встретить лягушку и тем более ее целовать)) Кто же желает целовать лягушку?    
и на оборот-кто хочет целовать лешего, пусть заколдованного принца из сказка "Аленький цветочек"
Помнишь, Аленушка в гости к иноземному чудовищу направилась, потому что цветочек аленький очень хотела"
Надюша, пиши, моргай "дверь ногой открывай" в любую анкету, авось из 10000 леших один принц найдется



Reply to Vera on View the commented comment

You are 200% right.... but this has its problems also!!!

Every situation is unique

I dated a woman for 3 years several years ago..

The first date was from Friday to Sunday 2 nights together and doing activates during day.

First conversation was minimal for first few hours totally awkward to the point I was thinking when will this date end...

The girl very beautiful but in my head I thought arrogant!

Nothing like our phone chats...

I was so wrong!

The reason for her silence was till meeting me she had only ever slept with her husband in her life....

The date included sex but she not relax enough till last morning when orgasms came!

And we had shower together and a farewell drink....

The girl wasn't to the standard of my former lovers the date we did nice things together but there was sex but ..... no chemistry.

I am a natural born lover and sex is the intermacy is quaint-essential in relationship for me....


Some girls wont agree with this But, I like to take a test drive if I'm looking for my long term woman (but I'm here to buy not to tyre kick) if I wouldn't of seduced this girl on first night we wouldn't of been together 3 years...

on first night we had already spoke about the situation and separate rooms was always a option but she decided not to take up this offer... later she told me that sex with a new man after 20 years was a huge fear for her!!

After first date I went home I thought about the date... I thought many times. I decided that there was no chemistry but I respect this girl for many reasons the few words that she said over the weekend every one had meaning!
Every action and response also had meaning and above all the reason for not relaxed in bedroom was also qualified.

I ask her to come to my 8 bedroomed home with her 5 children... from first moment her 5 kids and my 2 boys all interact perfectly.... everything perfect but me and her wasn't perfect.... till the last day and she was going home...she orgasm 6 times we talk and the reasons for all problems are very real, like the person!

She go home.... 3rd date mutual chemistry I see her in her home I melt like butter!!! She see me and she feel same.

Her body tell me she want me. Her eyes everything.

Sadly after 3 years we finish relationship for very personal reasons I cannot write on forum... these reasons have total integrity!

If I would of video chat with this girl it wouldn't of lasted a minute!!! If we didn't have sex on first date again it wouldn't of been relationship

If people really think that human bonding is so simple it all evolves around Skype and initial butterflies there stupid, uneducated and have little experience in human relationships.

Some girls and boys on here are clever others need to be inductees to the Nutgang....

I reply long message because I up vote the response I was respected with!


Vera, 51 y.o.


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Reply to David on View the commented comment

Well according to some famous matchmaker from youtube people shouldn't have sex on a first date. Though of course it is difficult to resist if there is a spark and feeling you lack breath when you see the other person and extreme nervousness. I think is better to limit yourself to good kissing and hugs, but not cross the line. But in your case as you wrote yourself there was no chemistry, so it was better to take a distance and control yourself better if she couldn't control herself better. I think it happened as she didn't have sex for a long time and also because she had so many children to take care of and maybe thought she needed a man to help her in that no matter if there is chemistry or not. You write that if you didn't have sex on a first date you wouldn't have a relationship with her for 3 years. So I think people shouldn't force themselves into relationships like that. They should give it a time for feelings start blossoming and to think the second time about it. Test-drives is disrespect to a partner, if you are not sure you want to be with her till the rest of your life (better not do it) and just wanting to test what it will be, and if she gets pregnant and you are not ready to get married it will get worse. Also your goal is to find a life-long partner and not for a while. People can be bound by sex for few years, but when this feeling of something new and wonderful disappears, then what is left? Then people find out they have different views on life, interests and goals and even don't respect each other and if not sex they wouldn't be together, there is no even friendship left as there was none from the beginning, they find they are too different and don't want to do compromise and follow only their own interests, so sex on a first date may be a reason why these couples don't last long, I don't say it should be necessarily so but I think for a better future people should learn to suppress their primal instincts for a better outcome and then they won't waste time and hang with a wrong partner and at the end find the right one.



Reply to Vera on View the commented comment

The girl had huge house in London area... (home county's) family was rich... chemistry came later...

Kissing can soon move forward if the woman is alive!!!


Vera, 51 y.o.


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Reply to David on View the commented comment

well, there was a woman in this forum with 4 kids, would you wait for the chemistry to come if a woman wasn't rich, didn't have a big house or would you move forward then? or was the presence of assets a plus to look at her more attentively and give her more chances than for example to the ordinary poor woman from russia with 4 kids?



Reply to Vera on View the commented comment

It helps a relationship that the man has money so he can get to Eastern Europe to build a relationship.

My example was that the girl wasn't poor and needed a dad for her kids! I wasn't last chance saloon for the girl! Far from it.

If a poor girl from Russia meets a rich man from England kids ain't a issue. Where the girls from Russia/Ukraine/Belarus fall short is the silly materialistic behaviour... A man from England will provide expenses has this is traditional here but will only give gifts from the heart!

One girl may say to another girl I got a ring, some shoes or whatever off the man... if a girl waits for feelings and for gifts without asking she's more likely to find a husband and get the gifts from the heart.

I've seen a couple of the girls who have husbands off this site try advise the others logic but the girls have not understood or taken onboard this advise

If I met a poor girl from Russia money is last thing I look for in a relationship because in Russia and Eastern Europe your teachers and important people within community are not paid there worth. If this girl has 4 children I observe her qualities has a mother has it tells me everything!




Vera, 51 y.o.


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Reply to David on View the commented comment

I understand your point. Well do you think a woman and also a man should inform each other of some health problems or other problems they have in life in first letters? How appropriate it could be? For example I can't get rid of my alergic cough for years now. I wonder how I would go dating if I had to. Not all people believe that the cough is alergic and then they start thinking I am contagious. I can't stand the smells of some foods (only the smells, eating the food won't cause any consequences like with some other people), smoke, fresh grinded coffee, purfumes - I start coughing. Then I can't touch anything cold, for example I open a fridge to take out something cold like milk or butter or whatever in steel box and again I cough, though eating an icecream in waffers doesn't cause that, but if it was an icecream in a vase (cup) in cafe and I touched the vase I would cough. Then when I come into some shop or office for example, outside is heat and inside the conditioner is working, the change of air temperatures from warm to cold also causes me caugh continuously. Some tea can help but it doesn't take away the symptoms for long. I drank some syrups but also they don't help much. The doctors don't find anything serious, they think I am healthy, one said it was just because of my stomack, but as I chose food accurately now I don't have these problems with stomack often now, so as I read in internet it's alergy which nobody will heal here. I guess maybe I would be treated better if I lived abroad but I don't think it will come that far. I wonder what a man would think if I was coughing all the time on a date or when he tried to kiss me. Also I watched some humorous video at youtube of a woman giving advice what to do if a date went wrong. So she said if you can't stand the guy any longer and want to get out of there and not to offend the guy just say you are alergic, then ask a cook what ingredients they put in food, then "oh my God I can't stand this ingredient", then search for your medicine in a bag and show you can't find it, then stand up and apologise that you have to go away because of that, that everything was fine and that the guy was fine and the date was great, but due to the circumstances she has to leave. It was very funny to watch. I wonder if it really happens what the guy would believe.



Reply to Tatyana on View the commented comment

Помнится, чудище ей сначала небо в алмазах устроил.. это потом уже вот это вот все "батюшка, я слово ему дала!" 



Reply to L on View the commented comment

лишь бы наоборот не оказалось, что поцеловала принца , а принц превратился в лягушонка . В жизни же обычно так )))




Reply to Vera on View the commented comment

My darling, I think that for a person with this permanent cough quality of communication before Skype or meeting is important.

If you find a man he needs to be aware of health issues otherwise he's not meeting the person on the profile.

Also if you tell him and he understands your issues you know you have found a kind caring human... such a human if there are minor looks issues on Skype then you can balance this with his positive character....

longer you talk before Skype more chance looks are less important.

I once dated a woman with a twitch making faces like rabbit she was very thin sexy and nice looking sadly it was her dull personality that put me off not the outrageous twitch!!

If a person likes you they will accept your cough and if you like them you accept there imperfections... hence the Skype thing is very subjective at times.

I also view your profile I think you have some beautiful pictures but you have pictures I also don't like! I am honest! Maybe depending on what day you Skype would determine the first impression... I am same... some days I look great others not so hence I don't put so much time into Skype but into the person!


My views Dave



Imagine being a man. No one is interested in the banal "Hello, how are you? " (there are exceptions, and as here already wrote in the case of a spectacular photo, a man can wink and reciprocate). I think if you are really interested in any man, and do not do mass mailing, before writing, please read his application, write questions with regards to exactly describe it. I think anyone will be pleased to know that you are really interested in them and conducted a small analysis.



Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

О, Боже! Зачем вы так грубо....? Женщины тоже выкладывают фото на котором они удачно вышли и даже с фотошопом, не говорю уже о старых фото, мужчины на это часто жалуются... но представьте, если бы Вы вышли в скайп,и мужчина от разочарования, что ваш образ, который он составил по фото, не совпали с вашим реальным образом, написал бы вам: "Старая обезьяна". Вы бы от такого не оправились и через полгода.



Reply to Vera on View the commented comment

First letter telling about cough is both reckless and stupid because the person needs to know and respect you before you can give this personal information.

In first letter the likely outcome will be just like getting negative information off a total stranger.

Getting this information off someone you hold in high regard has integrity trust and forms part of human bonding and a much better idea in my view


Vera, 51 y.o.


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Reply to David on View the commented comment

well I understand. But unfortunately I am not a big friend of skype, I won't hang there all the time and wait for a man to come online. My notebook and internet connection doesn't let lead long web-cam conversations as it breaks my notebook, there is no sound, I can show myself for few minutes in web-cam without sound for person to know how I look like, then switch it off and continue with typing, I also feel myself comfortable that way, I don't like men wanting to look at women's reactions all the time, but men prefer to look at women all the time and if I switch off web-cam there is no further communication, also right questions don't come to my mind and there is no right communication if person is only looking and smiling at me in web-cam and not answering significant questions, I might be busy with other things in Internet as well and have no time for those who just want to look and won't communicate with me through writing. So I find skype is not a good idea, making normal phone calls would be better. What's the sense of looking at each other all the time in skype, this is stupid. I prefer a person of action, if he likes how I look like, liked me on regular phone (not through internet), then he should meet me or leave. I haven't met such men yet as of course travel could be expensive.


Which photos you didn't like and why? And what kind of photos would you like to see on woman's page? I have many other photos at my social networks but it's difficult to chose.



Reply to Alina on View the commented comment

Алина, абсолютно согласна. Я считаю, что жизнь бумеранг: что посылаешь, то и получаешь.



Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

На Вашей картинке все оптимистично))




Reply to Vera on View the commented comment

Your pictures that are bad? the one in cockpit of plane ✈️ the idea is fantastic but the picture and angle is not complimentary to you! The picture with the blue background is extremely bad! The angle, the light, how close up, make up everything about this picture will lose interest off men! You have enough pictures up so If it was me I'd take these two pictures down and you should get more attention off men I think.. my opinion has a man!


Vera, 51 y.o.


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Reply to David on View the commented comment

thanks, I removed those and added other ones, which are waiting for verification now.



Reply to Vera on View the commented comment

Вера, мои вам комплименты. Вы такая красивая. Два языка и третий на начальном уровне! Вау! Вы правильно делаете, что спрашиваете и прислушиваетесь к советам. Выбрасывайте все пессимистические мысли из головы и всё у вас получится. Вам, я думаю, только кажется, что кашель такая уж проблема. Врачи не видят проблем. Ходите же вы на работу, в магазины и т.д., никто вас не выгоняет, никто не жалуется. Надо конечно обследоваться и устранить кашель, но постарайтесь на нём не зацикливаться. Я согласна с Дэвидом, мужчины намного терпимее к нашим особенностям, чем нам кажется.



Reply to L on View the commented comment

вот такие мы-слово "дала"))



Reply to Vera on View the commented comment

Profile is now very good. You have used good background locations. You have enough pictures and there consistent. You can see your in good shape from your pictures. You sound a really nice person. You have done all you can. I’ll add if people ask to skype don’t with someone you don’t know. Get to know someone before you say about cough or anything that you’d not tell a stranger. Go for attraction but be realistic there’s a huge amount of women on here so a huge amount of competition. Dave


Inessa, 57 y.o.


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Irina, 47 y.o.

United Kingdom

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Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

Все просто, Надежда) Дело в том что английский- не родной язык Дэвида. Ведь так, Дэвид? )))


Irina, 47 y.o.

United Kingdom

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Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

Очень очень сильно и долго смеялась😊  Браво, Надя! Так ему и надо! А то ишь ...


Irina, 47 y.o.

United Kingdom

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Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

С голодухи и очень уж хотел понравиться. ))) Что в общем-то, к сожалению, подчеркивает сходство в поведении некоторых мужчин с нашими родственниками- обезьянами.))) демонстрация шрамов, боХатсв, и далее по списку- не что иное как попытка привлечь самку к спариванию. Ну вот откуда в них это, во взрослых-то мужиках- не пойму до сих пор? Ну как надо прожить жизнь, чтобы свести женщин к примитивному знаменателю самки реагирущей на яркий хвост или *опу?



Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

Был у меня случай... пообщались в переписке, вроде бы адекватный, не глуп, на фото довольно молодо выглядит... и вот скайп... старше на 10-15 лет, и сразу вопрос - мой размер груди... обалдела слегка, потом рассмеялась, спросила "А тебе то зачем? Просто подержать в руках?" Мой сарказм не понял (спасибо моему ужасному немецкому)... и тут началось "Я богат, я ещё ого-го какой мОлодец, я приеду на встречу, путешествие по Золотому Кольцу и бла бла бла…" В итоге сослалась на неотложные дела и отключилась... Потом сообщения полились потоком. Я сказала что меня материальная сторона интересует в последнюю очередь, и тема секса несколько преждевременна... перестал говорить о богатстве и сексе. Снова начали общение в Скайп … но как говорится "горбатого могила исправит" и снова разговоры о сексе... Оборвала разговор... И получила кучу фото с тем, от чего я отказалась "евро веерами (купюры крупные) и сверху записка с суммой, драгоценности - колечки, серьги, цепочки-кулончики, даже колье имелось" Ну как можно доказать мужчине, что это не главное? Не стала доказывать... Вероятно по его мнению должна кусать локти  



Не расстраивайтесь. На сайтах это часто бывает, не свои фото и т. д. Пусть этому человеку будет стыдно за враньё, а вы вели себя достойно, молодец. Не падайте духом жизнь может измениться действительно в один момент. Но не расслабляться и не забывать про альфонсоф и аферистов, коих здесь водиться достаточно.



Сталкивалась с такими....

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