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Paul, 57 y.o.


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Travel expenses

Why do women expect men to pay for everything? Travel expenses hotel, cab, or limo,translator, all bills for food, airplane flight, flowers food for transator, ect ect....... This is not a fair playing field ...While the woman pays nothing.... women will little or no money in. Relationships are give and take not one side taking all..............    

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Olga, 45 y.o.


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Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Наташа. а никто не говорит что недостаток средств это бедность. Я например по Российским меркам хорошо зарабатываю. Но простите, коммуналка у нас гораздо выше, чем на западе, далее продукты. Я предпочитаю здоровое питание,  а это сами понимаете не дешево. Спортзал. Обслуживание авто ( КАСКО  и ОСАГО), техническое обслуживание. Про одежду и обувь отдельная тема, гораздо выше, чем в Европе. Молчу, про МЕДИЦИНУ И ЛЕКАРСТВА!!!!!!! Поход к стоматологу это иногда выкачка денег, а по полюсу ждите неделями!!!!!!

И сходить раз в месяц куда-нибудь хочется. Мне предложите во всем себе отказать, для встречи с принцем, сэкономив на путешествие к нему. Поэтому, я не стесняюсь говорю открыто, мои доходы и расходы, не позволяют осуществлять значимых накоплений на путешествия.



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Вот и я о том же, Ольга, это как озвучить, то есть по умному, как Вы и написали, но не жаловаться, что зарплата 30 евро, как здесь писали.


Eric, 76 y.o.


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Natasha ,

About the clothes and (ladies) shoes/boots.Yes , it was my understanding , that in Ukraine , the prices were almost the same , as in the shops/stores in Holland.

So , it means that with lower salaries , it will take some time , before you can buy them.

If you talk about Asian or Chinese products , than it is a different matter.You can buy clothes and shoes , at a lower price.

But , of course the quality will be substantially lower.So , it`s good to check different shops or markets.

And also to buy when there is a sale.I also did noticed , that there are many malls now in Ukraine.
Most of them , are of a German origine.

Which means that goods are imported , and so the prices will be more or less the same as in Germany.
And compared to Holland , almost all products , are cheaper in Germany than in Holland.

Many people living in the border areas in Holland , do their shopping in Belgium or Germany.


Unfortunately I can`t - live in the middle of the country.



Natalya, 66 y.o.


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Reply to Serdar on View the commented comment

My heart has become warmer because there are men in the world who understand everything about women like you, Sam!



Reply to Natalya on View the commented comment

Natalya , Thank you and I am glad that you liked my comments. But, I wish I was able to understand "everything about women"    ! If I were able to understand everything I would not be here I guess  



Reply to Serdar on View the commented comment

Sam, Вы молодец!

Желаю Вам найти прекрасную женщину и быть счастливым!



Reply to Nataliya on View the commented comment

  Thank you Nataliya..



Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Наталия, а при чем здесь жалость??? Это правда жизни! И если мужчина не понимает почему украинская женщина не может позволить себе оплатить поездку к нему, то он должен знать как обстоят дела в Украине. Да, это позорно, что мы имеем такие мизерные зарплаты и пенсии. Но это факт!!! А то что наши женщины при таких мизерных зарплатах умудряются выглядеть хорошо, это только плюс нашим женщинам!



Reply to Viktoriya on View the commented comment

Viktoriya, It is a huge PLUS for the Eastern European women to be able to look great with such limited/modest income.


Nikol, 49 y.o.


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Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

У каждого на форуме своя цель , ощущение себя в гармонии со своей душой имеет отгромное значение лично для меня( видимо не для всех это важно) Поэтому я никогда не поеду за счёт мужчины на первое свидание, если мужчина сильно заинтересован он приедет либо кл мне либо на нейтральную территорию на пару дней , зато я ощущаю себя спокойно , несмотря на то, что мужчины предлагают оплатить билеты отели и т Д ,поэтому я понимаю женщин которые честно говорят мужчинам о своей жизни приоритетах , но это ни в коем случае не говорит о том что они глупые и поэтому мужчина не купит билет ... Это же не самоцель поехать в Европу за счёт мужчины ... Цели у этих женщин найти любимого мужчину а не попутешествовать за их счет



Paul, some countries have not the sale level of richness as developed countries.
Example, the USD dollar relation with minimum salary in Mexico surprisely is between 4/5 ratio. Minimum daily salary divided on 1 USD dollar.

On many years we have a variation of 4 or 5 ratio. My actual income is USD $3,000 per month.

I can travel to EE yearly. I have found that my Mexican peso salary converted into USD is always enough to travel , the most expensive for me is the flight ticket USD $1,200 from Monterrey to Moscow. Hotel and food is cheap at Moscow compared to Monterrey. Clothes are very cheap for me buying at the underground mall of red square.

The political finances of countries made the difference. So living standards are not equal among countries. Do not expect ladies will travel to you with such economic difference. Also as men, we must travel first to EE as to visit your prospect.

Chivalry is appreciated worldwide as women are enchanted with such gallantry.


Also men are the head and provider. Look into gentlemen section about women mindset and men mindset books I posted there ( in my old account).

Otherwise if you expect to pay on travels of women to you, you could attract scammers.



Do you know about the (average) income in former Soviet regions...?

The debate of what "fair" and "just" means is as old as mankind. A dollar to you is peanuts whilst to somebody else it's a fortune (fig. of speech).



Most comments here will say that its the mans responsibility! Why? Women have won their unequal womans rights LONG AGO. So now ladies you have the right to pay up, you wanted the rights! Well this should be included. The excuse of no money is your personal problem. If you seriously want a man then straighten up your life to make it easier and dont expect him tp pay for all your stuff. This liberalisation of such things means that there are far more men out there working for far less money now than 50 years ago. The authorities who allowed your equality complaints to succees didnt raise womens pay to accomodiate you, they lowered mens pay instead and now to add to the misery of it all there are ''refugees'' coming from all parts of the world to help drive down incomes even more. For example, in UK a travelling (locum) pharmacist would expect £35 an hour in 2005, the rate has now plummetted to £15 an hour 12 years later, why? because they come from India and Somalia with so called qualifications and they take a lot less money!!! Another example, I was first married in 1992, cost me £20,000 which was all of my inheritance from my late father. In 2001 she announced divorce when her father was dieing! (imagine that!) and she is still spending her inheritance money (far more than I and bragging about it) Plus she took everything in the divorce. She owns a house now and still rent........Is all this fair? Is all this womens rights fair? Should I pay for yet another woman? Is that fair too? My earning capacity has been hammered through the years just like many men for this equality and fairness nonsence. I notice it 35 odd years ago as a teenager and hoped I wouldnt get stung with what has been going on.

I personally dont care about the perception about men paying 100%, I dont care that some of you will have a go at me for what I said her, or that some of you will call me bitter and all those other colourful words. I have heard more than it all and I'll say once more, Ladies if you so desperatly want a man, you pay for him as much as he has to and stop claiming rights you dont have.

There are a great many men my age that wont even look for a woman as I am discovering, yet the women are looking, all of them.



Reply to Tom on View the commented comment

Good morning, Tom.
I saw your phofile and excuse me, but i would like to ask what married man are searching here?) 


Olga, 48 y.o.


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Reply to Tom on View the commented comment

Right ,Tom, do not look for a woman Tom, look for a man   , revenge to all women by choicing a man   



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Stunning council!!!!!
Quite so! 1000 times FOR!   


Eric, 76 y.o.


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Reply to Tom on View the commented comment

Tom ,

There are Always 2 sides to a coin.Some of what you say , is undeniably true.Yes , feminism has gotten to many levels in Western society.

And yes the governments did much to facilitate it.However you are overlooking one thing.Men (children , teens , young adults) were also subjected to this.

And , no the government didn't do anything to prevent , that young males would be indoctrinated by all this.
I don't blame the Western men , because in fact they sometimes are not aware that they themselves are feminist.

When they were raised by a mother with this ideology , you cannot or would not know any better.
In fact , it's the only thing that you were teached at home and at school.

And what about our politicians ??I can say the same for them.

As much as it hurts , when you must go through a divorce , and then pay alimony , in my vieuw it's only fair.
The woman she must bring up your kids.She can or may not be able to work.


It all depends on individual situations.

At the moment , I feel that you are reasoning from the same point of vieuw , as the feminist Western women.

Look at other cultures.Where feminism has not taken over completely , and you will see what I mean.
In Islam it's the man who leads.In many Asian cultures , it's just the same.

In many EE countries and maybe in some parts of Russia , feminism is not so stringent.But it is making it's way there.

The culture in these countries is different , so , yes I have no problem to pay for the woman's ticket or dinner or taxi.

The question is , if you are aware of these differences ...



Anastasia, 36 y.o.


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Reply to Eric on View the commented comment

Totally agree.
Most (thanks God not all) men from Canada, the USA or Western Europe thinks that a Slav woman must be happy only to see him nearby. Come on, guys, you are not presents just as you are.
There are enough selfish men here, no reason to meet some selfish men from abroad.


Anastasia, 36 y.o.


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Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Totally agree.


Marina, 41 y.o.


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Отношения между мужчиной и женщиной это не рыночные отношения. ( Лично для меня хотя бы). И если начинаются торги -- оплати , дорогая моя, 5-10% ....)то ищите женщину на месте. Сбережете и нервы, и время, и главное, деньги. Удачи!


Eric, 76 y.o.


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Reply to Anastasia on View the commented comment

You are welcome!


Marina, 51 y.o.


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Reply to Eric on View the commented comment

Like you post!great!

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