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Andreas, 43 y.o.


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Where is everyone

Been on this site for 3 month now and i am so bored and no inspiration =( . I thought i would find a nice woman by now here =)  but i am not sure anymore. I wanna have deap talk with someone speciell, but so far, all i so shallow and after some of the standard question that 90 % i ask, they all later dissipear.  Now days i only write a few lines at most to a woman because no body answer long letters. Anyone having the same problem here? I remember when i was young and recieved many long love letters from girls, maybe is a new generation now that dont like communication like that. =( Anyone having some idees, what i caned do different?


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Eric, 76 y.o.


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Reply to Vera on View the commented comment

Vera ,

Very good and solid advice and information.
I knew that you could do it -  


Eric, 76 y.o.


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Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

But the heading was already there.And why start another post in an already existing post ?
And maybe you did not fully understand the intention of her post ?

I don't want to sound too smart , but I don't understand your remarks .


André Luiz, 34 y.o.


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In your only comment in this forum until now, you said that you were already blocked by women on this site after to send them a smiley. A letter containing only an emoticon is short.
On the other hand, on this post, you complain that no one does not respond your long letters and that many girls disappear after you send some questions in messages to them.
Well, analyzing what you wrote in this forum, I can conclude that you should review what you are sending to the women here.
Recently, it was discussed why some ladies do not like to receive only a smiley in the first message. If you want to know reasons for that, you can check it in some comments of the post titled "On the blocking of the profiles." published in the section "Men & women" on the day August 26, 2017 (Greenwish Mean Time). Basically, according what I read there, they think that to send only a smiley in the first message is immature and does not demonstrate seriousness in who is contacting. You may find other posts approaching the issue.

So, in relatin to your letters, you should make more pleasant messages to be read, considering who is the woman contacted, her search criteria, goals, interests, culture and traditions. Avoid mistakes or missundertandings. Also, previously, think which questions are appropriated to ask the lady at the moment, trying her interest on communicating with you.

Not only your messages should be reviewed, but also other questions commented on this topic, such as your profile, your current state of pessimism on this site, and other things. I hope that you think about any advice posted here.


Olga, 60 y.o.


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Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

ему сейчас 62, а второй  жене - 37...есть его пост в "Парах и поздравлениях"..


Eric, 76 y.o.


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Reply to André Luiz on View the commented comment

What you say is partly true.But there are more things at play.
And let's not forget that women do sent many emoticons.

I receive smileys some times.

So , I believe that the truth is somewhere in the middle ..



Reply to Eric on View the commented comment

Interesting, and instead of asking you neg me. Very intelligent indeed…
My remark is a direct reference to the alleged "many wrongs" which in fact only cover ONE aspect: finances.
Clear enough now?


André Luiz, 34 y.o.


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Reply to Eric on View the commented comment

Hi, Eric!
I just mentioned possible reasons why some ladies blocked who sent only an emoticon in the first contact, basing in the own comments of the women in the post cited by me. I did not mention my opinion about the issue in my previous comment.
I never blocked anyone on this site. But any member may have the own motives to block an user here. What I described is one of them. In the forum, I already saw some men complaining that some girls block them after to do that in the first contact. The author is an example. Perhaps the reason is another, but the fact is that some women have already blocked who acted so.
So, basing on what I have seen in the forum, I would not recommend to send only an emoticon in the first letter to a strange person, despite some people appreciate that. I even like to receive smileys too. But I never sent it as first contact to a woman.


Eric, 76 y.o.


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Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

Ben ,

My apologees if my post came as some sort of insult to you.
It was NOT my intention or goal .
That's why I said - "I don't want to sound too smart" .

When Andreas says that he is going to remove "all the scammers" , it is not a matter of finances in my opinion.

But I feel that we have misunderstood - or interpreted - several things differently.

But I get your point now - all clear ....


Eric, 76 y.o.


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Reply to André Luiz on View the commented comment

Hi Andre ,

Well I said that I partly agree with you.And I have never blocked any woman also.
And personally , I don't send just a smiley , as a first post.

Some dating sites , will give that as a method , to start an initial contact.
To break the ice so to speak.

But I don't believe that , sending an emoticon is a proper way to start a correspondence with a Slavic woman.

It may work for some women , but it would not hurt , for the men , to put some more energy and work , when initiating a first contact with a complete strange woman.

My comments were just in a general way , so to speak.And not specifically aimed at your post and at what you said.

So , I feel that we have the same vieuw on this matter.


André Luiz, 34 y.o.


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Reply to Eric on View the commented comment

Hi, Eric!
OK. Thank you for the explanation!
Each person has the own opinion, but we agree on that matter.
Also there were ice-breaks on this site years ago, but they were discontinued here. I never used them.
Perhaps one of the purposes in removing that feature of the site was to encourage the members to be more creative when beginning a communication.


Eric, 76 y.o.


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Reply to André Luiz on View the commented comment

Yes !
So , you remember about the ice - breakers ?
Are you such a long visitor of this site and you have been corresponding with ladies here , all this time ?

Or were you just reading the profiles and the forum ?

Have you already made a visit to E Europe and/or Russia ??
Or are you planning to go (this year) ?


André Luiz, 34 y.o.


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Reply to Eric on View the commented comment

Hi, Eric!
Yes, I remember the ice-breaks on this site. I am feeling old right now. Ha, ha, ha!
I am registered here since 2009, but I was not active mostly of the time. How about you?
Also, I communicated with some women here before, but I keep contact with only three of them outside, even seldom. It is just communication and friendship.
For while, I am not writing to girls on this site, but basically spending my time in its forum, as I am busy in other activities. And you?
I never visited another country, but I plan to travel somewhere few years later from now, after to conclude some steps in my life. Did you travel to other places already? Do you still plan to visit other country?


Eric, 76 y.o.


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Reply to André Luiz on View the commented comment

Andre ,

Ok , so you are reading here most of the time.
For some years I was registered on other Russian dating sites.

Here I am active for some years , and mostly also on the forum.
If you are really serious , to find a Slavic wife , you should not wait too long , to go and visit some countries in E Europe or Russia.

Social and economic changes are happening fast in EE and because of that (some) people may change also.
Already people from Ukraine can visit the European Union without a visa.

So , it will be harder to meet women there , because many may already be moving around in Europe.

Yes , I have been to Ukraine now 3 times.It is a beautiful country and the people are very friendly and helpful.
Also this country has a great history and many places , that are really worth to visit.

And no , I have not been to many different cities.But I may visit other places , in my next visit.
I do like the weather though , in the South of Ukraine.


But in Winter it can be very cold ( I was not there in Winter ).But that may happen also ...


André Luiz, 34 y.o.


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Reply to Eric on View the commented comment

Hello, Eric!
I was not aware about those things related to Ukraine that you said. So, thank you for letting me know!


Inessa, 57 y.o.


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Reply to Peter on View the commented comment

Вероятно, Вы богатый человек.Ваши близнецы с кем сейчас живут?


Ekaterina, 39 y.o.


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You just need to find those girls which wrote you those long letters and continue to communicate with them and be happy.


Andreas, 43 y.o.


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Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

Ty Ben for your input. I appreciate that you taking your time. I had some scamming experience thats why so i dont want them to find me again. 


Andreas, 43 y.o.


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Reply to André Luiz on View the commented comment

True, i had so much inspiration in the beginning but now not that much mostly the lack of responses. I took them away now for my defense is because of the scammers. 


Andreas, 43 y.o.


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Reply to Vera on View the commented comment

Hello Vera, much apreciated that you wanna help, so i thank you for your input in this matter. 1. Culture and Scamming warnings when somebody want them to pay for somebody they dont know. 2. I notice this long letters is not welcome but short seems so lazy and not serious. 3. I hade never ask a sex question so far. Thanks again and i did some edite.


Andreas, 43 y.o.


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Reply to Peter on View the commented comment

Takk så mye at du tog deg tid at skreve til meg   Its nice that somebody who find love take time. I did some editering.


Olga, 48 y.o.


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какие могут быть длинные любовные письма к незнакомому человеку в интернете? вы ищите реальные знакомства и серьезные отношения или женщину у которой много свободного времени и талант писательства? не нужно думать что все кто не проявил к вам интерес или перестал отвечать - скаммеры. интерес должен быть взаимный. должен возникнуть интересный диалог. если этого не произошло, то нет смысла продолжать скучный обмен информацией.


Andreas, 43 y.o.


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Reply to Natalya on View the commented comment

ty Nataylya for your input. i did some editering.  

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