
Men & women



На одиночестве ...

*** Я с помощью переводчика с английского на русский. Мой родной язык является португальский ..

На одиночестве ...
Это был не просто технический прогресс, что ознаменовало начало этого тысячелетия. Любовные отношения также претерпевают глубокие преобразования и революцию концепцию любви.

В настоящее время, то, что искал это отношения совместимы с современными раз, в котором индивидуальность, уважение, радость и удовольствие быть вместе, могут существовать; больше не отношения зависимости, в которой каждый партнер передает другой ответственности за благополучие.

Идея один человек быть решение для нашего счастья, который родился с романтизмом, суждено исчезнуть в начале нового века. Романтическая любовь основывается на предположении, что мы фракции и надо найти наш недостающий половину того, чтобы чувствовать себя полным. Часто, даже процесс потери личности может произойти, которые, исторически, была преимущественно пострадавших женщин. Она отказывается ее характеристики с целью укрупнения к мужскому проекта. Теория связи между противоположностями также проистекает из этого корня: другой должен знать, как сделать то, что я не в состоянии сделать.
Если я послушный, мой партнер должен быть агрессивным, и так далее. Это практичная идея для выживания, но не совсем романтическая, кстати.
В этом веке слово команды является партнерство. Мы обмениваемся любовь потребность в любви желания.
Мне нравится и желание товарищеские, но я не нужен, что делает огромную разницу.
С технического прогресса, который требует больше индивидуальное время, люди теряют страх одиночества и научиться жить лучше в своей собственной компании. Они начинают замечать, что они могут чувствовать себя фракцию, но что они целы. Друга, с которым устанавливает связь, а также чувствует себя фракции. Но он не принц или спасителем. Он просто компаньоном для путешествия.
Человек животное, изменяет мир и, впоследствии, необходимо переработать себя, чтобы приспособиться к миру, что он сфабриковал. Мы вступаем в век индивидуальности, которая не имеет ничего общего с эгоизмом. Эгоистичным человек не имеет ничего энергии; он питается энергией, исходящей от других, будь то финансовые или моральные. Новая форма любви, или больше любви, имеет новые функции и значение.
Она направлена ​​на встрече двух целых существ, а не воссоединение двух половинок. А это возможно только для тех, кто преуспевает выработать свою индивидуальность.
Более компетентны человек становится жить в одиночестве, более подготовлены, он будет для положительного любовного отношения. Одиночество в порядке; быть в одиночестве не стыдно. Напротив, оно придает достоинство личности. Положительные любовные отношения очень хорошие; они очень похожи, чтобы быть в одиночестве; никто не требует ничего от друга, и оба могут расти. Отношения господства и преувеличенной уступок остались в прошлом веке. Каждый мозг уникален. Наш образ мышления и действия, не может служить в качестве эталона для оценки кого-либо еще.
Часто мы считаем, что другой наш родственную душу, когда, на самом деле, то, что мы делали, было выдумать по вкусу. Каждый должен оставаться сами по себе раз в то время, чтобы создать внутренний диалог и открыть для себя свою личную силу.
В одиночестве, индивидуальный понимает, что гармония и спокойствие может быть найдено только внутри себя, а не в другом. По восприятия этого он становится менее критичным и больше понимания о различиях, уважая каждую сторону бытия.
Любовь между двумя целыми лиц гораздо здоровее. В этом типе связи cozyness существует, плюс удовольствие в компании и уважения к любимой. Это не всегда достаточно, чтобы быть прощены кем-то, иногда нужно научиться прощать себя.



Although I find this topic very interesting I feel most get it wrong. As a society most men have gotten weaker. The days of the hunter gatherer are gone. Men now feel the need to show their strength with big muscles, power, wealth, new toys , younger women, etc. etc.

Women want equal rights, and they should have them. Woman are as capable of doing most things as a man is. But, most women desire their man to be a man at home. They want their man to have the answers, provide a sense of security, and feel that no matter what life brings, their man will handle it and see them thru it. This is the true strength of a man. As an example, my daughter, who is 19 years old, feels that no matter what happens, dad will take care it. Her strength comes from the knowledge that her dad will provide that rock for her to stand on no matter what storms life brings her way. She is confident in herself because of my steadfast love and support of her, and my ability to be strong inside about all things. This does not mean she needs me to cry with her. Although when her heart is broke, I do cry with her, but on the inside. All she see's is her dad sitting with her, comforting her, and this she draws strength from.


Why men feel the need to let all their emotions show all the time is dumb founding to me. I have my weaknesses as all do, but in the face of adversity I choose to over come them instead of wallowing in them as many do these days. Men have lost perspective on what women truly need in their lives from a man. The insecurities men show these days is astounding to a person like me. To let your wife, daughter, girl friend, see these insecurities and other weakness will always spell doom for a relationship. Women draw strength from their man, being many men these days are weak, women must be stronger than they really wish to be. The roles are reversed from what the natural order of relationships are..

Most women, want their men to be good men, true to themselves and their relationship, a place they can shelter when life is too much, or be picked up when their self esteem is low. My thoughts are a man needs to be supportive and strong in all aspects of his life. This does not mean dominating and abusive, or trying to rule over your household. A man should be supportive, accommodating, giving, and most importantly loving. But, the women in your life should know that in a time of crisis, that you are willing to pick up sword and armor, and wade into battle when necessary.

Why men are weaker these days, I do not know or even care. What I do know is that in all things, your happiness or contentment should never be based on another. I do not want or need someone to complete me. I am complete as I am. I search for someone to enhance my life, bring new perspectives, to enjoy the things in life that I enjoy or to show me new things.

I am single for reasons outside of this topic. In life we should all grow and evolve, but keep to our core values. Sometimes a relationship can not be repaired or healed, for many reasons. Sometimes life leaves no other course of action and separating is better than destroying one another. My ex and I still talk, we are friends, and she still brings her problems and concerns to me regularly.

Many men will disagree with me, I do not care. Know this, the women that read this, it will speak to their hearts and desires. Women want their men to be men, if they wanted something else they would date other women. Be strong in all you do, self evaluate your actions and motives. Learn to be the rock and not allow a paper cut to traumatize you. Have your feelings but learn how to control them and over come them. Let them show when compassion is needed but also know how to over come them when strength is needed. Emotions and feelings should never be the driving force in your life. Loving and supporting, being the source of courage and strength for those around you, these are a mans true strengths. For me, I strive to always be the calm in the storm. May you find this within you also.

Forgive me please, American-English does not always translate well on this site.


Arina, 60 y.o.


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  Всё прочитала !!!
Сегодня буду смотреть бразильский сериал   Не имеет значения ---какой будет, то и посмотрю!


Tatiana, 57 y.o.


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Reply to Earl on View the commented comment

Everything is quite clear, intelligibly and it is reasoned,... you are objective and prudence. Thanks, Earl !!!



Я согласна с Вами, Marcos.

Родственная душа - это много общего, но не одинакового. Как можно искать мужчину, который понимает вас лучше, чем вы сами? Или имеет такие же интересы, что и Вы (вышивать крестиком, выращивать цветы). Два человека не могут существовать в полной гармонии без того, что-бы хотя-бы один из них "не прогнулся" под другого. Кто-то поступается своей точкой зрения, другие  избегают конфликтов, мечтая о спокойной жизни. Я не хочу, чтобы мой любимый человек был клоном. Мы не "двое из ларца, одинаковы с лица". Ощущение постоянной общности постепенно отнимает их индивидуальность. Границы размываются. Непонятно, где заканчивается один человек и где начинается другой человек ...



Reply to Earl on View the commented comment

Earl! You have written correctly! I liked your wonderful words that "A man should be supportive, accommodating, giving, and most importantly loving. But, the women in your life should know that in a time of crisis, that you are willing to pick up sword and armor, and wade into battle when necessary. "



Reply to Earl on View the commented comment

How are you, Earl? Thank you for so much words to me. You are much better person than you think.You deserve an Incredible woman. definitely! Don't allow agressive women to bringing problems and concerns to you regularly.

Your ex wife still talk (about her problems and concerns) to you regularly because you are unable to say NO to others. This is the same reason because you are single. You are generous, genuine, laid-back and that is why you are single. Good man are more afraid of falling in love.

Translation from American English to another language is not a problem (it is far better then Portuguese to Russian). The most common type of mistake in translating is because we employ the same word for more than one meaning. This is the same to our thinking system: we employ the same word "love" for more than one meaning. We think by means of phrases and words. In our reasoning process they play a similar role to numbers in Mathematics. Any ambiguity in the choice of words determines an error that, in the sequence of thoughts, will tend to be amplified and will lead us to more mistaken conclusions each time.


I have a daughter too. I guess (and i may be wrong) that you fear that disappointing her so much that you run on lenience over than you should. Seems like you are a good father but if steadfast love and support of her about all things... If you take care "no matter what happens" she may see this behavior as weakness and take advantage of this. We have to teach our daughters a modicum of the moral principles that rule life in society.

* thank you for giving an idea about a important topic: raising a child. Without your help i would have never posted something about it.
Sorry if i somehow hurt your feelings (I think it's important)



Reply to Arina on View the commented comment

Могу ли я попросить вас об одолжении? Ищите свое счастье и счастье людей, которых вы любите.



Reply to Mila on View the commented comment

thank you! have an incredible day!



Reply to Marcos on View the commented comment

My ex is not an aggressive woman, she has a severe alcohol problem. I still speak with her because she is a good person that has some problems to deal with and obviously I could not help her. She is a good woman despite her problems. Since the children are grown there was no further reason for me to walk that path anymore. It does not mean I do not care for her, or am angry with her. I do not carry such feelings in my heart, they poison the soul. She is a person that needs help, I do not turn my back on anyone, and if she can draw strength from our friendship to better herself and her life, I will be that support for her. I may not be in love with her anymore but I do still love the person I know she can be.

As far as may daughter goes, she will be 20 in December. Been an honor student since first grade. Never any problems with the law. Does not drink or smoke, and is an A student in college. She was raised with much love and support, and I am incredibly proud of the young lady she has become. So yes, I love her no matter what happens. If she stumbles, or makes a mistake, as we all have in our youth, I will pick her up as I always do. Granted, this may not work with all children, but I know my daughter. I accomplish more with love with her than I ever would with anger and discipline. Maybe the key is taking the time to know your child and what will work with them. Erin would be far more devastated thinking I was disappointed in her than if I would yell and punish her. Once again, you must know what will reach your childs heart. I am a fortunate man in many regards.


Aggressive women? I do not know any. If they are aggressive, it is not with me. I try to treat everyone with calm and respect. It has been my experience that people react to my attitude, and most of the time it is easy to diffuse a situation with the right words and body language. I manage 4 office buildings, it is like having 2000 wives at times. Keeps things interesting, but it gives me perspective since it is mostly women I deal with. I listen to their concerns, and I make sure they know I do care about whatever is bothering them at the moment. It works. Maybe if more people spent more time listening instead of speaking, the world would be a better place.

I am quite capable of saying no. One must pick and choose their battles. I only speak for myself, life is about what you give and do for others, not about what you get. I give my life to being the best person I can everyday.

I am single because I do not look for the right woman, she is out there, we will find each other in time. I enjoy the conversations I have here and there on this website. I think all women are awesome, thank whatever god there is they exsist   I am not lonely nor do I need a woman in my house. My life is good, and I am thankful for it everyday. Someday she will walk into my life and I will know she is the one. Until then I enjoy what life has handed me. I am not wealthy, I drive 2005 Chevrolet truck. I live modest, my house is plain, but I love it and my truck.   It is all about what you give.

Last thing. You did not hurt my feelings. Like I said, I work with 2000 women, it would take much more than a response to a post to even scratch the surface.   I wish you good luck on your search



Reply to Earl on View the commented comment

Thank you, Earl. I think, you hit the bull's eye by your words. I don't know about most women, but I'm tired of being strong. At times I want to afford pleasure to be a bit weaker... It doesn't mean that I want a man to solve all my problems, but I would be happy to solve them _together_ with a really "supportive, accommodating, giving, and most importantly loving" partner.



Reply to Earl on View the commented comment

Earl i will not be here in December, so..
happy for your daughter! I am happy to see that you are one of persons that respect and help who is weaker!
I wish you happiness and good luck on your search also.
You are great!
thank you for sharing all this !!



Reply to Victoria on View the commented comment

He is a good, i mean a very good man, maybe incredible. It is not common. I respect this. It is not every woman that understand and find this qualities. Thanks for highlighting this. I would have missed that.
