Gentlemen's club
Very good site but still many rude women that block with no reasonsz
You know, it happened to me that sometimes you start a nice conversation but after a while you are blocked . Of course is in the right of everybody do it but…is really rude and show how many people have not good manners…. And unfortunately seems the best play for lot of scammers….sigh….
The million dollar question:
The million dollar question: How do you know YOU are in relationship with a wrong person ?
The million dollar answer: YOU will know it when
-If it is not helping you ‘Rise & be better’ ...
-If you find yourself getting worse, day dreaming more, working less, being less passionate about your dreams. ‘ IT IS NOT LOVE’ then. It is youthful melodrama.
See it is simple ! Love as an emotion, is meant to inspire – if it is not inspiring you to be better – it is a waste of time.
Quit the person, just the way one quits a job- if the person is always demoralizing you.
Is it just me?
Does any other guy here have a problem with women they are talking to here abruptly stop talking and block you? I do not know if I am doing anything wrong because they never tell me if I did anything wrong.
Kickass story alert
A crow lived in the forest and was absolutely satisfied with his life. But one day he saw a swan. “This swan is so white,” he thought, “and I am so black. This swan must be the happiest bird in the world.”
He expressed his thoughts to the swan. “Actually,” the swan replied, “I felt like the happiest bird around until I saw a parrot, which has two colors. I now think the parrot is the happiest bird in creation.” The crow then approached the parrot. The parrot explained, “I lived a very happy life until I saw a peacock. I have only two colors, but the peacock has multiple colors.”
The crow then visited a peacock in the zoo and saw that hundreds of people had gathered to see him. After the people had left, the crow approached the peacock. “Dear peacock,” the crow said, “you are so beautiful. Every day thousands of people come to see you. When people see me, they immediately shoo me away. I think you are the happiest bird on the planet.”
The peacock replied, “I always thought that I was the most beautiful and happy bird on the planet. But because of my beauty, I am entrapped in this zoo. I have examined the zoo very carefully, and I have realized that the crow is the only bird not kept in a cage. So for past few days I have been thinking that if I were a crow, I could happily roam everywhere!"
That’s our problem too. We make unnecessary comparison with others and become sad. We don’t value what God has given us. This all leads to the vicious cycle of unhappiness.
Learn to be happy with the gifts you already have been given. If you don't appreciate them, all will be lost! There will always be someone who will have more or less than you have. Keep counting your blessings, as many as you can!
SEX dynamics
HE wanna sleep with me tonight?
SHE what the hell? What are you talking about?
HE didn't mean to have sex
i meant to be around you for a night.
Look at you when you sleep, play with your hair, cuddle you, hold you in my arms,
feel you and at last kiss your forehead when you fall asleep in my arms
like a kid.
Relationship mechanics
Are you trying to achieve when it comes to love?
If you are… you’re going to make yourself miserable and drive away lovers like you do it for a job.
Something I’ve been noticing a lot lately is how focused people get on achieving something when it comes to love.
What do I mean by ‘achievement’?
Any instructions you have for the other person or yourself which you believe will further your ‘life goal’ or make you happy.
This could be anything from wanting marriage to thinking if they would just come back and start calling you the right nickname, you could finally feel loved.
Or, if there’s no one else in the picture, thinking that if ‘they’ would finally show up, you could finally start your ‘real life.’
Unfortunately, this future focus is an elegant way we make ourselves (and our lovers) feel bad.
Because relationships aren’t actually about achieving the next “milestone.”
They aren’t about getting married or having a kid or getting someone to rub your back the right way finally.
They are about connecting with someone and enjoying their company in the moment.
And… when people focus on this and this only they tend to have a very good time together. Then the other things start to take care of themselves.
Because they’re out of lack mode and onto something much more magical.
So... if, deep down, you’re striving for something, I want to encourage you to put it down.
See whether you can dial back some of that desire and whether you could already be perfectly happy in the now.
Because now is all we have. And attention to now always brings more.
Happy women' s day
Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity. Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength. A woman in any form shall be celebrated and honoured, be it, a sister or a wife or a mother or any other form. Wishing you a Happy Women’s Day! to all the strong women out there.
Женщина - спутник мужчины, наделенный равными умственными способностями. Феминизм не делает женщин сильными. Женщины уже сильны. Речь идет об изменении того, как мир воспринимает эту силу. Женщина в любой форме должна быть прославлена и почитаема, будь то сестра, жена, мать или любая другая форма. Желаю вам счастливого женского дня! Всем сильным женщинам и мое уважение всем женщинам на этом сайте.
Первая раз у Вас
Привет кто читает этот пост, это мой первый опыт в таких условиях найти свою единствеенную половину, ребят кто щдесь среди Вас опытен, то дайте свой совет или раскажите свой опыт.
Если вы девушка то будет любопытно услышать Ваше мнение.
У меня все Всех хороших поисков.
A couple who loved each other dearly was now
finally getting married it was a huge celebration
everybody who attended the wedding had a wonderful
time each one agreed that the couple
not only looked gorgeous in their wedding attire
but their love for each other was very genuine and evident
a couple of months later when the couple had settled down
the lady came to the husband with a proposal
she said recently i read somewhere about a process how to strengthen married relationships
each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit
annoying about the other and then we can discuss about how we can
improve and fix those weaknesses together
and make our lives happier the husband agreed
both of them went to a separate room in
the house and did some soul searching
to think about the things in their partner that annoyed them
they spent the rest of the day doing this exercise
and wrote down what they came up with
the next morning at the breakfast table
they decided to go over their lists
the wife offered to start she took out
her list which had many items on it
enough to fill three pages as she
started reading the list of those things in him
that annoyed her she noticed that her husband had teary eyes
when she asked him if something was
wrong he said that everything was fine and asked her to continue
reading after the wife had finished reading all the three pages to her husband
she neatly placed her list on the table and told him that it was his turn
and that after he had finished they would discuss how to work on their flaws
together in a very soft and gentle tone the husband said i don't have anything on my list
i think you're perfect the way you are and i don't want you to change
anything for me you're lovely and wonderful
and i wouldn't want to try and change anything
about you the wife was touched by his honesty and the depth of his love for
her and his acceptance of her she turned her
head to the other side and wept ladies and gentlemen there are
enough reasons in times when we feel disappointed depressed and annoyed we
don't have to go looking for them we human beings are
far from being perfect the exercise of helping
each other deal with our weaknesses is not bad
but we have to be conscious of two things
number one it has to be based on accepting
each other for who they are and to then help each other improve as far as humanly
possible and number two seeing the bad in others
even if it were with the cleanest intention to help
to serve must be accompanied with a much larger percentage
of focusing on the good in that other person trust me
you can never find a perfect partner who only sees the good in you
thinks you're perfect and loves you the way you want them to
but you can surely find a person who sees you for who you are
accepts you for who you are with all your imperfections
and loves you more than what you wanted them to and that's even better than perfect you
Do you think you are going No Where in Life? ONE LIFE SO RISE & SHINE ON
Do you think you are going No Where in Life?
Take a deep breathe
New York is threehours ahead of California, but that does not make California slow
Cameroon is six hours ahead of New York but it does not make New York slow.
Someone graduated from college at 22 but waited five years before securing a job.
Someone became a CEO at 25 but died at 50.
Someone became a CEO at 50 but lived to 90 years.
Someone is still single,
While another is married with children
Absolutely, everyone in this world works based on their own time zone.
People around you might seem to be ahead of you.
That’s total fine. Some are behind you.
Everyone is running their own race in their own time zone.
Don’t envy or mock them.
They are in their own time zone and you are in yours.
Life is about waiting for the right moment to react.
You’re not late
You’re not early
You’re very much on time, and in your time zone.
Everyone have a different exams paper meaning different questions.
Everyone have a different assignment meaning different purpose in life.
So focus on your own exampaper, your assignment and purpose.
Don’t copy and paste or steal answer else you will fail big time.
Your dreams and visions are all valid.Just take your time and do the best you can.
Be like the hummingbird.Even when mighty lions and tigers underestimated him,hecontinued to do what he could,where hewas ,just as he was, with the little he had.
You're ok just the way you are.The little work you are doing today might seem insignificant but I bet someday you will see the big picture.
You're Not late ! You're Not early.
Ultimately, one small mistake and people forget all your good deeds, why?
Ultimately, one small mistake and people forget all your good deeds, why?
Why do people forget all of your good deeds after one small mistake?
It is hard to admit for me that every one of our species is generally a self-centered being.
So you see, your good deeds are your good deeds, not their good deeds. They are much more meaningful to yourself than to others. No matter how great you have been, people will forget your greatness in days (for some, it only takes minutes to do so.). .(well, there are people who will remember to some degree, but these people are never the majority in crowds and even these people don’t always remember others’ good deeds.) It is human nature to forget and neglect. If one doesn’t forget and neglect others’ affairs, how could they happily focus on him/herself?
And it is human nature to get used to receiving good wills and take them for granted. I don’t know if you have ever heard of any stories like how someone sacrifice their money, energy and time for friends or family, and they get blamed for stop doing so when they are finally tired of the loneliness of one-sided offering game. Yes, no appreciation, just complaints and hate. If the wrongly-blamed explained that they did not owe anybody, that it is his/her right to quit, that they should not be blamed if not thanked….blabla.. The other side sometimes would defend themselves by saying things like “I did asked you to do that for me.” Anyway, a big mess, isn’t it?
A luz que ilumina a mente nos desperta para a vida
Um dia você descobre que muitas das fórmulas e regras que você criou eram meras projeções de medos fictícios. E de repente você passa a conviver melhor consigo e a se relacionar melhor com os outros. Aí você percebe que a vida pode ser bem mais simples do que parece e mais intensa do que se espera. Então você decide não mais viver por medos e antecipações, mas por fé e convicção. E você aprende que para uma vida plena, saudável e feliz, é preciso alimentar a fé ao invés de colecionar medos.
Harry Érick
How do you I know if i am wasting my time or not
Have you ever asked yourself, “Am I Wasting my youth”? If not, then you are probably not asking yourself the right questions. It is actually quite easy to know. Ask yourself – ‘Are you doing the MOST important things; that you could be doing or are you wallowing in moods, temptations and distractions’?
There are distractions galore in this ever advancing world. Some are obvious while most are cleverly concealed for the understanding of a brain which is 15 to 35 yrs old. Most of us give in to those distractions & temptations just as easily as they come into our lives.
Stop. Take a moment. And think about what I am writing next
“If what you are doing is not taking you TOWARDS your Life Goals, it is taking you AWAY from them.”
Give this statement a hard thought and find out 5 things you do on a regular basis that are taking you nowhere. And with the limited time we have in our lives, to work on our purposes, wouldn’t it be a shame – to have wasted away most of it, gambled it away for pleasures that are momentary, ephemeral and addictive too? Social Media, Mobile Phone, Selfie addcition, Friends & their issues, Relationship issues & addictions, laziness, day dreaming, TV addiction to irregular sleep habits – the habit traps are many. How to get rid of bad habits- the practical way?
People of my age and beyond know the tremendous power youthfulness has. Having lived through it, we realize in retrospect – what amazing things we could have achieved, if only we had rerouted our focus locus to a more disciplined path. And that’s why I write this blog post. Don’t do the mistakes that your fathers repent. Youth is a wonderful time to be alive, to kill yourself working out of your comfort zone, to achieve your most huge-ass dreams. Sitting and whiling away your life won’t do it. Getting up and taking action would.
Youth is that time when you are mostly attachment free, there are not many family & money responsibilities, and you can afford to fall and learn. It is that time where you can get lost, lose yourself and then find yourself back too. But most of the youth I meet / talk to as a Motivational Speaker and Trainer, haven’t even stepped out of their comfort zones, they haven’t even started walking. All they do is – give in to the pseudo pleasures they have found by aping the western culture to the hilt. Reminds me of those lines –
(You will find your way eventually, even if you make a few detours. The truly lost are those who haven’t left the confines of their homes)
I want to tell everyone who is reading – BE AFRAID !!
Yes. I am asking you to be afraid. But of falling into the wrong traps, of wasting away this one shot at achieving your dreams. But never of failure. Every failed attempt will be a feedback. But you won’t be making those attempts if you are being too addicted to GOTs, BBs, GAs, F.R.I.E.N.D.S and hundreds of other sitcoms. And if you have to really watch them, take back inspiration, not addiction. Whatever you do, whichever habits you pick, move towards becoming invincible, unbeatable and just super-duper amazing. Strive to be the top of your field, be the expert in your area of expertise – not in partying away till wee hours of the morning and then going to work too hungover to feel the beauty of life lived in full senses.
I see so many young people – simply waiting for the weekend to drink and party away their exhaustion. How does that even work? You are not treating your sorrows. You are just handling them by keeping them at bay so that they come back more forcefully to you – next Monday. It is like numbing the pain, not treating it. Painkillers don’t make your pain disappear. They just make you forget there is pain. Don’t live your youth like you are constantly high on pain meds. They will make you an addict. Not successful, not brilliant – just an addict. To a lifestyle that is not doing justice to your being human.
The realm of the physical is not the only battleground where youngsters end up losing the time of their lives. The emotional plane is a battlefield of its own kind. Which is much more difficult to be fought. The country is currently trying to start the debate of depression, we are trying to get people to open up and speak about their never-ending grief.
But the question is – why do you have this grief? Sadhguru Vasudev Jaggi says, “If you are depressed, it means that you are generating a large amount of emotions and energy but in the negative direction.” Why would you want to live with that? That’s why this debate is important. If you find that you are grief-struck (not just sad) constantly and for smallest of reasons – please speak up. More often than not, a little support will help. But please don’t let the most precious days of your lives go up in smoke because you cannot manage your brain signals – especially when managing them isn’t that difficult.
Another aspect is that of relationship addiction. Sitcoms, movies, philosophies from people who should ideally be not allowed to talk at all – have led young people into believing that being in love with someone is an integral part of life. They couldn’t be more wrong. Why would you feel complete when you find a better (or bitter) half only? If you want love to be the guiding force of your life, don’t look for it in just one relationship. Make it the lens with which you view the world. Make it the most important philosophy of your world view. Be loving to everyone in your family and friends. Be loving to yourself, your goals, your dreams. And love with abandon, without care. But not carelessly. Love your life enough to do the right things, not give into the temptations of wrong things.
Have a massive love affair with your own life. And make that the best of your relationship. Love is a beautiful foundation. Why look for it in just one type of relationship?
In the trance of youth, people give so much time into these relationships, there isn’t much time left to make this world a better place by their unique contribution. Don’t be an addict. If you have found someone, awesome. Do not centre your life on that relationship but. The two of you look at a third thing together and create wonders out of it. If you haven’t found someone, that’s absolutely fine too. You continue being the breeze of awesomeness and the right kind of love will find you.
Point is – never lose sight of your purpose, no matter what trials and tribulations life puts you through. It is your job to learn from them and move on. Don’t insult your human intelligence by wasting your life moping over your sorrows. People argue that it is one life only. Why not have fun and enjoy. Exactly my bargain! This is one life. Now that you have tried waywardness and indiscipline, why not try discipline and see – which works better for you.
When I ask someone what they are doing and they say, “Time Pass”, I cringe. 24 hours – same 24 hours every genius got and every loser got. The difference – the world knows those geniuses. And we all know a few losers as well ( … don’t become one of those losers. Time pass = time fail !!!
Discipline may not be the rosiest of things. But it is your word, your promise to yourself. And what kind of a person are you, if you can’t keep a promise you made to your own self? I deeply admire those young people who are committed to their passions. It needs discipline and a Himalayan will power to be laser sharp focused about – fitness, skills, intellect, achievements. Among the millions of snobbish, vain youngsters who know nothing but whiling away time in shallow pursuits, when I see a young boy / girl putting in all their heart and soul for becoming fitter, acquiring admirable skill sets by working hard and non-stop on their follies, or just changing the world with one act of kindness every day – I feel like there is still hope.
And I want to share that hope with the rest of you – who find it easy enough to just sit in front of the laptop, binge watch or go on sitcom marathons and devote all their time to the Internet. Please don’t do the easy. There is swaad in it. But not fruits. Instead choose the right. The pride that you are looking to see in the eyes of your loved ones will come when there is ferocity in your run towards your goals. To become the cheetah who outruns the lamb, you first need to stop being the lamb.
You are right. It is just one life. And at the end of the day, it is your choice as to how you want to spend your limited, crucial time here. But then – do learn to live with the consequences of those choices as well. If you choose temptations, learn to live with failure. If you choose right action, enjoy the exhilaration of 100% attempt, if not success!
In your heart; you know it well that your life is meant for something much more. Something much bigger than the mundane trivialities which are hijacking your neural framework & engineering it towards mediocrity and eventually failure. Isn’t it scary that –‘Your whole life could turn out to be mediocre or waste’?
Darling ! Stop day dreaming or chasing the latest toys. Live Well. One Life. And it is YOURS only, not someone else’s.
Hypergamy is the only reason why this site exists. As it is commonly known, women will only "marry up" in order to improve their social status. Therefore, they look for a future-husband in a richer country than their own. From a man´s perspective, living in such a richer country, does it make sense to get married to such a - very attractive yet materialistic - woman? Probably, her search to even rise higher in social status won´t stop when she got married, so there is a big risk for husband #1 to get dumped for a "better" (richer or better looking) man. Marriage is always a financial risk for men, not for women. So, what do you guys think, should a man get married to a woman from a poorer country?
Marry Indian, save Russia
Marry Indian, save Russia
Author Maria Arbatova feels Indian bachelors should be imported into Russia as they seem to be ideal spouses.
Indian men promise to be the ideal spouses for Russian women, affected as they are by a high male death rate owing largely to unhealthy lifestyles. That is the opinion of Maria Arbatova, leading Russian feminist author and prominent television presenter.
"The import of eligible bachelors from India is my big geopolitical idea," she told RIA Novosti news agency.
India can be of help now that Russia has come to grips with its formidable demographic problem, Arbatova said during the launch of her latest book A Taste of India at the 20th Moscow International Book Fair recently.
"First, both Russians and Indians are Indo-Europeans, and we speak related languages - just look at the many similarities between Sanskrit and modern Russian vocabularies. Second, and even more important, the archetypal Indian man is a fanatic paterfamilias. To raise many children is his cherished dream, and he makes the best possible husband," remarked Arbatova, who is married to Sumeet of West Bengal in eastern India.
Attracting Indian bachelors to Russia should be a government policy, she argues, or Russia will soon have two crosses to bear - one of its own male deaths and the other of the Chinese birth rate.
"Asian Russia, from the Pacific coast up to the Urals, is full of Chinese men anxious to marry Russian girls. If the Chinese are not promptly balanced out, no matter by whom - Indians, Africans or extra-terrestrials, either Asian Russia will become a Chinese province before 2050 or Chinese will become Russia's second official language," she jokes ironically. "Just look, Russia has two employment agencies in China, and none in India. Shame!"
Arbatova's book went on sale last spring and was on the bestseller list in summer. Britain's International Biographical Centre of Cambridge has awarded her its 20th Century Outstanding Achievement gold medal.
The author points out many similarities between Russian and Indian life.
"Socialism got my country out of the Big Game for 70 years. Colonialism did the same to India for two centuries. Both nations are now getting back to their sources in the age of globalisation. That's hard to do - like walking home inside a centrifuge," she says.
Do not GAMBLE with your CHARACTER by repeating unwanted actions or behavior, but WIN at the game of LIFE by using a strategy that will IMPROVE your “game” daily If you behaved in a way that you didn’t like, or did something that you wish you hadn’t, all bets are NOT off. Every day is a new OPPORTUNITY to put the odds back in your FAVOR Just because you dealt yourself a bad hand one time does NOT mean that you have to continue on that “losing streak”. While it is okay to hit the occasional “craps”, just be sure that the next time you are handed the SAME dice, you roll them in a DIFFERENT way…it is in repeating the behavior that will cost you all of your moral chips Each night, take the time to review in your mind how you would have done things differently, picture the WINNING result…and hit your moral JACKPOT tomorrow
♥ Our GOALS should always be set HIGH…scary high…but the remarkable reality of this is that if the idea for something is in your mind, it is ALREADY achievable, for it ALREADY exists in the world…it is now up to you to make it appear. Should you doubt this, understand that the only thing that is standing in your way are your thoughts ♥ Gain the awareness of your UNLIMITED ABILITY by taking the necessary actions in order to PROGRESS toward your goals...With each step that you complete on the way, allow it to build your CONFIDENCE that you are CAPABLE of your dream, for ultimately it is the collection of these very steps that will carry you over the FINISH line ♥ Remove your questions as to what you are CAPABLE of, for to doubt yourself is to doubt God, as He created you in order to THRIVE…it is our nature to SUCCEED ♥ Do not wait until something is accomplished in order to have FAITH...If the caterpillar ignored its instinct, we wouldn't have any butterflies… Emerge from the cocoon of your limiting thoughts…the beauty and wings of PROSPERITY await YOU ♥
Не могу понять......
Зарегистрировался на сайте. Смотрю девушки, мои ровесницы, 18,19, 20 лет, но выставляют, что они ищут партнёра даже в 45 лет и до 89 лет. То есть, если партнёр будет иметь состояние, то она сможет жить с человеком, который старше её на 50 и более лет. А как же мораль, чистая, искренняя любовь и влечение?
♥ Understand the power of your words, for each one carries meaning...make sure it is a positive one ♥ There is always a thought that precedes your words ~ If you are not at your best, work on getting yourself to a better feeling state by consciously CHOOSING to think of all of the things that you are grateful for in the person that you are conversing with. It only takes a second to do, but will have a LIFELONG impact on you and the life that you CREATE for yourself ♥ Pay close attention to what it is that you are saying BEFORE you speak, for once the words leave your mouth, there is no way to truly reverse them ♥ The delete key on the keyboard of your mouth is, and always will be, sure that you do not do the same to someone's heart, spirit, or dreams ♥ Always make your words the WIND beneath one's WINGS and you, in turn, will SOAR.... ♥
"Never mind what others do; do better than yourself, beat your own record each and every day, and you are a success."♥ Comparing yourself to others does not serve you, for every one of us is extremely different, with different circumstances ♥ There is one person that you can constantly compare yourself to and try to be BETTER than...and that is the person that stared back at you in the mirror yesterday ♥ On a daily basis, always strive to do just a little more than your OWN personal BEST so you can make sure that the person staring back at you always has a SMILE...that is a true WIN day in and out ♥ Be accountable for your actions and you can count on a better YOU with each passing day..♥
cosas simples...
No hay que dejarlas de aser por solo estar dedicado al trabajo , el hogar o la familia. una noche de baile , un aluerso o cena fuera de casa , visitar amigos , te gusta el campo las montañas anda ve y disfruta. no hay que dejarse atrapar por la monotonia , saca tiempo de donde no lo tienes y as eso que te gusta y te hace feliz. Eso pequeños momentos son los que quedan grabados. se feliz y disfruta.
"Blonde and snow cliche"
Here in this site ( now i'm able to put words in it I'm going to check in the "others" sites I'm discovering ) there is a lot lot lot "blonde". And no single one of them are true blonde. That's not really an issue I have never be really blonde oriented. But why on the hell there is such fashion and why the "cliché" of north and east blondiness is such cliché?
Relación de la pareja
La atracción en un comienzo , luego la comunicación y los proyectos en común, determinan en alguna medida el éxito de la relación en el corto plazo-
Guys, gentlemen, lads,
There's a very popular phrase circulating these days in messages, sadly also on this forum. Do remember that spring is the time when psychopaths and the mentally unstable show their true face: "if you are a real man, you will..." - this is nothing but outright and downright manipulation. Do NOT fall for such cheap and nonsensical trickery. Creatures who use that phrase deserve two things:
The only two workable and appropriate anti-psycho treatment and remedy:
1) ignore 'em
2) block 'em
Be honest, be real, be strong and be immune! Death to manipulation and all its perpetrators.