
Gentlemen's club



Is it just me?

Does any other guy here have a problem with women they are talking to here abruptly stop talking and block you? I do not know if I am doing anything wrong because they never tell me if I did anything wrong.

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Elena, 42 y.o.


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Many women doesnt like to talk sexial stuff.. may be a sexy talk is a reason they block you 🤷‍♀️



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Oh, I do talk about intimate relations. I am used to talking to american women. This is not a taboo here. How do I show interest in a conversation to an eastern european woman?



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Если единственная тема для вас - секс, то, возможно, женщина не заинтересуется этой темой, и она, действительно, заблокирует ваши сообщения.



Reply to Ekaterina on View the commented comment

I do not talk only about sex. At first I talk to a women with courtesy. While getting to know each other I mention how beautiful she is and say I want to wrap my arms around her and kiss her from head to toe. I am not raunchy. On my profile I did answer that my ideal woman is open to sexual exploration, but I have since removed that now.


Tatiana, 50 y.o.


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Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Думаю, что вы не будете так разговаривать с американкой , потому что это будет расценено как сексуальное домогательство. Так почему вы считаете что славянские женщины будут более сговорчивы?



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Общаясь в интернете, мужчина и женщина не становятся близкими людьми настолько, чтобы разговаривать о сексе.
Вы говорите первой встреченной женщине о том, что она красивая и хотите её целовать. Она будет думать, что вы это говорите и хотите с любой женщиной.
Для того, чтобы дойти до сексуальных тем, чаще всего женщине нужна реальная встреча, и бывает, нужна не не одна встреча.
Женщина, обычно, хочет духовной и эмоциональной близости. Если она почувствует это, только тогда она сможет разговаривать с вами о сексе.
Это я так вижу, и со мной согласятся многие.
Но, возможно, вы встретите ту, которая очень легко сможет общаться на сексуальные темы с незнакомым мужчиной.



Reply to Tatiana on View the commented comment

I do not live in some feminist dumpster fire where holding the door open or pulling out a chair for a woman is considered sexual harassment. In my experience women are more sexually aggressive than men. Looking back in life the amount of women I could have had in my 20s It makes me wonder if my own morality is a detriment.


Elena, 42 y.o.


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If a man who i never even meet in person will talk to me about kissing me and all my body i will block him ... brrr ... it is offensive me talking about this    but may be you will have luck and find an open mind woman .. 🤷‍♀️



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Тогда почему вы не хотите искать женщину в своём обществе?

Наверное,вам будет намного легче общаться с женщинами из своего круга. Легче, и эмоционально, и сексуально, и физически, и материально.



Reply to Ekaterina on View the commented comment

I want a wife. So many women here are against marriage. They view it as becoming a slave to a man. I am a Christian, so yes I believe a woman should submit to her man. The bible also instructs the man to treat his woman as his own flesh. Women do not understand this here. The man is responsible for the protection and stability of the home. All women want is a sexual relationship. The amount of women that have pressed their boobs or butt against me walking by to get my attention is ridiculous. Women will bend over behind me and whisper to me just to get me to turn around and look. I was at work one time just sitting there and a woman came up to me and started humping my leg for a minute then walked off. I did not even do anything because I was in shock. I even had one woman say she would have sex with be but would not get into a relationship with me. Feminism has destroyed women here. I want a Christian woman, but at the same time I do not want a prude.



I've been blocked a couple of times here, but it was either from a person that I had never communicated with before (I suppose they didn't fit my search criteria?) or because I hadn't read or responded to their messages and blocking me was a type of revenge, I suppose. (men without memberships can't read or reply to messages, sorry!). If you've been blocked multiple times while conversing, then yeah, you've done something wrong.

There are some very clear lines that you'll need to learn and follow if you want to be successful here. It takes a while to build trust, but it can be destroyed instantly. You'll need to realize what those topics and limits are, and be very careful not to step over them. They don't owe you that explanation of why they blocked you and I can't imagine why you expect to hear it, but you need to learn those things on your own. My advice - leave the talk about intimacy out entirely, don't go near it. If you absolutely require that type of conversation, distance dating is probably not right for you, or vice-versa.



Reply to Ekaterina on View the commented comment

The site will not post my stories of women treating me as a sex object. In short I have not found a family oriented woman here. Only women who have accidentally had children. I am too conservative for america, but it sounds like I am too liberal for eastern europe. I do not know where I will find my woman, but I have not given up.


Tatiana, 50 y.o.


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Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Но ваш пост о виртуальных отношениях. При чём здесь стул и дверь. Вы ещё не видели женщину в реальной жизни!


Tatiana, 50 y.o.


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Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Вы определитесь кто вам нужен на самом деле. Христианка? Рабыня, полностью вам подчиняющаяся? Мне вот лично не понятно.



Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

Maybe you are right. Distant dating probably is not for me. I have been on here for 4 months and only one woman showed any real interest. As with her I talked about intimacy. I told her that as a man I want to please her as a woman. Her response was "smart." I should have realized they are not into such things. It is a shame. I really like a woman who will be playful back. It does not mean we need to discuss grotesque things. I only wish there are more family oriented western women. I do not enjoy the whole "make sure you are sexually compatible." Or the "waiting one month to have sex is a long time." or the "A woman should want to have sex by the 3rd date." I am looking for a playful or even smartass woman. If I say to a woman I want to please you as a man and she responds with "When is the last time you pleased a woman?" I would find that hilarious. I like a woman to jibe with. I do not know if I can adjust here. I will stay active for the rest of my subscription, but at this point I do not think I am compatible with anyone here.



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Dustin, I think you have badly misunderstood the people on this site.

1) The women here are the most serious about marriage that I've seen on any dating site. Women in the post-Soviet space are far more dedicated to marriage, and maintaining that marriage, than any other women I've seen. Act in ways that make you deserve that dedication.
2) The women here do not want to hear about your past with women, or what your other interactions are with them, I can't express enough how much of a turn-off this is. These women only care about the person in front of them. I think your baggage is severely clouding your vision.
3) Rants about religious, political and social norms are not attractive - they make you sound unhinged. If you can't hold a conversation with a woman without making sweeping generalizations like that, you'll never be happy.
4) There are absolutely good women where we live, too. Feminism has not "ruined women". By the sounds of it, you're surrounded by all the wrong people, and mistakenly think that all women are the same. That's foolish.


This has nothing to do with women being liberal or conservative. Many of the women here who have children were also married to an immature, inadequate man. Almost every woman here has a story about the men in their country being terrible partners, that's why they're on this website, and willing to uproot their entire lives for love. But they'll never tell you that because it's in the past, and they're looking to the future. Most of the women believed very much in love and family with their previous men, but the relationships can't be saved when the man is only interested in leisure and sex, and doesn't work to support the family. As such, those women are very careful to not make the same mistake, but I regret to say it's possible they see the exact same thing in you (heck, your profile says you're retired).

If you are a stable, interesting and open-minded man, there is no reason why you can't find a wonderful woman here. I met someone from in this site in the past who was a great young woman, and is happily married to a foreigner now. When we met, we didn't have sex, or even discuss the prospect of it. Honestly, if you're genuinely interested in a relationship, the ability for a man to keep his pants on is very attractive to a woman, it tells her that you're not just there for physical satisfaction. But it sounds like you're so caught up in false assumptions that you'll struggle badly at every stage in this, and it sounds like you're hung up on sex as the main topic, which will make anyone run away. Dustin, forget everything you know about women. Don't compare them to anyone you know, don't talk about what you assume they think. Start from scratch and listen, and for the love of God, leave out the talk of intimacy before meeting them, it's creepy.



Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

1) I never said that eastern european women are against marriage.
2) I am explaining my history with women because if you look up the conversation people disagree that women are sexually more aggressive. I have never met an american woman less sexually aggressive than me.
3) Rants about religious, political, and social norms are not meant to be attractive. How else is a person supposed to describe a society and condemn or praise it? The have a sexual relationship, then get a woman pregnant, then maybe she won't have an abortion, then get married is not a formula I want to follow. It does not make since and shows how perverted the west is. Since you are such an expert, what is the west's philosophy? More specifically America's philosophy?
4)All the good women are taken in their teens and early twenties in america. The marriage oriented and family oriented women in the west get married and start families early. I was too busy fighting two wars to have the time to start a family. After I left all I have encountered are sexual women. I have never met a serious minded woman. As the song states "Women just want to have fun."


Tatyana, 54 y.o.


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Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

Браво.очень четкий и зрелый ответ👏


Tatyana, 43 y.o.


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Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

How nice it is to know that there are smart, thoughtful men who deserve attention, interest and respect.



Всё, о чëм вы рассказали здесь, возможно, правда. И вы, действительно не можете встретить женщину в соответствии с вашими желаниями.

В России есть поговорка: "получить всё в одном флаконе".

Однажды я читала в анкете мужчины из США, что он хочет встретить женщину: королеву в гостях, хозяйку на кухне и куртизанку в постели.
Но я читала также, что в США по-прежнему сильны: пуританская мораль и семейные ценности. Я не думаю, что пуританская мораль и христианство приветствуют сексуальную раскрепощëнность, думаю, приветствуют, наоборот, целомудрие.

В России есть анекдоты на тему ваших желаний:
Встpечаются два дpуга:
— Я слышал, ты недавно женился. Говоpят, что у тебя жена - коpолева в гостях, хозяйка на кухне, жрица любви в постели?
— Я уже pазведен. Она оказалась коpолевой на кухне, хозяйкой в постели, жрицей любви в гостях.

Чтобы быть хорошей женой, женщина должна быть:
В доме - хозяйка,
В гостях - королева,

В постели - женщиной лёгкого поведения.

Причём, никогда не перепутать где и кем она должна быть.

Думаю, это очень сложно найти женщину - сексуально раскрепощëнную христианку.

Лично я в корне не согласна с тем, что женщина должна подчиняться мужчине. И , вообще, что женщина должна что-то кому-то.



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the husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. (1 Corinthians 7:3–4 ESV) As to how that can be interpreted as chastity I have no clue. There is a difference between sex and fornication. I have never understood the sexual repression. I am not aware of the bible putting any restrictions between a husband and wife.



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Dustin, stop to listen to yourself. You're complaining that women around you are too perverted, while at the same time you're engaging in behavior that women here describe as perverted, as well. The women here are telling you exactly why they find you objectionable, but you're saying "that's just who I am". There is no pride in being right here - you can either let your ego be coddled, or you can set it aside and have a chance at being loved. And again, you're generalizing 340 million people as being all the exact same, which is absolutely incorrect, and seriously calls into question your judgment and ability to evaluate character. There are good candidates at any age, and there are definitely many around you, but this opinion you hold tells a lot more about you than them, and it's not positive. I repeat- abandon these views and be willing to listen and learn. Arrogance and inflexibility like this are fatal.



Reply to Ekaterina on View the commented comment

Christians know that Jesus came from the Virgin Mary. A lot of Christians do not know that the Virgin Mary's mother was a prostitute. Jesus literally comes from the bloodline of a prostitute. If God viewed sex so objectionably then why would he allow that.



Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

If me telling a woman that I want to hug and kiss her is considered perverted, then that is a level of prude I do not want. I argue against having sex first as the basis of a relationship. That is perverted. Instant gratification in not a foundation for anything. I have nothing against sex. I believe a husband and wife can consent to anything they want sexually.



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Seeing how everyone is against me, this just reinforces my realization that I am not compatible with eastern europeans. I guess when my subscription is expired I will start looking in the Philippines.



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

//муж должен предоставить своей жене ее супружеские права, а также жена своему мужу. Ибо жена не имеет власти над своим собственным телом, но муж имеет. Точно так же муж не имеет власти над своим собственным телом, но жена имеет. (1-е Коринфянам 7:3-4)

Я думаю, что это агитация к насилию. Как это возможно, чтобы человек не имел права распоряжаться своим телом? Только сам человек и может. И больше никто не имеет права на его собственное тело.

//Что касается того, как это можно истолковать как целомудрие, я понятия не имею. Есть разница между сексом и блудом. Я никогда не понимал сексуального подавления. Я не знаю, чтобы Библия устанавливала какие-либо ограничения между мужем и женой.//

Так, если вы хотите, чтобы незнакомая женщина играла с вами в сексуальные игры, не называется ли это блудом?
Причем здесь муж и жена?

И если девушку воспитывали в целомудрости, откуда она наберется сексуального опыта?



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//Христиане знают, что Иисус пришел от Девы Марии. Многие христиане не знают, что мать Девы Марии была проституткой. Иисус буквально происходит из рода проститутки. Если Бог так неприязненно относился к сексу, то почему он это допустил?//

Вы считаете, заниматься проституцией не есть блуд? А что же тогда блуд? Вы бы женились на проститутке?



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//Я верю, что муж и жена могут согласиться на все, что они хотят в сексуальном плане.//

Муж и жена являются уже близкими людьми. Если они решили пожениться, значит, они поняли, что могут доверять друг другу во всех сферах.

Но вы хотите сексуальных отношений с женщинами, которых вы совсем не знаете. Вы увидели фото, написали пару строк, и сразу секс. И возможно, не с одной женщиной вы ведëте себя так.

По-моему, вы противоречите сами себе. То блуд не хотите, то сами же хотите блудить, и чтобы женщины тоже блудили вместе с вами.

И в то же время, в христианстве непозволительно заниматься сексом не с мужем и не с женой.



Reply to Ekaterina on View the commented comment

I would marry a prostitute. Is she not one of God's daughters? I would not marry her and let her stay a prostitute. She must give up that life to create a family. Does the one without sin throw the first stone story ring a bell?


Tatyana, 43 y.o.


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Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

That's exactly what, between a husband and a wife .... When you are someone's husband, then it will be appropriate to talk about the desire to hug and kiss your wife...
In the meantime, before becoming this someone's husband, you can read a lot, find out all the possible options for how to meet a woman you like in reality during this not an easy time of pandemics. And you can also get acquainted with the behavior and character of a woman you like, find out her interests, hobbies, etc. It would be nice to find out (if you are a "serious-minded comrade" to get married) - what documents you will need to prepare "if the stars come together."
Are you a resident of America? As I know, getting a bride visa for a foreign woman is a whole business...!!! I do not know whether this is true or not, but before issuing a visa to a foreign bride, they check a man for a criminal point and financial well-being...

Or are you ready to come?

In general, there are many serious questions for discussion.
And so, given that I am a woman, I would also block you if you told me that you want to hug and kiss me. I am doing great with a sense of humor , be sure . But such conversation with unknown man not interesting to me . What do I need these revelations from a man through the phone screen on the other side of the ocean ??? What do you want then? Bikini photo?)
I'll tell you so. As a woman, you will not attract me with such conversations.

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