
Gentlemen's club



Is it just me?

Does any other guy here have a problem with women they are talking to here abruptly stop talking and block you? I do not know if I am doing anything wrong because they never tell me if I did anything wrong.

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Reply to Ekaterina on View the commented comment

Prostitution is called the oldest profession in the world. Killing is considered the world's second oldest profession. Outside of a female war fighter there is no other job closer to me. I can guarantee a prostitute would understand me more and be more supportive as a wife than you can be.



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

//Она должна отказаться от этой жизни, чтобы создать семью.//

А почему она должна отказаться от своей жизни в угоду какому-то мужчине?



Reply to Tatyana on View the commented comment

I have hugged and kissed my mom since I was a baby, and babies are the most innocent people on this world. If you associate hugging and kissing as a perversion or pre-marital crime then that shows there is something wrong with you. There is nothing sexual about it. It is one of the most innocent forms of affection there is.



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

"Everyone is against me"

You have asked for advice on why this site isn't working for you. People have given their opinions to help you succeed, not to criticize you. If you interpret this as an attack and run away, you again have misunderstood people's motivations. Looking in yet another country isn't going to help you, Dustin. There are major issues here with the method with which you're attracting people, which is a universal problem. I don't know what you expected to hear when creating this topic if you ignore constructive advice, but this is not healthy.



Reply to Tatyana on View the commented comment

The sad part is I planned ahead and researched many preparations to marry a Ukrainian woman. It was a waste of time. To realize I have nothing in common with you people, even as a Christian, has made me realize just keep on moving. My woman is somewhere else.



Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

You should read the thread again. I mentioned I changed things about my profile. What I will not concede is that hugging and kissing is some sort of sexual crime. If that is how eastern europeans think, then no wonder the founding fathers of america said to stay out of europe's business.



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

So you created this thread asking "is it just me?" to tell us how wrong we are, when we tell you "yes it's just you". Usually whenever something isn't working for me, I try the advice of people who offer it, instead of finding every way I can to escape blame. Since you're being adversarial about it, I'll say it: your behavior and attitude is a major red flag and I don't know of any woman on earth who would find it charming. Suck up your pride and realize that yes, the reason is you. You need to find ways to change or your life will always be lonely. Good luck, Dustin.



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Мне кажется, что любовь к матери и любовь к женщине, это разные понятия.
И так же поцелуи и объятия с мамой и поцелуи и объятия с женщиной - это разные понятия.

Если вы любите всех женщин, как свою маму, то это можно понять в какой-то степени. Можно понять также и то, что вы хотите обнимать и целовать всех женщин.
Но любить - это одно, а производить какие-то действия по отношению к незнакомому человеку - это другое.

Если вы встретите много женщин на улице, и начнëте целовать всех женщин подряд, я не думаю, что эта затея понравится самим женщинам.

Мало того, в противодействие подобному могут быть вовлечены полиция и психиатрическая больница.



Reply to Ekaterina on View the commented comment

Two months after I came back to afghanistan I saw a prostitute. It is not illegal to spend time with them if you do not have sex with them. I paid for 30 minutes just to hug and cuddle with her. At the end she sat down next looked me in the eyes and said "I can tell you have lived a hard life." I didn't say a word to her about my past. She understood.



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Dustin, stories with prostitutes are the last thing you should be talking about publicly. You may think this helps your cause, but anyone who reads this just cringed. You also just admitted (publicly) that you have major psychological issues that need to be dealt with, and I'd suggest addressing them before you let people into your life. Are you saying these things here because you're fishing for pity? Women here don't want basketcase projects, they want a reliable and stable man who will be a strong leader. This site is not group therapy, this is for people who have a specific goal, and have something to offer to get it. It sounds like you need a therapist, not a wife.



Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

I am a warfighter. That will never change. War does not leave you. I am not so spoiled in life I look down on anyone. God gives us all a purpose if we choose to accept it. A real fighter can tell whose innocent. That prostitute you look down on, is more innocent than you.


Tatiana, 50 y.o.


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Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Ага. Но чужую женщину вы готовы целовать, всё её тело. Вы так и не хотите понимать почему женщины вас блокируют. ПОТОМУ ЧТО вы ещё не встретившись, уже мысленно лежите с ней в постели.


Tatiana, 50 y.o.


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Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Где вы видите, что Крис смотрит на эту проститутку с высока? Он вам говорит, что эти истории не могут привлечь к вам женщин. Вы можете проводить время с кем хотите. Но зачем об этом рассказывать всему миру???



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Если мужчина пользуется услугами проститутки, то он поддерживает сексуальное рабство. Даже, если он платит, в любой момент он может не заплатить и применить силу. В этих ситуациях мужчины рассматривают женщин, как сексуальный объект, но не как личность.
Как бы мужчине не было тяжело, он не должен платить женщине, даже за возможность просто прикоснуться к её телу.
Но если бы вы просто хотели помочь женщине, которой тоже было не сладко, в чем я ни капли не сомневаюсь, вы бы просто дали ей деньги. Без всяких ожиданий, что с вами женщина должна расплатиться своим телом.
Это моё мнение.



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Looking down on people? What are you talking about? There is no judgment in my post - I'm not telling you that you're an awful person because you paid for the services of a prostitute, I'm saying that those types of things are not for public discussion under any circumstances. Keep them to yourself. I don't know how you manage to twist every piece of advice we have shared with you. Just get help, dude. It's clear you're in pain, but you're pursuing the wrong solutions.



Reply to Tatiana on View the commented comment

I never said I would kiss her whole body. You are literally making things up just to reach your conclusion. I said you are so adorable that I want to hug you and playfully kiss you. Jesus said to lust over a woman is to lie with her. If you interpret that as lust then I do not know what to tell you.



Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

As a man who has lived life to the fullest. I will teach you a little trick that people like me learn by being around a few things. There is this mental attitude called confession through projection. If we remove everyone's posts and only leave yours up. All we have to do is read any accusations you have made in a singular tone. The reason you only project on one person is because you are subconsciously admitting who you are. So when say to me that I am mentally unstable you are stating who you are. If you notice when I make an accusation. I compare multiple people at the same time. That is because I am making a comparison not a confession. It's psychology I think you might learn a little about yourself if you do some research.



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

I definitely see why people block you.


Elena, 45 y.o.


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Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Dustin, если не можешь изменить ситуацию... измени отношение к ней🤗 Вам, действительно, говорят как лучше. И это люди, которые нашли свои половинки, свое счастье и любоаь!


Tatiana, 50 y.o.


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Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

"I mention how beautiful she is and say I want to wrap my arms around her and kiss her from head to toe" - You wrote it



Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

That is not an argument.



Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Through this ordeal I have decided I will not be with an eastern european. I am a protestant, the freest of Christians. Seeing how you orthadox Christians think is too restrictive to me. Between you and catholics I just cannot think in such a structured way. Life is not living by versus, it is living by heart. You want me to change that. I just cannot do that.



Reply to Tatiana on View the commented comment

My mistake. I mixed what I said to her a little bit with what I put down as my ideal partner. To her I said you are so adorable I want to wrap my arms around you and kiss you playfully. My I deal partner was something like She wants me to kiss all over her body. I am not entirely sure if that is correct because early on I toned down romantic language on my partner preferences.



Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

I am done. I have been up for 2 days straight and I have a doctors appointment. You can talk as much trash about me. I've made my points.


Natalia, 52 y.o.


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Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Если бы согласие на виртуальный секс гарантировало покорность в отношениях и желание заниматься реальным сексом по щелчку пальцев то наверное не было сотен тысяч иностранных бывших жен в америке, привезенных для счастливо-сексуальной жизни но не оправдавших этих надежд.
Может проще в своей стране поискать? Уже столько ввезли фиппинок и других национальностей.


Elena, 45 y.o.


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Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Dustin, ты принял решение раньше, чем написал этот пост. У большинства присутствующих здесь парней нет проблем с женщинами. А женщины на сайте достойные. Если ты не хочешь меняться, то оглянись вокруг. Может быть, твоя женщина мечты не на сайте, а рядом с тобой, в твоей стране и в твоём городе...



Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Christianity is dying here. Of course I would love to find a protestant american woman. The problem is finding the protestant part. At churches it is mostly old people. Some people already call america a post-christian nation. Our government is supposed to be a representative government but it does not represent anything about me. I am a protestant standing on my own, with nowhere to run. As christianity dies here I am dying with it.


Svetlana, 52 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Chris on View the commented comment

Chris, I carefully read the whole thread and I am lost... I think someone has assumed a prosecutor role too seriously here. While I agree with some of your points, you come across as incredibly judgmental and even arrogant towards Dustin. Nowhere in his words I noticed any of those things he's being accused of. He asked simple question: why many ladies here abruptly stop communication with him? There might have been so many different reasons, like language barrier, lack of common interests, choosing other man... Yet, everybody started speculating about Dustin being sexual pervert and deeply psychologically disturbed person. It's freaking rude!
Living in the US, I believe he is just a normal American guy from a small town, with a typical Christian upbringing. Nothing wrong with being true to yourself. If you are willing to change who you in sake of meeting Eastern European lady, well good for you. Do not be arrogant to those who just want to find a partner who will love them for who they are.


Svetlana, 52 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Dustin on View the commented comment

Hey Dustin, I just wanted to show you some support. I absolutely don't find in your words anything that you've been accused of. Unfortunately, I think that might be language and cultural differences. Perhaps, the automatic translation is not accurate enough and some subtleties have been lost in translation.
Do not get discouraged, do not take personally some harsh words. You know who you are and what you are looking for in your future partner. That's the only thing that matters.
Being very happily married to an American man for almost 5 years, I can attest that Americans make great husbands, and that Russians and Americans get along just fine. It does not matter that some women blocked you here. All in all, you need only one woman. You just have to find the right one. Sometimes, it takes a long time.
I do not agree with all you are saying here and suspect that you and I might be on the opposite sides of the Great American Divide, that tearing the country apart as a result of the last four years. However, I do believe that you are a good guy who absolutely deserve to be happy and loved by a woman who will appreciate you.

I also assume that you're retired military guy. If so, thank you for your service. Comes from a spouse of Lt Col USAF-Ret.



Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

I appreciate your opinion Svetlana, but his victim complex and holier-than-thou attitude of his own is what I find most troubling. He came here asking for advice on why he was being blocked frequently, and quickly it was discovered that yes, he does send messages that many women would find disturbing. Instead of accepting that this behavior is unbecoming, he blamed it on an entire nation and religion being sexually incompatible because a few women don't tolerate his messages. His posts point to a very low level of emotional maturity and very little ability to accept responsibility, nor does he show an ability to conform to what is socially acceptable. Several people gave him advice that would have helped him succeed, but he immediately became hostile and turned it around and started judging others. We have a term for this type of person in North America - "incel". His post history indicates he has no issue treating women as possessions, he just seeks a specific type. Men with fragile egos and low social integration are a very dangerous combination, which is amplified by his experience in the military. We've had several cases of such people killing innocent people in Canada, and I don't encourage that type of attitude whatsoever. If you want to support him, maybe you can privately guide him in the right direction. I sincerely hope you do.

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