
Men & women



Yes my dear, I do think I can buy love!???

This must be something that is coached or taught somewhere! I too have encountered the ridiculous notion that a man with some money to spare would pay literally thousands of $$$ just to travel and have sex with a woman from another country. Because we are here looking for something not found in our own countries YES, some women assume that we men just cannot find someone at home. It is simply not true. The values that make up our future partners lives are what I find attractive. Things like 1. Is she a good mother or family member? 2. Does she give something back to her own society, after all, she will be expected to be a productive member of a new society if she is actually married to one of us? 3. Is she compassionate and loyal? 4. Education 5. Beauty........notice the order of things and beauty near the bottom. Contrary to popular belief the comments like I have read in the past such as "he is looking for a nurse" or "he just wants a trophy wife" or "he is only after sex because he has some sexual deviance"......all completely not true but these statements help us fill in the blanks left in a woman's profile. All of those stereotypes are typical, easy to reach for with my ex wife and my son. She assumes that I spoil him with gifts and sweets to gain his it is not possible that my son actually enjoys his time with me because I take him to work with me or coach his football team, or I take time to play his favorite video game, or I just stop in at school and surprise him and take him to lunch early. The easy to reach for answers are the most lame yet in my country at least, they are the first ones brought up.

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Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Olga, I am a fair man, but if I was a betting man, somewhere along the way you are seriously protecting a serious wound or you are truly a throw back attitude to the USSR.....Why be so hard, please, tell me, as you see, my opinion is not the only one like this...reflect if you can, doubtful though.



Reply to Kal on View the commented comment

Good evening, Dr. Chilton.
Bore. again not original



Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

Andy, what about deal?
You tell me how to advertise "Russian wives" in the west, what's write about wifes administration of the site. I tell - what's true, what's not.



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

You tell a very different, and extreme truth than most....softer is the word I look for, although no doubt your bra is nice to, but it is not the soft I speak of....You seem to have so much to offer an educated man, but my opinion is unique so don't take offense, try to offer something soft, that's all any man wants, and Olga dear, truth can be soft too, or stated softly. I enjoy your comments. They remind me of my ex-wife and compared to her, Olga, you are teddy bear soft. Good day soft heart'



Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

Hi, Andy! You're a diplomat indeed!


Kal, 63 y.o.


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Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Hi, who is Dr. Chilton?



Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

Teddy bear soft??? 8(( AAAAA!!!! Tomorrow, on the treadmill at the gym urgently need to run not 20, but 30 kilometers.
 )))))Just a joke, Andy  
Andy, the majority wants to likes. As for me - i'm understood one very easy thing many years ago. I'm not 100 dollars to likes everybody. I prefer be myself - "cat who walks by herself".



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

If you prefer to be alone, why are you here my dear Olga??? I love this talk, I love this exchange of ideas, but in me, you speak to a man with experience with all types of FSU men as employees, and all types of women from the world, including the FSU women, and the one thing I know I see in FSU women is a soft heart, but no the ability to show it without letting past misconceptions get in the way. Talk to me, come on, talk, not debate, chat, friendly conversation.....I ask nicely.



Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

Andy, what about women worked 7 years in crime department?
FSU women is a soft heart - Andy, it was early, until foreign men began use it to their advantage. We are stay more smart 
just naw - soft heart only for one man. For all another - mask.
As for me, i'm lazy in mask plan, & that's like to men, who have private conversation with me.



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

I'm sorry you feel that way. The world shows us all everyday that we are not nice as a race of people but there are real ones, like you, and I out there, that have a small shred of hope. I ask again, talk to me, I am curious and I will not go Kals route, not to be critical of him...but I am here, trying to just talk about what makes you me how you think ..I really love to know how others think and feel, after all, maybe my way of thinking need to be corrected on occassion (often as I age) LOL. And to your point of being used......maybe one day you will let me tell you of a painful story of use of one man and one woman, sad all over for both. Olga, I ask you in the nicest way, this is a forum, educate me, I am in no way the smartest or most handsome man here, but I do have an open mind and heart. Your mask, you say is lazy, is still very pretty   Good day



Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

Hello Andy!
What about different in time? I dont think that we can talk in chat in real time. i'm wrk & i need sleep at night ))



Reply to Kal on View the commented comment

I have same experience Kal. Doesn't really make sense to me. If you someone is really interested in you would not they want to know more about you. I'd rather be interrogated.


Kal, 63 y.o.


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Reply to Richard on View the commented comment

Hi Richard. It's a bit puzzling and makes you wondering what's really counts. So far I've bin put against the wall only once and I see nothing wrong with that. I think it's only natural that you want to know as much as possible so you can form your opinion about a person before you take the next step. A person who avoids the "interrogation" is in my experience/opinion "suspect", hides something. Sure we all have a skeleton in the closet but if you want a relation based on trust (witch I think most do) I think you should be as honest as you possible can. Again just my opinion  



Reply to Kal on View the commented comment

I completely agree with you, Kal.
It is much easier to tell the truth because the truth is much easier to remember.



Reply to Richard on View the commented comment

Hello Richard! May i'm ask?
For example, you serching women not older 45 years old. for example, blond with broun eyes, aha.
And all time to you write 51 years old brunet with green eyes & all time ask you private question. Do you like this?
When i'm began to mirror the behavior of old fellow Kal, he dont like this  ))



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

This is a forum!! I have already an interest in a lovely lady here, but when I hear a woman with such passion, and negative passion at times, It makes me wonder....I guess like I wonder why my ex is so mean, yet does not kill her young like a lion? I love a good debate, and you seem good at that! I admit, I am a total male pig, young women, breasts like melons, face and skin like a babies bottom, no brains, and the sexual appetite of a hungry hostage ...THERE...NOW I HAVE DONE all men on this site a service. The truth shall set you free.   Laughter is the best medicine



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

I must I know you from skype or a personal letter of some kind. Curiousity has the best of me///////Not to be mean, but , Do I know you in some manner other than this forum? I ask only because this question was asked of me. THX


Kal, 63 y.o.


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Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Hi. I offered my self to play your game and as courtesy from my part asked you start but you chickened out. So what is gonna to be?



Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

Andy, only forum.



Reply to Kal on View the commented comment

Again you, Dr. Chilton?
It's my game. rules of the game are not discussed.



Reply to Andy on View the commented comment

Andy, i'm free in any case


Kal, 63 y.o.


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Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Hmm, bit difficult to play a game without knowing the rules. Have you ever thought about what kind of impression you leave here?



Reply to Kal on View the commented comment

About game, Kal.  ))
"suggest not a complicated game to you, Kal.
Do you saw the movie "Silence of the Lambs" with Anthony Hopkins?
What about game Hanibal Lecter and Clarice Starling?
Only Hannibal Lector just be i'm.
You tell a story about yourselves first. I tell story about myself to answer.
That's a bargain, Kal??!  ))
"Даш на даш" 😉)"
Do you remember that?

As for impression  I dont know. I get more messages from man  ))


Yuliya, 48 y.o.


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Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

ох как бы не хуже и не глупее оказались))) а то может и правда миф, что в Европе галантные мужчины(((((((((


Yuliya, 48 y.o.


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прочитав все комментарии могу сказать! хоть и поздно. так как тема давно не обсуждалась))) я не давно на форуме. и поняла такую вещь... что европейцы то сами не против в Россию поехать и жениться на русской женщине! русская женщина в большом большинстве))) самая лучшая в МИРЕ!!! и по личному опыту знаю что задав мужчине вопрос о переезде в Россию получила моментально положительный ответ!Россия как вы знаете очень уверенная в себе страна,и в будущем совсем не известно какая страна как будет жить. а когда у вас жена русская да еще и любовь настоящая есть в ваших сердцах.вы всегда можете выбрать где вам жить)))..скажите что может быть лучше???а вы сидите и боитесь кого то лишний раз осчастливить и не надо думать что вы единственный шанс русских женщин. это те кому дома плохо бегут куда попало. вам такие видно и попадались.. может и дальше будут попадаться. все зависит от вашего посыла энергии во вселенную такой и возврат)))) а нормальные женщины ищут свою любовь и расширили свой диапозон поиска очень широко на весь МИР))) и много кто сидят и плачут в вашей стране, потому что плохо им там. но терпят потому что любят мужчину и хотят быть рядом с ним! а некоторые бы и к себе жить позвали в свою страну.!!!а друзей найти тоже не плохо помочь кому то в чем то!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Andy, quelle del sesso che cercheremmo noi con loro sono frasi da donne della favoletta della volpe e l'uva.
Un'uomo degli USA non può cercare una donna dell'est per sesso. Non ha senso. Costa meno farlo con le americane!


Doug, 68 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Kal on View the commented comment

I would guess, a professional psychoanalyst




Ну я Вам скажу что Ваши желания совпадаю с желаниями нормальных русских парней. Совершенно напрасно все сводить к материальным благам.Ведь все начинается ни с этого, а уже потом возникают материальные вопросы,которые должны решать оба.Напрасно думать про наших женщин что они здесь ради того чтобы с Вас вытянуть побольше денег. Мне даже смешно от таких мыслей.Продажные существуют везде,но и нормальных то основная часть людей. Конечно я не соглашусь с высказываниями наших дам,сказанных в Ваш адрес по поводу Вашего уровня жизни.Каждый достигает свою планку и нельзя его винить за то что он не миллиардер.Это же снова все сводиться к деньгам.Ну какие могут замешаны деньги на искренних отношениях? Советую Вам не разочаровываться в наших девушках, основная часть думает в первую очередь о душевном счастье с мужчиной.

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