Men & women
Hello, I have been reading posts here for a few months and enjoy them all. I have decided to write and ask a question because there seems to be honesty and experience on this forum. I will ask first to forgive me if my actions have been ignorant in my search. I began a year ago in October. I am now 54, Caucasian, live in United States ( citizen ) and searched for a Slavic woman. My reason is because I have lost faith in American woman, I find it difficult to respect woman who is 200 lbs over weight , self centered and goes shopping in bed clothes. I realize not all are like this, but I see none like this in Eastern Europe. I also understand Slavic woman are very family oriented people besides being beautiful and smart.
I will make my story as short as possible but wish to give as much information so you can make an educated comment.
The woman is from Russia, in the east. She approached me on the dating site, I was very excited and the communication began swiftly. We communicated in email for about 5 weeks until she demanded a video chat. I was new to this, did not even know how to video chat. After a few tries it was successful video chat. We did video several times before the meeting. I told her within a few weeks of writing I would come in the spring, she responded that I could come sooner. I began to make plans, we discussed where and when. The meet took place in a major city in Russia in February instead of springtime. I struggled a little to come up with the money in advance because I did not want to go into debt for the trip. I paid for everything. She wanted me to send money so she could plan and purchase her own tickets. I took a chance and sent money. She needed personal things for the trip and needed money, I sent more money. One item she purchased was a suit case for $300.00 U.S. I thought this was a bit expensive to do with another persons money but I said nothing. I purchased a suitcase for $90.00. In total I sent $900.00 U.S. to her. We both flew into the city within an hour of each other and took a taxi to the hotel together. I purchased two rooms at a hotel in advance for 20 days. I also prepaid for opera and other various show tickets.
Now all was good. We got along great, we fell in love weeks before the trip even began. We ate at nice restaurants, traveled the city, went to shows and churches. I will say this was the best time of my life. The only things that concerned me during the trip are this.
1) the whole time we were together, even in the taxi from the airport she would not put her phone away. Constant messages and interruptions. I felt this was rude for as much effort I put into the meeting. I asked about this and her response was that there are people that do not know she is away from home. That people in Russia get jealous and cause problems. So she must stay in contact with them. By the end of the trip I know three of the four contacts that she stayed in touch with. A sister, a daughter and a friend ( woman ) in the united states. The fourth I never figured out or got to see.
2) During our stay at the hotel she would mention that she was getting sick, a cold. But this never stopped her from walking the city all day and night, shopping and sight seeing.
3) My money for the trip came from different sources and was deposited over time during our stay. Some days I would have several hundred dollars, as that got spent and I had to wait for the next deposit, money got a little tight. This became a big issue for her, even minor arguments and tears, but nothing real bad. Shopping got out of hand, we had to buy gifts for every person she and I knew, and I was watched very closely. Later I found out that this is done to look for expressions of greed? True or not? It felt like it. This type of shopping was not in my plans and I went a few thousand dollars over budget for the trip. The last day we were there I had a relative deposit $150.00 in my account so I would have money for my trip home. I told her I was going to the bank to exchange $50.00 for us to eat and have taxi fare. She demanded I exchange all of it. I ended up going home with $20.00 and very hungry.
3) On the day before we were to leave she began to cry and beg we stay for another week, I was able to stay till mid week, on a Wednesday. The morning we were getting ready to depart she mentioned she did not feel good and wanted to stay till the week end. I said no, we arrive together and we leave together. The ride to the airport was silent for the most part.
She did not seem or act very sick, so I assumed all was O.K. She did not demand to stay a few more days, she was O.K. we go together.
4) her flight left first for another big city, I departed 30 minutes later. My flights were very close so we could not stay in contact while traveling. Not until I got back to my house did I find out she stayed in another big city. She had claims of heart attack on landing and medical doctors at the airport denied her the ability to fly for two weeks. She said she had a friend who's parents had a house not far away and will stay with them. The following weekend ( three days later ) I found out she moved to her friends apartment, the only reason I found out is because the photos she sent me were a different flat. When I asked, She said the house was to cold so her friend let her stay at vacant apartment. In total she stayed for three weeks with claims of pneumonia. Half way into this stay are relation became strained over my doubts of honesty and over one night I tried to contact her. Every time I contacted her she responded with in a reasonable amount of time. This time she did not respond, to text, phone call disabled and video call disabled. Three hours later she said she was on phone with sister and did not get alarms of incoming calls.
5) After three weeks, she returns home and two weeks later says she is in hospital. She would never send a photo of herself in hospital but one or two very close photo in bed and one in bathroom, of her swollen hands from I.V. the one in bathroom was in her own bathroom. I know from other photos and this is true. She also said that the doctors let her out of hospital for Easter Sunday.
6) She stops video chat, since April we have done video chat maybe 12 times. I ask every week if we can, but it does not happen much. I am now at the point that I will not do it. If you take something away from me to punish me, I will remove it permanently. She also has stopped talking with me for days on end when I make her angry. I am not perfect. I do have a tendency to piss people off. I have also made accusations out of confusion, miscommunication and not understanding.
7) I have faithfully sent gifts, flowers, money every month since our meet.As far as this goes I am a nice a guy, I do not care about the money too much, or the gifts, I love her and care about her. ( Am I a fool? )
in the past two months she dissipated for one week twice.One time was in the middle of a messenger chat. Two days later she sent a message saying she had a medical emergency and went to hospital in ambulance and would talk later. the following week end communication returned to normal. the other time she said I angered her and did not wish to communicate, this also was for about a week.
9) the whole time since our meet I have begged her to share her every day life with me, only to be told she is too busy most times. I offered to spend the summer in her city so we can build our relationship only to be denied and argue why I should not.
10) I recently sent $500.00 for a computer I promised her money for. ( I know, But I do not lie and do what I say I will do )I sent this money a month ago, it was in part so we can do Skype together. To this day she says she has no time to shop for it. She also now says that when she got sick on the flight last March it caused problems with her legs. First time I ever hear of this problem. She says she can not walk in the city to all the many stores and look at computers, it will have to wait. I have caused more problems by asking when will you get it. Now I do not even ask.
11) When we left our first meeting we were engaged to be married, I gave a ring I made myself as I am a jeweler. We talked about K-1 visa and agreed to to do this. Ever since April I have had many arguments over getting her to send the information needed to complete K-1 visa. Now I plan a trip to her city in October. To meet face to face. I have questions and need answers. We also agreed to work on K-1 and finish it. She denies me to stay at her apartment due to have to many dogs and no room for me. Even said she will not cook me a meal at her home and I can not go there because she does not want to hurt her reputation.
I will say that this experience has caused me much doubt. I have not been the perfect man. I do not understand all this because I do love her and I am faithful. I honor my word and always do as I say. Maybe I am a fool, maybe I act like child, maybe I think this is fantasy.
Now I will say that this experience has caused me doubt, I have accused her of things, I have been rude in words, not by intention but by translations. There is much to the story not told. Over 1000 emails, hundreds of messenger chats, a few hundred photos between each of us. There are times when things go well and communication is O.K.
I highlighted my concerns and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please respond.
Очень странная история. Думаю вам надо присмотреться и все взвесить. Ни кто и ни когда не может требовать от почти незнакомого человека денег и подарков, все должно делаться только от души и по средствам, а не выпрыгивать из штанов, что бы только кто то был доволен. Это только начало отношений, а что будет когда она станет вашей женой? Хотя мы знаем только мнение одной стороны.
After 2 or 3 shared time, if a russian invites you to their place ( difficult but not impossible) take with you impair number of flowers, some candies and a nice not expensive present. Could be very interesting stuffs like a mechanical game for kids, a portrait of your land, coins and bills of your country ( rare, better).
And follow russian etiquette, there is a lot written about it. I witnessed how a russian lady as my great friend fought for her husband in a trip we did all together at hermitage ( she was married in those times). When you make laugh a russian couple with fine humor ! Nice!
очень интересная история . Вы пишете, что иногда у вас ухудшаются отношения, иногда улучшаются . у меня вопрос: " не связано ли улучшение отношений с отправкой денег и подарков для любимой женщины" ?
Лично у меня возникло чувство , что Вы и сами знаете ответ , но видимо Вы из тех, кто до последнего будет надеяться на чудо , что женщина изменится в лучшую сторону.
When you have trust in a woman, you will see how she cares on your budget and protects, fight and care of you. My dear friend requested me this saturday to go together to spain and france in her birthday (she is divorced right now and it would be interesting to talk with another topic about it). When a Russian woman gives your attention, never defraud her. I have her trust and is very sure about me and my words. I protect and defend her against all odds and I am unconditionally with her. When you have that level of confidence and assurance with such compromise, it is forever.
Развод на деньги. Вот и вся история. Женщина наверно на лет так 20 моложе, ну и итог.
Hallo Rick! I do not know why, but I'm very sorry for you) How old is your lady? .. Although it probably does not matter. It's all your interpretation and it's very difficult to draw conclusions. But a few theses. If you do not have enough money, international relations are not for you. Because you need a thousand meetings, you understand. And there is no guarantee. But there are costs. This is reality. You're going against the wind. Yet. I'm sure - in fact you know the answers to all the questions. In your soul. We can always understand whether there is love or not. I think she's running away, and you're catching up. But we must go to meet each other. And else. I see sooo many obstacles, all is very difficult. Or you are the Problem-Men and every trifle worries you. Or is it too complicated woman. For you. If she is now in ok and does not show interest - just lets she go. Maybe she wants to go to America (that's why she does not let you go) and so on, but she does not want to be with you. I'm sorry I'm writing this. It's just an outside viewing. I have not read about her desire for you, you understand. This is a bad sign. I suggest you stop, take a break, do not pursue her more. Let her decide how she wants to live. She will find you. Forget about money, no way to return back them. Communicate with others. Look for a kind and calm person. I thought you are a good man, ready to sacrifice, give the last (even when you do not have much). Do not rush. And just let go of the situation .. Maybe when the emotions go away - you'll see everything differently. Not you first, not you last)
И в столь юные годы катастрофически больна. Ноги даже до магазина не ходят. Что ни день то неотложка...
Перед тем как ехать в США к мужу нужно пройти медицинское обследование . а тут женщина явно не пройдет тест по здоровью.
Hello Rick,
Thank you for your post and for sharing a very personal story.
Yes, ladies, here comes "Brutal Ben" again, as the topic is money, cash, lolly, dough, beans, nuts, ponies, you name it…!
The golden rule is: pay for your own stuff primarily! She wanted you to pay for her presents to give to other people whom you didn't even know??
Sorry, but it was foolish of you to agree to that in the first place. Paying for accommodation, travel expenses and MINOR treats (pralinés en route, snacks), maybe also tickets to concerts and events or an occasional SPECIAL treat to a restaurant are all in order, but that (beast) eviscerated you like a Christmas goose. And, Rick, to make things worse, you willingly agreed to be her punching ball at all times.
Here is your story downhill:
1) she pressured you to come and visit earlier than was good for you, and you agreed (although it put strain on you).
2) you totally tolerated her ignoring you (as you accepted her bulls*** that she hadn't informed anyone that she'd be away… what a scam! As if it had been your responsibility or even fault that she hadn't told anyone).
Sorry to say, but if she had tried that one on me, I would have thrown her phone into the fire.
3) you completely surrendered to emotional blackmail. Apparently she only needed to wince or squeeze her tearducts a little to play on your heartstrings. What a shambles! Next time: stay in your OWN comfort zone!
It's way better to be single than in a false relationship.
4) always know the language of the place you go to or have someone NEUTRAL around on whom you can rely. Unfortunately those gold-digging sl.ut.s ruin things for the many nice, honest and decent women.
I'm afraid that creature is using the very laptop you've pushed up her backside to gut the next guy.
I'm surprised that stories like yours still shock me, as I have heard and seen them (too) often already.
Creatures ('women') that argue about money are farts (with a CAPITAL 'T'!) and the same scum as guys who want to buy a woman.
Think wisely when you offer your undeniable generosity and great support to someone next time.
Rick, there are so many wonderful ladies in Eastern Europe and the former CIS who will surely appreciate you for the person who you are and not the bank account you have or the wallet that you carry!
Good luck and an even better portion of care and observation!
It is very easy to spot and identify a gold-digger: just look at all those who thumb down and neg posts that discuss "shared responsibilty" or smash idiot chicks who seek advice on how to "marry a millionaire" - those creatures put a price tag round their necks and would sell their grandparents' souls if it could win them a penny.
Yes, men largely provide IN A relationship. We're not cash / milk or whatever machines that can be tapped for entertainment.
"Sharing is caring" and that means taking care of EACH OTHER. You need to make sure that you come into the equation as well.
Always remember: caution is the mother of all porcellain. All the best!
You "don't know why" -
Hello?? Anybody there?!
Simple SYMPATHY is the reason! (Find the word in a dictionary, if you possess one!)
"Thousands of meetings" - which 'reality' do you live in??? (on, next to, under - hard to express derangements)!
Yes, you should be "sorry for writing this" nonsensical gibberish!
As if establishing a relationship ONLY depended on how financial potency… disgraceful! (I would have far more descriptive terms in my repertoire, however, they would not make it past monitoring!)
Я не могу поверить что взрослый мужчина общаясь много месяцев с женщиной в скайпе не заметил чем именно он вызывает разочарование или злость у своей любимой женщины. она несколько раз прерывала видео чат. после каких слов? что вы говорили или предлагали обсудить? Насколько я поняла вы обсуждали уже подготовку визы для нее и помолвочное кольцо. Это после одной встречи? У женщины есть дочь и сестры. Вы не знакомы с ними? Мне кажется было бы уместней организовать вторую встречу и познакомиться ближе с ней, ее семьей и ее жизнью, а не настаивать на постоянном общение и частых видео чатах. Ну и разумееется мне кажется самым важным разобраться в ее состоянии здоровья, а не обижаться на то что "она говорит что она больна но она не выглядела больной".
да. Явно симуляция и автор это понимает. Но не хочет поверить, что такое возможно.
This is a provocation ? SOS you are too captivated by yourself This prevents you from thinking.. Mirror is your enemy, remeber it
OMG (Oh My God) This type Of woman makes my skin crawl!!!!
The correct termanology is the woman is an Emotional Prostitute!!! She has no interest in your body but has in your money!!!
If you go in October she will bleed you dry of every panny You own and any penny your family own...
MOST SLAVIC WOMEN ARE NOT LIKE HER dont let It put you off however to get respect your going to need to „man up”
I will adress every point you made and explain the phycology of an Emotional Prostitute and the reasoning to What They do and how they act.... I also feel im the best qualifyed person on the forum to address this as im very open honest and know the difference between a Whore (emotional or Physical and a Slavic Princess)
Firstly this girl is not a scammer becouse You agreed to everything out Of free will however She is not your princes i will explain every point Of your long letter and her reasons i intend to do my best to get his woman out your life and out your familys too... the girl is trash in my eyes!!!
Hello, glad you enjoy reading the posts. Your question is most welcome here.. nows a Good Time to get a stiff drink!!!
United States Guy 54 slavic woman 40+ perfect any younger and your Pieninach yourself up to emotional exploitation Has Well as strange looks! I know slavic women 40+ with perfect looks and bodys and mentaly mature enough for a serious relationship!
I agree Brittish/American woman are not my taste either
Yes Slavic Women best in The World with a few exceptions like this girl you bring to the forum table!!!
Firstly the woman approached you so It was her that was aparantly attracted to you first.... at this point you needed to take control of the situation and show You are the man
communicated in email for about 5 weeks then video chat. No problems so far!!!
(1)Began to make plans, we discussed where and when. The meet took place in a major city in Russia Why? You was new to this Maybe a visa free for both location like Georgia is better? Tbilisi (most romantic and afordable capital in The World with the best food & wine and scenary loved by everyone) is ideal for a meet with a Russian girl!! If She wants beach Georgian Black Sea Health & Spa resort of Batumi.... i can almost guess the city She choose was SPB!!! (I Maybe wrong) but It Maybe Moscow being expensive too!!! Unlikely to be any other my moneys on SPB!!!!
She wanted me to send money so she could plan and purchase her own tickets.
(2) This is the next mistake She dictated the flights, the cost, the airline, the class Of ticket, Maybe even exaggerated them man always book tickets after he gets a copy of her passport sent... then man knows her name age and that everything is has she says It is. You also get to see If single or married name... and You can sync the flights with your own and get the best value to your limited resorces which You already speak Of If You gave limited money the girl If traditional should be already thinking about saveing some money for your married life together on top Of this How do You know She didnt surgest to meet in city She lived and pockets the airfair... the girls probably a lazy girl doing this to many man and earning more than most slavic women doing this
(3) suit case for $300.00 U.S. i know a woman who runs a team Of acountants in Eastern Europe on less than half That amount wage per week!!!! And this is 3 times the cost Of your case yet the girl knows your not a millionaire!!!! Nice girl!!! I think id prefur the 200lb overweight american woman to this woman!!!
(4) In total I sent $900.00 U.S. for a flight and a suitcase try using sky scanner and put in yourself the two citys and see What your search returns
. I purchased two rooms at a hotel in advance for 20 days. (5) 2 single people want a romantic break for 3 weeks without going to sleep in each others arms? This bloke is a prince (Maybe a stupid prince) but hes still a prince!!! ...... This guy You dont send back... hes a keeper!!!! She was happy for him to get visas 2 rooms spend spend spend!!!
No Mistake here!!!!! You kept your pride and integraty good on you!!! Much respect!!!! For paying for opera and other various show tickets. There is a small chance when She loses you and sees a holywood movie she will regret!!! Your a top bloke!!!
Im glad you had the best time Of your life with her but theres women on this site who youd of one the heart of with just half your kindness!!!
the whole time we were together, even in the taxi from the airport she would not put her phone away. (6) theres girls who will respect you and give You 100% attention ive nothing against mobile phones but all the Time is disproportionate and rude!!!
jealous and cause problems. (50% chance) this is refurring to a husband (7)
The fourth I never figured out or got to see.
2) During our stay at the hotel she would mention that she was getting sick, a cold. But this never stopped her from walking the city all day and night, shopping and sight seeing. Happy to spend your money but didnt want to sleep with You mate sorry!!! Im sure If she had a cold she wouldnt want to walk and shop and change in and out of all them new outfits(
My money for the trip came from different sources and was deposited over time during our stay. Some days I would have several hundred dollars, as that got spent and I had to wait for the next deposit, money got a little tight. (9) If You love or care about someone You dont watch them struggle!!!!
This became a big issue for her, even minor arguments and tears, but nothing real bad. (10) argue like spoilt child She wont push It too far because shes a leach and dont want to lose you
Shopping got out of hand, we had to buy gifts for every person she and I knew, and I was watched very closely. (11) How can someone buy there family a gift If your paying for It??? If ive been good enough to pay ( OF MY CHOICE) i will tell a woman she spend a few hours by herself so she can by her family gifts on last day of trip.... in this case It should Of been also after you both sharing a bed.... If a girl is genuine She dont need to ask me for gifts She gets them give from the heart GOLDDIGGERS Get NOTHING
Later I found out that this is done to look for expressions of greed? True or not? NOT..... greed is taking her to McDonalds!!! Getting A 1 star HUT HOTEL and sending her to SPB by BUS!!!!! (12)
It felt like it. This type of shopping was not in my plans and I went a few thousand dollars over budget for the trip. (13) That money could Of paid for your wedding!!!
The last day we were there I had a relative deposit $150.00 in my account so I would have money for my trip home. (14) shes even emotionaly F@@k@D your family over!!!
I told her I was going to the bank to exchange $50.00 for us to eat and have taxi fare. She demanded I exchange all of it. I ended up going home with $20.00 and very hungry. (15) do You want awokado who cares for herself but wants You to go home with No money or food... life in russia is hard She knows this feeling at some point in her life.... shes not the girl for You!!!!
3) On the day before we were to leave she began to cry and beg we stay for another week, I was able to stay till mid week, on a Wednesday. The morning we were getting ready to depart she mentioned she did not feel good and wanted to stay till the week end. I said no, ———we arrive together and we leave together. ————YOU GOT THIS RIGHT..... She Had probably either chatted up other men or was taxting a man in same city to meet her after You went or was involved in real prostitution mistake avoided here!!!
The ride to the airport was silent for the most part. ——-This is because You shown yourself to be a man!!!!!!! Its first time She seen a Real Man in You !!!!! the child was sulking!!! What was her age???
She did not seem or act very sick, so I assumed all was O.K. She did not demand to stay a few more days, she was O.K. we go together. Her game was over!!!!! Can You see from this statement How a man gains respect from a woman???
4) her flight left first for another big city, (to the next victim)chances are You paid for this flight to the next man who most likely she Had been texting whilst with You... this could Of been avoided If You booked the tickets at the start!!!! (16)
I departed 30 minutes later. Good You was man and made sure She got off safely first despite the unfair destination Of hers
She had claims of heart attack on landing and medical doctors at the airport denied her the ability to fly for two weeks. (Im glad You said this because only people your age have heart attacks we know You problably dont have Eric or Hugos age critera but Maybe the reality Of No more free ride gave her this heart attack sounds unlikely sanario!!! (17)
different flat. (1 could be anyones flat
When I asked, She said the house was to cold so her friend let her stay at vacant apartment. In total she stayed for three weeks with claims of ..........pneumonia ....... pneumonia. (19) heart attack and a cold..... and many $1,000s quite a eventfull month!!!!
This time she did not respond, to text, phone call disabled and video call disabled. (20) disrespect and loss Of interest in You as a person but not as a ATM!!!
Three hours later she said she was on phone with sister and did not get alarms of incoming calls.
5) After three weeks, she returns home and two weeks later says she is in hospital. She would never send a photo of herself in hospital but one or two very close photo in bed and one in bathroom, of her swollen hands from I.V. (((((I will resist the DBMI & AMS joke from another post here))))) the one in bathroom was in her own bathroom. I know from other photos and this is true. She also said that the doctors let her out of hospital for Easter Sunday.(21) anything could Of happened here but by now Its like the story If CRY WOLF so much lies the truth is hard to see beyond the lies!!
I do have a tendency to piss people off. I have also made accusations out of confusion, miscommunication and not understanding. (Dont put yourself down your a kind man and a keeper)
7) I have faithfully sent gifts, flowers, money every month since our meet.As far as this goes I am a nice a guy, I do not care about the money too much, or the gifts, I love her and care about her. ( Am I a fool? )
If You feed the pidguins the pidguins will come... You stop the feed They go!!!! Your paying for your contact..... 1 woman like this will get several women used for sex by men because It gives Good slavic woman bad reputation.... (22)
in the past two months she dissipated for one week twice.One time was in the middle of a messenger chat. Two days later she sent a message saying she had a medical emergency and went to hospital in ambulance and would talk later. the following week end communication returned to normal. the other time she said I angered her and did not wish to communicate, this also was for about a week. (((The girl is a walking hospital the diffferent illnesses She has)))) unbelievable Maybe with other men or Has a CLIENT!!!(23)
9) the whole time since our meet I have begged her to share her every day life with me, only to be told she is too busy most times. I offered to spend the summer in her city so we can build our relationship only to be denied and argue why I should not.(24) shes not interested....... She may have a little guilt If shes a Orthadox Christian that shes going to HELL for this hence her contact but yet still dangling You on a strong!!!!
10) I recently sent $500.00 for a computer I promised her money for. ( I know, But I do not lie and do what I say I will do )I sent this money a month ago, it was in part so we can do Skype together. To this day she says she has no time to shop for it. (She Has better things to spend your money on than a computer to talk to you sorry) stop sending It... (25) women here should be fighting over you.... your a very Good man!!! But You need to „man up”
She also now says that when she got sick on the flight last March it caused problems with her legs. First time I ever hear of this problem. She says she can not walk in the city to all the many stores and look at computers, it will have to wait. I have caused more problems by asking when will you get it. Now I do not even ask. (Legs heart cold phuemonia IV and mystery hospital visit!!!! Yet She can still clothes shop and walk SPB!!!!(26)
Your a skint USA jeweler this bit dont add up...... i Hope this aint just an alaberate story to gain attention?? Either way If You marry this girl She will be the Jeweler and You will be a bum in cardboard city!!! How can a businessman be so stupid yet so kind??? (27)
We talked about K-1 visa and agreed to to do this. Ever since April I have had many arguments over getting her to send the information needed to complete K-1 visa. Now I plan a trip to her city in October. To meet face to face. I have questions and need answers. We also agreed to work on K-1 and finish it. She denies me to stay at her apartment due to have to many dogs and no room for me. Even said she will not cook me a meal at her home and I can not go there (2 No shes a double life!!!
Over 1000 emails, hundreds of messenger chats, a few hundred photos between each of us. (29) learn from this next Time take control this is a Good example Of your Time wasted!!
There are times when things go well and communication is O.K.
I highlighted my concerns and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please respond. (30) No further Questions ...... If i was a judge these 30 mistakes ive numbered says the girls NOT YOUR PRINCESS
Доверие, забота и защита должны быть взаимными. А по вашим словам это выглядит как "этикет гласит что нужно кормить даму и больше мужчина ничего не должен", а женщина должна много чего. Если на первом свидании это знак внимания когда мужчина платит счет за ужин в ресторане, то на этапе развития отношений этого явно недостаточно. Это не этикет, а здравый смысл и отсутствие эгоизма спросить как себя чувствует любимая женщина, какие проблемы со здоровьем возникли, позволяет ли ее бюджет оплатить ей билет и отель для встречи, не составит ли ей проблем приезд гостя-иностранца к ней домой. А по вашим словам все легко и просто, но все это должно заботить женщину. "Трудно но не невозможно" и значит женщина "должна". Но у каждой женщины своя жизнь, свои жилищные условия и своя семейная история. И вы в первую очередь должны внимательно рассмотреть их при знакомстве с женщиной а не утверждать что так должно быть потому что таков "славянский этикет".
А где вы прочитали про юные годы "невесты"? я этого не увидела в рассказе. Вот мои ноги тоже например не любят и не могут ходить по магазинам Особенно после долгих перелетов или поездок. старая травма знаете ли. А может дама не посчитала нужным ходить покупать комьютер за 500 долларов Не зная всей ситуации сложно сделать правильный вывод. Но лично мне в глаза бросились странности ситуации и явная обида автора а не его переживания по поводу катастрофического нездоровья его избранницы Да и вправду, если не в коме то пусть идет и купит комп для видео чатов 😊 )))))
In this situation he should Of paid for ONE HOTEL ROOM for 20 days only food and travel all booked by him...... If She wanted to book her own flight and wanted her own room and to buy the full content Of Russian Wallmart!!! She should Of paid for It...
This is a complete set of tips on how to make Rick an evil lonely man.. Whom does this remind you of?..
I think I woul like to write you something.. You are an ordinary man, without any extra smart ideas.. Its possible to see.. And even without a woman. Keep calm! Be worthy! Only in this way will you have a chance.. I see your anger for the all world, but.. no result (( it causes only the pity and loneliness. Your advice will make this man unhappy and he will never find a woman if will do like you..
How about a LIVE enactment of Games of Thrones?
We could lock her up in a room with Jeoffrey and see how 'far' she gets … 😂😆😂
Лично у меня не возникло предположений, даже невзирая на обрисованное поведение дамы.
Это ироничное дополнение, на комент с предположением.
А ситуация обоюдного непонимания в отношениях , нарисованная автором, действительно странная.
Здесь, похоже оба не умеют искренне вести диалог. Обиды, недосказанности, недоверие.
А насчёт суммы на комп, то наверное обговаривали вдвоём , не сюрприз.
Думать, что автору безразлично здоровье дамы я не могу. Кто знает, сколько накопилось нестыковок в поведении и неискренности, что нет уже и доверия.... сложно на такой почве строить отношения?
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you have No Prescription . You just have an Opinion. So do not teach nobody, and I am not your friend for receive all this platitude . You do not know "how" to do right, Ben. You're not a teacher, you're a schoolboy. Write to the author your version and be polite. bye-bye
Чтобы дать оценку или совет, в даной истории, надо выслушать вторую сторону. Для себя я поняла, что вы ничего не знаете о жизни, работе и здоровье вашей женщины. Возможно, женщина манипулировала вами, но!...вы приняли это и вас устраивало это! Вот и сейчас вами движут эмоции. Когда отношения сложные и не понятные взрослые люди знают ответ на вопрос "что делать?".
Все может быть в наше время, есть такие сказочницы. Раком болеют и потом каким то макаром приходит исцыление, деньги творят чудеса.
Dave, we have a newcomer to the NG!
Look at what this sad, bored, sorry, braindead troll gibberishes here.
Unbelievable that such creatures find the loopholes to sneak up to pcs and text their!
Thick as a brick, really!
The good news is that she'll be removed again soon.
A big and fat THANK YOU for your post!
You have really found the right words.
Let's just hope that evil will die of cancer. Then she'll get what she deserves.