Post in the theme "Gentlemen's club".
Ultimately, one small mistake and people forget all your good deeds, why?
Ultimately, one small mistake and people forget all your good deeds, why?
Why do people forget all of your good deeds after one small mistake?
It is hard to admit for me that every one of our species is generally a self-centered being.
So you see, your good deeds are your good deeds, not their good deeds. They are much more meaningful to yourself than to others. No matter how great you have been, people will forget your greatness in days (for some, it only takes minutes to do so.). .(well, there are people who will remember to some degree, but these people are never the majority in crowds and even these people don’t always remember others’ good deeds.) It is human nature to forget and neglect. If one doesn’t forget and neglect others’ affairs, how could they happily focus on him/herself?
And it is human nature to get used to receiving good wills and take them for granted. I don’t know if you have ever heard of any stories like how someone sacrifice their money, energy and time for friends or family, and they get blamed for stop doing so when they are finally tired of the loneliness of one-sided offering game. Yes, no appreciation, just complaints and hate. If the wrongly-blamed explained that they did not owe anybody, that it is his/her right to quit, that they should not be blamed if not thanked….blabla.. The other side sometimes would defend themselves by saying things like “I did asked you to do that for me.” Anyway, a big mess, isn’t it?
Post in the theme "Men & women".
Про любовь...
Взято из просторов интернета.
Женщина в своей жизни любит двух мужчин...
И сейчас я имею в виду не ее сына вместе с мужчиной, от которого она его родила. Я говорю и не про родного отца, который для нее святее всех на свете мужчин. Это и так понятно...
Женщина любит в своей жизни двух совершенно взрослых людей, мужчин. Один — это тот, который ее губил, убивал и пренебрегал ею. Мужчина, рядом с которым она стерпела распятие.
А второй — это тот, который снял ее с креста, отнес на руках в свой тихий дом и залечил все ее раны.
Сначала женщины любят тех, кто им нравится. Тех колких и "крутых" парней, об которых они в конечно итоге обжигаются, ради которых они идут добровольно на каждый свой шрам.
Идут к парням, которые их не любят, которые попросту разбалованные их любовью...
Затем женщины влюбляются не в самого мужчину, не в его внешность, красоту и харизму, а в само отношение мужчины к ним. В его любовь!
В его поступки, в его надежные крепкие руки, которые не устанут носить ее на руках. Женщины становятся рассудительнее и умнее, следуя только за теми, рядом с которыми их ждет надежное светлое будущее и твердая вера в завтрашний день.
Они идут под руку с непоколебимыми мужчинами, которые никогда не "передумают" их любить.
Они рожают им детей, они отдают им свою жизнь, всю свою женственность и нежность. А затем и всю свою любовь, которая у них осталась...
И знаете, что самое забавное? Та первая женская любовь, тот фантом из прошлого в мужском обличии, он со временем начнет смотреть с завистью на ту женщину, которую когда-то давно оставил. Которую осчастливил кто-то другой.
И первая любовь еще появится в жизни женщины, протянув ей увядший букет былого, в глазах которого застынет "Вернись!"
Улыбки бывают разными, но есть одна женская улыбка, которая значит — "Никогда!"
Она, зачастую, появляется на лицах после моря вылитых слез. После рассвета, упавшего на сушу морского дна.
Всегда один и тот же занавес — самый нужный мужчина в жизни женщины, которому не нужна была в свое время она, становится не нужным никому. Даже самому себе.
Вот так вот...!
Post in the theme "Men & women".
Only to 20-32 years old ladies
Hello ladies! I am from Riga,Latvia,30 years old,186cm tall and 80kg weight.
I live in Vlaardingen,South Holland and working in the Netherland.
My work is to drive by a truck to the supermarkets
and every day i am at home.
I do not smoke and do not drink.
I am gonna stay for a long time that i decided to buy a house on mortgage.
I do not have children. Can write long but only the main what need to know.
Also expect something good from you.
Sympathetic, honest and serious about the future. In age of 20-32
And you can afford a flight ticket to Netherland!
Whereas this is a serious step,think,do you need something like this.
Have a nice day.
Post in the theme "Studying foreign languages/ language barriers".
Русский Язык
Ich möchte meine Kenntnisse in der russischen Sprache verbessern ... Wer möchte mir helfen?
Я хочу улучшить свои знания русского языка ... Кто хочет мне помочь?
Post in the theme "Men & women".
Фото для незнакомца
Хотела бы поднять такую тему на этом сайте, как фото. Даже скорее безопасность.
Совсем не давно, мужчина, так резко активизировался, что я только и успевала следить за его действиями. Попросил номер телефона в вацапе и почти сразу пишет:"Можно увидеть твое фото?"
Я в легком недоумении:
1) у меня достаточно фото в анкете
2) у меня фото в вацапе
3) я его(мужчину) первый раз вижу
4) никогда не посылаю фото не знакомым людям
Возникает вопрос "Зачем?". На что он отвечает:"Хочет на меня посмотреть" Я объясняю, что фото у меня уже есть в анкете и там можно посмотреть и что я его не знаю.
Вот интересно на что рассчитывает мужчина, вот так сразу прося фото? И зачем? Я считаю, что безопасность прежде всего в век высоких технологий!
Хорошо, если предположить что он решил проверить реальный я человек или нет, то для этого есть масса других способов! А не просить очередное фото. Я так же его не знаю и не знаю, что он собирается с ней делать! Кстати, а на сайте есть в этом плане защита фото и личных данных?
Что думаете?
Post in the theme "Men & women".
сознание нищебродки
Девочки из постсовка! Прекращаем мужчину оценивать по его желанию оплачивать вам поездку в страну встречи! Если хотите качественного мужчину, который будет уважать вас. Учитывая что большинство из вас старше сорока, думаю заработали на билет за свою долгую жизнь
Post in the theme "Esotericism and psychology".
The Scorpion and the Frog
A fable about inherent nature.
Retold by G.J.McLean
Wisdom for Life.
Once a upon time...
A scorpion came upon a frog by the pond.
Scorpion seems quite optimistic to frog.
“Could you carry me to the other side?
Enquired scorpion.
Ever the optimist, frog wanted to be helpful,
But was very concerned about that nature of Scorpion.
“Surely you will sting me and we will both die?”
Proclaimed frog, dismayed, but still optimistic.
“Oh no, that would be silly of me!”
Said Scorpion.
“You can be sure I won’t sting you!”
Ever the optimist, frog relented, discarding thoughts of Scorpions nature.
“Ok then, hop on my back and ride.” Said frog.
All seemed well as frog began to swim.
Scorpion seemed happy, for a while.
Suddenly, Scorpion stings frog, who cries out in anguish.
“Why did you kill us!” As they both slide under,
Scorpion says under failing breath,
“It is my nature.”
This fable speaks to INHERENT NATURE.
Suggesting that human beings, as with all of nature,
Is inherently fixed. People are incapable of transformation.
While it is true that a PSYCHOPATH is born destructive,
In fact a SOCIOPATH who has similar traits,
Develops their behaviour through
environmental influence.
By parents and community.
NEUROPSYCHOLOGY teaches that the human mind has PLASTICITY,
Which is the capacity for neural pathways of the brain to be remapped.
Modern traditions such as COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY (CBT)
have superseded NLP as a method to help people who are caught
In behaviours relating to LIFE TRAUMA.
We must learn as human beings that we are BIOCHEMICAL COMPUTERS
Who are most susceptible to programming during early childhood.
Many adult conditions exist as a result of the subtleties
Of childhood experiences affecting adult behaviour.
Where this understanding takes us is towards the recognition of my upgrade to the parable.
Once upon a time...
A scorpion came upon a frog by the pond.
Scorpion seems quite optimistic to frog.
“Could you carry me to the other side?
Enquired scorpion.
Ever the optimist, frog wanted to be helpful,
But was very concerned about that nature of Scorpion.
“Surely you will sting me and we will both die?”
Proclaimed frog, dismayed, but still optimistic.
“Oh no, that would be silly of me!”
Said Scorpion.
“You can be sure I won’t sting you!”
Ever the realist, frog suggested, To sit around a campfire and discuss Scorpions nature.
“My dear Scorpion, I am only a small frog, and your armour and pincers are heavy.” Said frog.
“Oh I see.” Said Scorpion. “They are very heavy for me too.”
As Scorpion began removing armour, frog noticed some green peeking through from underneath.
“My dear Scorpion, how is that you are green, just like me?” Said frog.
“Once long ago, I too was a frog.” Said Scorpion.
Frog appeared perplexed and became curious.
“How did you become a Scorpion?”
“Once upon a time... I was swimming to the other side of life and I was stung very badly, so I found myself some armour and put on these pincers to protect myself. I am weary of being hurt and hurting people. I wish that I could go back to being a frog.”
Frog was amazed at this confession. No wonder frog wanted to help Scorpion. Instinctively frog knew Scorpion was green underneath.
“I have an idea.” Said frog.
“Now that you have removed all your armour and your pincers and you are a frog again, why don’t I remind you how you can swim on your own again. Would you like to try being yourself again... without all the danger?”
“I would love that very much!” Proclaimed Scorpion.
Scorpion moved to the water.
Put one little flipper in.
Then smiled.
And became frog again.
All seemed well as frog began to swim.
Scorpion seemed happy, for a while.
Suddenly, Scorpion sings to frog, who cries out in happiness.
“Why did you take so quickly to become one of us!”
As they both slide gracefully over the water,
Scorpion says under a happy breath,
“It is my nature.”
We may become pessimistic in life, because we expect of human nature to be dangerous.
In fact, the biological computer of human beings was designed to protect us from monsters.
Dinosaurs! Bears! Tigers! Sharks! And so we have the AMYGDALA system of the brain.
Which is part of the LIMBIC SYSTEM that sends chemicals to the brain to trigger
Flight or Fight response so that we RUN or FIGHT monsters.
Harvard Business school conducted research into why it was that of two equivalent graduates, one was more successful than the other. The research revealed a startling result. That of two equally skilled graduates, the one with high emotional intelligence was on average 90% more likely to succeed than their colleagues. This is an amazing result. What this means is that EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE or the ability to SELF REGULATE EMOTIONS and develop INTER and INTRA PERSONNEL (people skills within an organisation and outside the organisation) is 90% more important than skill.
Where this goes is that the practical ability to learn how to self regulate the biochemical responses is learned during childhood. Just as the Scorpion in my fable was once a frog, Many adults were once children. All trying to get to the other side of life. Human beings become traumatised by social injustices during childhood, that affect children well into adulthood.
We perceive the one wearing ARMOUR and who has PINCERS as the enemy, for good reason. HURT PEOPLE, HURT PEOPLE and LOVED PEOPLE, LOVE PEOPLE. Yet TOUGH LOVE can assist the HURT PERSON to find SELF-LOVE and to reprocess the childhood hurt to find healing of the INNER CHILD. We can each assist this journey from scorpion back to frog, by helping the hurt individual to reintegrate their authentic identity and let go of the past hurts.
An adult who has grown up without an example of love may not understand how to be loved to inform their self-love. In such a case, others must become like parents to the child. This is why so many women say about men, “I DON’T WANT ANOTHER CHILD!” Yet the modern women uniquely holds the power in her hands to transform MAN-KIND. Women have naturally high empathy, emotional insight and communication skills with which to guide men. Men must be guided back to their authenticity, but not through adversarial argument.
It is not just men who exhibit narcissism.
While there is much abuse of women, by men, there is an extraordinarily high suicide rate among men who become so distressed by the behaviour of women that they kill themselves. In Australia, 2.4 men per day kill themselves.
We must understand that THE OPPOSITE OF LOVE IS NEGLECT. That if we are to become serious about what love is, it must be founded on COMPASSIONATE UNDERSTANDING, not just for our partner, but first for ourselves, then for our family, then our neighbours and community. But where and how do we learn to BECOME OF LOVE?
Each person will seek their own example.
Mother, Father, Sister, brother, friend.
I would like to suggest that we draw wisdom for those who came before us.
Whether Buddha, Jesus or mum or dad, the attributes of love as the same.
If we are to heal each other, lets become like gardeners of each other’s hearts.
Come to the garden of Hearts each day, water the flowers in Gods garden,
With words of encouragement and praise.
Patience. Kindness. Forgiveness.
How we behave towards others, is the programming that they need to see.
The lessons are learned through observing how we are, our peaceful way.
Yet most of all, let us become beautiful people, who children look to.
The kind of love that protects and serves every child to rise
Up into life, a fully functional little froglet.
Who has no need for armour.
No need for pincers.
That all scorpions
might become
With love.
Post in the theme "Men & women".
Внешний вид человека. И что значит: завоюй меня.
Сначало я хотела просто " потрепаться" с девочками, а потом подумала, почему бы не вынести тему на всеобщее обсуждение. И так ВНЕШНОСТЬ и ещё некоторые другие приоритеты, которые каждый при знакомстве в первую очередь выбирает для себя. Внешний вид очень важен, для меня это аксиома. Для меня очень важно нравиться самой себе и я уверена, что если человек выбрал для себя определенный стиль в одежде имеет татуировки или пирсинг, то естественно, в первую очередь это нравится ему. Я не буду говорить что красиво или нет. Красота - это понятие относительное. У каждого человека, тем более у каждого поколения (капец!!!!, мне всего лишь 42, а я рассуждаю о разнице поколений) на это свои взгляды. Однако, для меня очень важно, чтобы человек (читай мужчина), ухаживал за собой. Я имею ввиду элементарные правила гигиены и ещё чуть-чуть, т.е. если ты идёшь на свидание с женщиной, можно ведь постричься и побриться на неделю раньше, а не тогда, когда планировал. Сейчас я действительно ОРУ. Через сайт знакомств у меня было 2 свидания.
`Я всегда считала, что в период, когда люди только познакомились, начали встречаться, то хотя бы должны стараться произвести некоторое положительное впечатление, но оказывается нет. Для меня совсем не сложно сделать своему мужчине маникюр, педикюр, но Как как заставить этого мужчину снять рваные носки или грязную футболку ( потому что стирка завтра). И это все в период ухаживаний. При этом хочет видеть рядом с собой ухоженую, симпатичную, заботливую женщину. Ещё интересуется: на ,что готова пойти женщина, чтобы завоевать его. Серьезно!!!! Что происходит? Я считаю себя достаточно сильным человеком, но с каких пор женщина должна завоёвывать мужчину? К стати, и мужчина не обязан завоёвывать женщину. Производить положительное впечатление, проявлять заинтересованность, заботу это "да", но, что значит завоёвывать? При том, что мужчина даже не пытается произвести хорошее впечатление о себе. Возможно это случается только со мной и только я притягиваю к себе таких мужчин. Я ищу заботливого, умеющего любить мужчину, я не претендую на то, что меня будут содержать, наоборот я всегда стремилась быть материально независимой от мужчины, мне не надо от мужчины европейское гражданство, я живу и работаю в Чехии, но Карл, завоёвывать. Правда, накипело. Очень интересует ваше мнение. В заключение этого поста. Хочу пожелать всем побыстрее найти для себя достойного партнёра, а тем, кто уже нашел - скорейшей встречи.
Post in the theme "Ladies only".
Девочки, прошу помощи и советов.
Познакомилась с мужчиной и как-то быстро все закрутилось. Общаемся записывает видео, звоним по видео переписываемся все дни общаемся неделю. Вроде хороший и честный мужчина ( показал все видео все рассказывает, увидела его МАМА и сына, клянусь лишилась дара речи) предложил приехать к нему( я в шоке, конечно) очень быстро. Говорю процесс может занять до 6 месяцев, он - будем собирать документы( акуела от размаха). Не урод, не дурак, работает, нормальный мужик , в общем чего не могу понять, почему так быстро хочет меня к себе прибрать( извращенец)🤔?!ГДЕ ПОДВОХ , ДЕВОЧКИ! Помогите, прошу вас. Я на сайте знакомств новичок.
Post in the theme "Ladies only".
Девочки! Подскажите, пожалуйста, какие нужно сейчас документы украинцам для поездки в Германию? Приятельница пригласила в гости.
Post in the theme "Share your experience".
I have decided. I will not contact people who have only 1 photo in their profile, who have not added their personal information, who write no more than 1 Sentence, 1 message a day. there are quite a few fake accounts. as the days progressed, I think that this site was useless.
Post in the theme "My art".
Beautiful monster
I am smart and yet I was your fool for love.
If you knew you were not going to love me why make me fall in love with you?
I am naive and I trusted you completely.
How cruel, merciless, and heartless because you well knew I loved you dearly.
You took everything from me and took no pity of my feelings for you.
Every day I prayed for a miracle, a miracle of love a miracle that never came.
How ugly can sweet words become in your mouth; bitter by the lies.
I am strong and yet I was powerless to stop you, oh beautiful monster!
Post in the theme "Men & women".
Всем доброго дня!
Не знаю поднималась ли данная тема...Но я вот не понимаю мужчин, которые делают фото в домашних майках или еще хуже без маек, в постели перед сном. Ладно, еще на пляже. На что они рассчитываю? Или так трудно сделать нормальное фото? Честно, раздражает-это не уважение...Это как прийти на свидание в без майки и т.д. Или я что-то не понимаю?
Post in the theme "Beauty, health, lifestyle".
Осенний день.
Сегодня я прогулялась недалеко от своего дома, встретила и с удовольствием пообщалась с соседями. Прохладная, но такая красивая и чудесная осень.
Post in the theme "Men & women".
Hypothetical questions about meeting face to face.
Hello Ladies, Imagine you have been talking/videoing with a gentleman for some time, you both like each other and you both agree to meet. The gentleman comes to your city and stays in a hotel or rents an apartment. What are your views and opinions on the following;
1) How long would you like him to visit for, a few days, a week, longer?
2) If he is staying for 1 week, how often would you want to see him?
3) Would you take time off work to see him?
4) Would you want him to be in a hotel/apartment near you or further away?
5) would you like him to meet your friends and or family?
Your views would be welcome.
Post in the theme "Our happy couples and happy wishes".
15.06.2016 – 15.06.2018. Две даты – знакомство и свадьба. Два года. Встречи (первая через 8 месяцев), расставания, ожидание новых встреч, ежедневное общение в Скайпе, изучение языка, сбор документов на регистрацию брака в Польше. И вот этот день настал! Свидетелями регистрации были наши девочки. Дочка моего мужа сразу назвала меня второй мамой. Было очень приятно! Когда муж произносил слова клятвы и одевал мне обручальное кольцо, его глаза были полны слез. Слез радости. После окончания регистрации сгреб меня в охапку и сказал: «Наконец-то ты моя жена!» Оба знаем, что до окончательного воссоединения пройдет еще время. Начали сбор документов для оформления визы в Англию. Спасибо сайту, что помогает людям найти друг друга! Не смотря на расстояние и языковой барьер! Девочки, милые! Верьте! В себя и в свою мечту! Как говорится, кто хочет – тот ищет способ, кто не хочет – ищет причину. Ловите букетик! Сама сделала, с любовью! Впрочем, как и тортик и декор бутылки шампанского!
Post in the theme "Men & women".
Красота жемчужная)
Чтобы не потеряться в предыдущей теме, просто добавлю здесь обещанное фото моих жемчужных пионов. Только начали расцветать под дождем)
Post in the theme "Men & women".
A sense of humor
There's a theme which I'm interested in a lot.
Is it important for you to find a person with the same sense of humor?
I have a specific sense of humor and sometimes I realize that men of my age don't understand my jokes, they are too "teenage" for them. But I can't help it because I'm interested in many teenager's things. Why so? I am a teacher at school and work with teenagers, so I had to be "on the wave"
And what is your experience?
Post in the theme "Marrying in America, Australia, New Zealand, Canada".
Want to get married
Daughters were brought up alone. They are already big. Both daughters are married. I live alone. I got a lot of free time. I want to change everything . I'm waiting for the proposal to marry a reliable and kind man. I myself am. Kind and caring woman ..
Post in the theme "Share your experience".
The Art of Platonic Romance
I think it is fair to say that many of the what you might call "normal" people on this website have come here to experience a monogamous relationship with just one person. While our views of how we go about entering into a relationship may vary, the average person has in common the simple notion that love is about committing to just one person. Suddenly there is a problem. Online dating is about multiple conversations happening at one time. Immediately some people new to online dating will cast judgement... YOU ARE UNFAITHFUL TO ME! No, they only just met you! If you saw a stranger in the street, would you walk up to them and say, "I SAW YOU LOOKING AT THE WAITRESS IN THAT CAFE! I LIKE YOU, AND BECAUSE YOU ARE LOOKING AT OTHER PEOPLE, YOU ARE UNFAITHFUL TO ME!" No. That wouldn't happen. But it does happen online. We are not accustomed to having lots of conversations at the same time. You are not being unfaithful to anyone by talking to lots of people. In fact, perhaps you are being unfaithful to yourself, if you don't leverage your paid membership to speak to a few more people, in order to find someone that makes your heart go BOOM! Bing Bada BOOM bada BOOM! If we take the approach of only talking to one person to find out their compatibility, finding a person that matches us might take hundreds of years! But if we talk to too many people, we are not being faithful and we can't really give adequate attention to develop a relationship with our one and only. Somewhere in the middle, there is a balance! It also occurs to me that finding a soul mate is a matter for the soul! But how can souls connect through a medium of technology that denies all of the fruits of the soul. The way that a person moves, speaks, touches. We are in a sensory deprivation tank in which we must make the decision of a lifetime to fulfill our senses, without being able to use those sense. That's difficult. Or is it? We can easily move to WhatsApp, Google Hangouts, WeChat, Vkontakte or Skype and in-satiate our our auditory and visual sense of a person. Yet before we do this, perhaps being old fashioned and platonic has a useful place! Because the moment that we take sex off the table (not saying that we are having sex on the table in the first place) we can begin to focus on other fruits of the soul. Virtues. Values. Priorities. Hobbies. Wants. Needs. Passions. Pleasures. To my mind, the art of platonic romance is understanding that as human beings, we ought to fundamentally love and respect all other beings. By love I mean agape love, live and let live, sacrificial love. Having a sense of "Namaste", I respect you, you respect me. We approach our communication from the perspective of respecting each other equally. Accepting that each has their own path, we humbly respect that someone else's path is not necessarily our path. Timing is everything. If two people arrive at the same place at the same time in their spirit, if they are heading in the same direction with the same desires, the way is much easier. One person wants to have children, the other one doesn't. It is good to know this in the beginning. Yet we should also be flexible.
`People often have fixed goals, then they meet a person who blows their mind! They meet the love of their life who doesn't want children. True love is sacrificial and would make the sacrifice to be with each other. Another person wants children, and so the gift of love becomes to mutually accept that loving this person is to raise children together. We each may seek different ways to experience connection. None of them are wrong. All of them are equally valid. Everyone becomes beautiful, with the right person. The art of platonic romance is still affectionate and intimate, but does so without exerting our sexuality. Most normal people enjoy sensuality and sexual expression. We each want to be wanted, need to be needed and love to be loved. Beloved. The art of platonic romance understands that sexuality is the fruit of a deeper life connection with our partner. If we are to make love, we should first make friendship, which forms the foundation of many of the deep feelings that occupy sensuality. I am making love to you when I make you a cup of tea. Because love is service. Every aspect of life is a component of love making. Sexuality is only the crescendo and not the melody. The art of platonic romance is to orchestrate our conversation to make space to listen to the other persons life desires, without a sense of taking an advantage of their openness or vulnerability. Instead, the person exercising a respectful approach to speaking to many people, will treat everyone as a best friend. I will look after you for me, if you will look after me for you. This includes making sure that if we aren't really feeling a connection, we have the compassion and integrity to let the other person know that, while we wish all the best for them, we don't want to occupy a space in their heart and in their life that was always intended for someone else more right for them. It's OK to say no graciously, and much better than being silent. Say something complimentary about the other person in parting, and part as a friend. Say something complimentary in greeting. To have a friend, be a friend. To experience a great love, give a great love. To experience excitement, be exciting. To be cared for, be caring.
Post in the theme "Marrying in Muslim countries (Turkey, UAE, etc)".
Ön yargıları unutun
Duyguların evrensel bir dili vardır, aynı dili konuşmak, aynı kültürde yaşamak zorunda değiliz. Aşk, Sevgi mutluluk, hüzün kültürleri, dinsel ve dilsel farklılıkları aşar. Geriye sadece doğru insanı doğru zamanda tanımak kalıyor. Herkese bol şans
Post in the theme "My art".
Юная фрейлина Екатерина
Прообразом куклы послужили фрейлины Российского Императорского Двора 18-19 веков. Костюм исполнен придерживаясь Указа Николая I, где в 1834г. утвердил " Описание женских нарядов для приезда в торжественные дни к Высочайшему Двору".
Post in the theme "Meeting in real life".
В Беларусь из Польши
Всем добрый день ! Ко мне хочет приехать мужчина из Польши на месяц по приглашению от меня .Кто может подсказать - нужно ли ему иметь подтверждение финансового обеспечения на этот период из расчёта 50 белорусских рулей на день/ это 750 долларов / или моё приглашение есть для него подтверждение , что он будет иметь место проживания и всё остальное ?
Post in the theme "Men & women".
С чего начинать знакомство.
Всем добра!
Решила снова зарегистрироваться на этом сайте.
Но дело в том, что я очень нерешительный человек.
На данный момент нет ни одного письма от мужчин.
Скорее всего я не подхожу по их параметрам.
У меня вопрос. Как лучше начинать знакомство?
Сидеть и ждать, пока кто-нибудь напишет или самой начинать проявлять знаки внимания.
И с английским языком у меня проблемы. Я его просто не знаю.
Помогите, пожалуйста, свими советами. Очень устала от одиночества!
Post in the theme "Share your experience".
Very few people here under 35 have serious intentions
I'm sure this will be a controversial topic. It would be nice to have input from women under 35 (ideally under 30) to have a debate or to find solutions, but I've noticed that almost none use the forum, and I have seen very few success stories regarding younger couples. Over the past while here, I've noticed that this site isn't really for young people with serious intentions - and maybe I'm starting to understand why. I'm aware of the stigma surrounding internet dating in the former Soviet Union, but I don't think this explains why so few young people take this site seriously. My impression is that young people use this site as a boost to their ego - to receive messages and praise from attractive and/or successful members of the opposite sex. This is the unfortunate result of the need for instant gratification that plagues the younger generations. We need apps like Tinder to instantly match someone who wants shallow relations (sex predominantly) - or just the validation of matching with someone to feel better about themselves. We need the dopamine rush from receiving "likes" and attention, but this destroys our ability to build long-term happiness. I feel that speaking with enough casual daters ruins the experience of serious people, so that they just lose interest in the whole process. I admit that I now fall into that group.
Something I've observed for a long time here is the level of "turnover" among women under 30 here. That is, they create their profile, have brief conversations, and vanish within a day or two. A lot of these women will write first, but won't even read any responses, or will read them and leave them unanswered. A lot of women that I write to first will do the same. I try to start with topics they will find interesting, as a way to "break the ice", but find that it's a lot more difficult than it seems. I've alluded to this on the forum previously, but lots of younger women here are just boring to talk to - many give simple response that are maybe 5-10 words long to messages, even after switching to communication off the site. It's not interesting at all to talk to someone like that. What is there to gain from having a conversation, but putting so little effort into it? I get the impression that such women are here for easy gratification, as I mentioned above - that they love the attention, but do not care to put in any effort, and definitely don't have any intention to meet anyone. Ladies, I know you're not all like this.
I've noticed that many of the more attractive women here have response rates below 5% and only log on once per month to re-enter the photo contests. Why is this important to them?
I've also noticed that many women don't even read profiles. I get many messages from women who do not even appear in "who viewed my profile", so I imagine they're sending out messages to many people they see in the "Search" function. If they don't even take a few seconds to know who you are, how can you take them seriously? I try to use the mail filters to eliminate low-success messages (I find the "likes" function isn't very useful), but I have criteria written in my profile that I'd hope women would respect, such as age, language, and whether they have children. I'd estimate that well over half of messages I receive here totally ignore this, and just send a message saying "Привет" (this was written about messages received over the past week but as I was finishing this post, I got yet another of these). Last year, I did meet one young woman from the site who was very well-spoken and seemed to have genuine intentions, but her English was as good as my Russian (which is to say - not great 😜 and I did not feel any connection through a translator. I also previously had a long relationship with a Russian woman I found on another site. She was mature, self-sufficient, knew what she wanted, could speak English well, and was very proactive to make steps to find her happiness. I'm sorry to report that I haven't found many like that here.
I also get the impression that many men here under 35 (and many over 35, for that matter) don't have intentions that extend beyond lust, and can be rude in the way they approach women. I don't interact with these people here, so I can't really elaborate with any experience, but I would be happy to hear from women the things that make you want to engage with a man, and the things that you don't want to hear.
While it does cost money for men to write on this site, it's really discouraging to see the women who I seek using the site so callously. The issue to me is not the money - it's the principle. Non-serious men are filtered by their unwillingness to pay for the privilege to talk here, but non-serious women ruin the experience for serious men, and draw attention away from serious women, as well.
This is where things get controversial. Although many women here are making serious attempts, I'll say this: as a woman, if you have no ability to speak another language and you're not actively learning already - I don't think you have genuine intentions. Relationships are based on communication, and presumably you are here because you want to meet a man from a country where your mother tongue is barely spoken. If you move to a country in which you do not speak the language, for a man with whom you can't have a conversation without a translator, this is a recipe for disaster. As a man, I would never put a woman in such a vulnerable and lonely situation.
For the men, if you are not willing to go visit another country, if you're not willing to learn anything about her culture, traditions or customs, or if you don't consider anything other than appearance - you don't have serious intentions.
I applaud the managers here for creating a site that is (largely) free of scammers, and is very liberal in the way they allow people to interact. I do get the impression that anyone can find their match if they put in enough time and effort here.
My ultimate question is this: Since distance dating is based entirely on digital communication to create a bond and a spark, what can serious younger men and women do to improve their experience here?
Post in the theme "Men & women".
От знакомства до свадьбы
Всем привет ! Обсудили тему ассортимента в магазинах разных стран и городов , куда уехали наши девушки , выйдя замуж . А давайте обсудим насущную тему , которая ( я думаю ) волнует каждую незамужнюю даму на СЗ . Как познакомиться , заинтересовать , встретиться и выйти замуж за иностранного мужчину ? Можно обсудить те же пункты и в отношении отечественных мужчин .
Я выслушаю советы и критику о отношении себя . На СЗ 3 года . За три года ни одной встречи и интересной переписки . В чём моя ошибка ? Хотелось бы проанализировать и исправиться . Слушаю разных блогерш , удачно вышедших замуж ... Они готовы раздавать советы и поучать нас , сирых за определённую сумму денег . Но мне этот вариант не подходит у некоторых мужья такие , что начинаешь сомневаться в возможностях мадам ( а денег она запрашивает не малые за науку ) . И они критикуют доступные для бывшего СНГ сайты и предлагают " хорошие , проверенные " . Но проблема такова , что для нас эти сайты недоступны . Даже если мы изменим ID , нас быстро вычислят и закроют доступ . Но это не всё . Мужчины на тех сайтах изначально заинтересованы в местных женщинах . В общем , не готова я материально поддерживать этих дам . Написание 100 писем разным мужчинам - не вариант ( нет времени писать столько и кому писать ? за 3 года я вижу одни и те же лица на сайтах ) . Писать самой ? Захожу на страницу мужчины и вижу , что он ищет не меня точно . Его пожелания никак не совпадают с моими данными . Шо делать ( девы и мужЫ ) ? Замуж хочу
Post in the theme "Men & women".
У всех нас есть любимое времяпрепровождение, мое, например, музыка.
У меня есть музыкальная страница, я постоянно публикую музыкальные клипы и общаюсь с людьми из разных уголков мира.
Какое твое хобби?
Что ты любишь делать по выходным?
Что это за мечта, которую вы еще не осуществили, но упорствуете в ее достижении?