Men & women

Я скучаю о любви или как делать эротическая котлета)
Мне 48 лет..я прекрасна и умна...(немного)) Я-красива!! и очень сексуальна
Моя жизнь не сахар , но и не йодированная соль))
Живу с детьми .Дети взрослые..
Работаю...Устала отвечать турецким богатым бизнесменам)
Моя мечта= Заберите меня с сайта!! ) надоело писать "Привет! Фрунзик!"
женитесь на мне!!..подарите мне жизнь светлую....
Я умею все- делать котлеты из корня жень-шень, красиво одеваться и нежно улыбаться
Ветра любви так сильны во мне, что мое шелковое платье поднимается как юбка у Мерлин.)
я имею много рецептов волшебных отваров..
мои фото Ню я могу послать бесплатно)...
Прошу, не проходите с равнодушием мимо много постов...)
Если вы желаете -я писать много постов на любая тема Мне грустно и никто не желает обнять меня сладко каждая ночь

соблазнительная мебель
Я думаю, что это очень эротично. Я не думаю, что нужно объяснение. какую мебель другие люди считают сексуальными?

Relation between woman and man
Dear Fellows, I will write from my experiences on relation with women and last marriage.
We are beings with our own personality and our brains are wired according with the evolution on myriads of time.
Have our roles programmed according with the sex type, men are hunters and like to make competitions in order to evidentiate superiority, we can see it in all levels of our society, irrespective of the country, religion and manners.
Women have the gift of giving birth, they are more stronger and their brains are wired as to protect and assure the continuity of the specie.
after the sexual revolution in the 60's, women started to emancipate more and more, gaining ritghs who every human being deserves.
Unfortunately, with "freedom" -Libertad- the consequences of unbalanced claims and fights between sexes - women from Mars and men from Venus-, has derived in the breakage of marriages, couple relations and families with no guiadance and examples of life to follow.
What I have been an excellent provider before I married, a fancy and luxurious Vacation resort, traveling around the world, etc; I married in love with the Angel I knew at 15 years old, a pretty blond green eyed woman with such excellent body. I paid my wedding party, a new house, two cars; had the conception of our first child at the first month living together. had our second son 51 weeks after the birth of the first son, being blessed with the birth of my beautiful daughter, and my younger son who lived with me at my own new house only 6 months (2017).
I gave the provisions,they born at the best and expensive hospital here, we spend the best times since toddlers in that beautiful resort all the days of the year, ( it has warm pool under the roof for winters and open sky pools for summer, among tennis, a lake for fishing, swimming,riding boats, restaurants, beautiful gardens, grills to do barbecues, hotel).
But if the relation between the man and the woman is not balanced since the beginning, it is marked with the risk of failure.
I feel and my opinion is, the emancipation in excess provoques that not all women, but some, overpass the rights the law give to them ( at least in Mexico it is unflexible in that aspect,we the men are obligated to financially suport them up to 25 years old, or could win a ticket to the jail ).
I feel it is a mimic of the law of USA, as I heared stories about divorces in the US, where the woman is overprotected in excess.
Now I have read US men prefer to seek for their second half in the East Europe countries, as the way of life and woman manners are more closer to those old schemes at the beginnig of the XX century.
But women are under emancipation, I support them as I do with my friend and business partner ( YES, maybe the audience is tired to read a lot about it, but I do not care, is what I want to say as my perception and planning that I will explain at the end).
I support my daughter as to purse her profession and aspirations in life and clear that dependencies - economical, the rol of mother in charge only of children and housekeeping-.
I want my daughter to be independant, brave and never been under the sole of a bad man. She is free to chose and find her place in this world.
The main for a family and a happy couple is to not lost the bond between all the family, no matter the odds and problems, what unite a family must be keep intact no matter, and the parents must be the most important support in life,as for the well being and good developing of the family.
I never have had such terrible events when my children attempted against their life by suicide -daugther in 2010 and young boy in 2015-, I leave that home in 2014 when the events surpass a regular family life.
So, as to finish this topic, I only want to say that what must be cared and be an obligation for a man and a woman united in marriage, is to put their children first, to give them the best education and development for their future life.
I grew up with many of my cousins - kind little girls who developed very well-, so I used to protect and advice them with the warm care I did.
That is why I support the persons who really deserves, in return to the support of many friends and known persons who gave all the help in my own development.
What men are looking here??
What women are looking also??

Насколько правдивы намерения у мужчин на сайте знакомств, как они заявляют??
Люди, как вы считаете, если мужчина, заявляет, что он ищет серьёзные отношения, то находя их, он уходит с сайта или по привычке, иногда заглядывает и общается?? Что грустно...

So, I messaged every single girl in this website in my preferred age range, but I rarely get a response. Could it be my country? Or is everyone experiencing the same low response rate?

En esta ocasión emplearé mi idioma natal.
He visto y experimentado en otros, como la mujer es rebajada a un rol de ama de casa, relegada y al cuidado de la crianza de los hijos; a lo largo de los tiempos este rol se ha caracterizado como inferior y no relevante. El rol de hombre macho, denigra a las mujeres de una manera insolente.
con la revolución de los 60's mas como una explosión sexual y de excesos en los países desarrollados, creó una emancipación de las mujeres en todos los ámbitos.
Yo que tengo una hija, primas y sobrinas, me dolería en mi corazón que ellas fuesen maltratadas y relegadas por el chauvinismo de los hombres y de una sociedad que las relega.
Mi hija estudia la carrera de medicina, tengo primas con profesiones tales como Piloto Comercial Trasatlántico, Ingenieras y Profesoras de Enseñanza superior, Mujeres de Negocios, Puestos Ejecutivos.
Me complace haberlas visto crecer, cuidarlas, aconsejarlas y haber compartido tiempos de juegos pues a mi edad de mas de 15 años con respecto a la mayor de ellas, siempre estuve rodeado de niñas con quienes compartí gratos momentos de juegos y enseñanzas.
No acepto ni tolero que los hombres abusen de sus mujeres, creo firmemente que en estas épocas con alta difusión en los medios tales como las comunicaciones, Internet, redes sociales, han transformado esos trasnochados clichés machistas.
Siempre defiendo y doy soporte a mis damas, para que ellas tengan las mismas oportunidades que todos debemos y exigimos tener.
Un abrazo a cada una de ustedes, mujeres divinas que soportan las tareas más difíciles, el dar vida a un nuevo ser, es digno de admiración y respeto.
Y he comprobado que es la mujer la más fuerte, preparada biológicamente para resistir todo. Incluso están más capacitadas para el disfrute del sexo.

As a result of actual conversations, I have the question about the money of professions at different countries:
My proposed ranking is the Next table, per month
Grade A: income of USD$3,000-2,500
Grade B: income of USD$2,499-2,000
Grade C: income of USD$1,999-1,000
Grade C: income of USD$999-500
Grade D: income of USD500-100
I am an especialized Engineer in Grade A at Mexico in one of the most expensive cities.
I have been noticed that an income at top of grade D is usual at Moscow, again it could vary from type of profession and the place in the country, and in different countries.
What is the average wages in your locality and country?
How can we measure it?
I want to live there and my pension in US Dollars is excellent here and I feel at Moscow, it can be good.
My only concern is health treatment and how to care on it.
Someone special to me, will care of me when get more older

Hello, I have been reading posts here for a few months and enjoy them all. I have decided to write and ask a question because there seems to be honesty and experience on this forum. I will ask first to forgive me if my actions have been ignorant in my search. I began a year ago in October. I am now 54, Caucasian, live in United States ( citizen ) and searched for a Slavic woman. My reason is because I have lost faith in American woman, I find it difficult to respect woman who is 200 lbs over weight , self centered and goes shopping in bed clothes. I realize not all are like this, but I see none like this in Eastern Europe. I also understand Slavic woman are very family oriented people besides being beautiful and smart.
I will make my story as short as possible but wish to give as much information so you can make an educated comment.
The woman is from Russia, in the east. She approached me on the dating site, I was very excited and the communication began swiftly. We communicated in email for about 5 weeks until she demanded a video chat. I was new to this, did not even know how to video chat. After a few tries it was successful video chat. We did video several times before the meeting. I told her within a few weeks of writing I would come in the spring, she responded that I could come sooner. I began to make plans, we discussed where and when. The meet took place in a major city in Russia in February instead of springtime. I struggled a little to come up with the money in advance because I did not want to go into debt for the trip. I paid for everything. She wanted me to send money so she could plan and purchase her own tickets. I took a chance and sent money. She needed personal things for the trip and needed money, I sent more money. One item she purchased was a suit case for $300.00 U.S. I thought this was a bit expensive to do with another persons money but I said nothing. I purchased a suitcase for $90.00. In total I sent $900.00 U.S. to her. We both flew into the city within an hour of each other and took a taxi to the hotel together. I purchased two rooms at a hotel in advance for 20 days. I also prepaid for opera and other various show tickets.
Now all was good. We got along great, we fell in love weeks before the trip even began. We ate at nice restaurants, traveled the city, went to shows and churches. I will say this was the best time of my life. The only things that concerned me during the trip are this.
1) the whole time we were together, even in the taxi from the airport she would not put her phone away. Constant messages and interruptions. I felt this was rude for as much effort I put into the meeting. I asked about this and her response was that there are people that do not know she is away from home. That people in Russia get jealous and cause problems. So she must stay in contact with them. By the end of the trip I know three of the four contacts that she stayed in touch with. A sister, a daughter and a friend ( woman ) in the united states. The fourth I never figured out or got to see.
2) During our stay at the hotel she would mention that she was getting sick, a cold. But this never stopped her from walking the city all day and night, shopping and sight seeing.
3) My money for the trip came from different sources and was deposited over time during our stay. Some days I would have several hundred dollars, as that got spent and I had to wait for the next deposit, money got a little tight. This became a big issue for her, even minor arguments and tears, but nothing real bad. Shopping got out of hand, we had to buy gifts for every person she and I knew, and I was watched very closely. Later I found out that this is done to look for expressions of greed? True or not? It felt like it. This type of shopping was not in my plans and I went a few thousand dollars over budget for the trip. The last day we were there I had a relative deposit $150.00 in my account so I would have money for my trip home. I told her I was going to the bank to exchange $50.00 for us to eat and have taxi fare. She demanded I exchange all of it. I ended up going home with $20.00 and very hungry.
3) On the day before we were to leave she began to cry and beg we stay for another week, I was able to stay till mid week, on a Wednesday. The morning we were getting ready to depart she mentioned she did not feel good and wanted to stay till the week end. I said no, we arrive together and we leave together. The ride to the airport was silent for the most part.
She did not seem or act very sick, so I assumed all was O.K. She did not demand to stay a few more days, she was O.K. we go together.
4) her flight left first for another big city, I departed 30 minutes later. My flights were very close so we could not stay in contact while traveling. Not until I got back to my house did I find out she stayed in another big city. She had claims of heart attack on landing and medical doctors at the airport denied her the ability to fly for two weeks. She said she had a friend who's parents had a house not far away and will stay with them. The following weekend ( three days later ) I found out she moved to her friends apartment, the only reason I found out is because the photos she sent me were a different flat. When I asked, She said the house was to cold so her friend let her stay at vacant apartment. In total she stayed for three weeks with claims of pneumonia. Half way into this stay are relation became strained over my doubts of honesty and over one night I tried to contact her. Every time I contacted her she responded with in a reasonable amount of time. This time she did not respond, to text, phone call disabled and video call disabled. Three hours later she said she was on phone with sister and did not get alarms of incoming calls.
5) After three weeks, she returns home and two weeks later says she is in hospital. She would never send a photo of herself in hospital but one or two very close photo in bed and one in bathroom, of her swollen hands from I.V. the one in bathroom was in her own bathroom. I know from other photos and this is true. She also said that the doctors let her out of hospital for Easter Sunday.
6) She stops video chat, since April we have done video chat maybe 12 times. I ask every week if we can, but it does not happen much. I am now at the point that I will not do it. If you take something away from me to punish me, I will remove it permanently. She also has stopped talking with me for days on end when I make her angry. I am not perfect. I do have a tendency to piss people off. I have also made accusations out of confusion, miscommunication and not understanding.
7) I have faithfully sent gifts, flowers, money every month since our meet.As far as this goes I am a nice a guy, I do not care about the money too much, or the gifts, I love her and care about her. ( Am I a fool? )
in the past two months she dissipated for one week twice.One time was in the middle of a messenger chat. Two days later she sent a message saying she had a medical emergency and went to hospital in ambulance and would talk later. the following week end communication returned to normal. the other time she said I angered her and did not wish to communicate, this also was for about a week.
9) the whole time since our meet I have begged her to share her every day life with me, only to be told she is too busy most times. I offered to spend the summer in her city so we can build our relationship only to be denied and argue why I should not.
10) I recently sent $500.00 for a computer I promised her money for. ( I know, But I do not lie and do what I say I will do )I sent this money a month ago, it was in part so we can do Skype together. To this day she says she has no time to shop for it. She also now says that when she got sick on the flight last March it caused problems with her legs. First time I ever hear of this problem. She says she can not walk in the city to all the many stores and look at computers, it will have to wait. I have caused more problems by asking when will you get it. Now I do not even ask.
11) When we left our first meeting we were engaged to be married, I gave a ring I made myself as I am a jeweler. We talked about K-1 visa and agreed to to do this. Ever since April I have had many arguments over getting her to send the information needed to complete K-1 visa. Now I plan a trip to her city in October. To meet face to face. I have questions and need answers. We also agreed to work on K-1 and finish it. She denies me to stay at her apartment due to have to many dogs and no room for me. Even said she will not cook me a meal at her home and I can not go there because she does not want to hurt her reputation.
I will say that this experience has caused me much doubt. I have not been the perfect man. I do not understand all this because I do love her and I am faithful. I honor my word and always do as I say. Maybe I am a fool, maybe I act like child, maybe I think this is fantasy.
Now I will say that this experience has caused me doubt, I have accused her of things, I have been rude in words, not by intention but by translations. There is much to the story not told. Over 1000 emails, hundreds of messenger chats, a few hundred photos between each of us. There are times when things go well and communication is O.K.
I highlighted my concerns and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please respond.

Страшное видео
Всем привет!
Милые дамы, подскажите поджалуйста, почему как только предлагаю увидится в видеочате (skype, FaceTime, e.t.c) девушки перестают отвечать?

Имеет ли любовь возрастной предел? Does love have a age limit?
дебаты. Я хотел бы послушать мнения людей

when they say to you "I love you"
It's really amazing when someone close to you says " Remember How I Do Love You".
the unconditional and filial love..... fulfills everything in life and you feel heaven in your soul.....
Of course she is my best friend and business partner, who I also love HER so much !!!!
Cerco LA donna ...e non UNA donna
cerco una donna che mi faccia innamorare e avere le farfalle nello stomaco. Ma ora non trovo nessuno che mi faccia questo effetto...non cerco avventure, penso che non sarei onesto con me da qualche nel mondo parte una donna con cui condividiamo un'anima, la concezione di vita, la stessa voglia di conoscerci ...ed è destinata a comparire...non lo so qui o da un'altra parte ... diverso amore dai genitori e figli ma che non ti faccia annullare ma crescere...assieme! io ci credo ...ho tanto da dare...e pretendo! Provare non costa nulla ...potrebbe essere che fra un anno racconto questa favola...abbracciati...lentamente...lentamente...Despacidos. Il vino lo uso per cucinare. Fumatore incallito da 10 sigarette al giorno per la cronaca con massimo rispetto per chi non fuma. Amo i bambini ma purtroppo il mio treno è passato con questo non mi precludo nulla se avete già un bimbo o bimba.....lentamente...

Если женщина одинока в 30, почему мужчины считают "неликвидом?"
По мне это могут сказать лишь идиоты...
Кто-то (какой-нибудь обиженный жизнью чудак на букву "М") как-то ляпнул, что девушки обязательно должны до 25-ти (максимум до 30 лет) выйти замуж. Потому что потом их никакой нормальный мужчина не возьмёт.
Мол, к 30-ти годам женщина начинает терять привлекательность, начинает увядать, на коже появляются первые морщины. И прочие страшилки такого рода. А если к этому времени ещё не родила, так вообще это точно «залежавшийся и утративший срок годности товар».
Мне непонятно, откуда такие стереотипы?! И почему большинство людей с этим согласны?!
По-моему, после 25 лет женщина как раз расцветает.
1. Она находится на пике молодости. Лучшие годы ещё впереди. Если проводить аналогию со временами года, то этот возраст – раннее лето, июнь. Весна (т. е. детство и юность) уже позади, но женщина всё ещё цветёт и благоухает.
2. Имеет больший сексуальный опыт, чем 18-тилетняя.
3. Обладает жизненным опытом, уверена в себе, осознаёт свои недостатки и умеет обращать их в преимущества (в отличие от 18-тилетней).
4. Если до сих пор не была замужем, нет детей, значит, много времени отдавала образованию и карьере, продвинулась по карьерной лестнице, а, значит, больше времени будет уделять семье.
Можете оспорить, если не согласны. Только грамотно.
Общественность подхватила этот глупый тезис и стала его повторять, превратив чуть ли не в аксиому.

Фото ню. "За" или "против"?
Хотелось бы обратиться к мужчинам с таким, по-моему, интересующим многих вопросом. Как вы считаете нормально ли просить у женщины, с которой вы познакомились в интернете, фото в бикини и голом виде, а также видео такого характера??? Будете ли вы впоследствии воспринимать серьезно женщину, которая покажет себя голой??? Возьмете ли вы в жены такую женщину???
Лично я считаю, что женщина не должна оголять себя, а мужчина, который просит такие фото либо проверяет ее, либо настроен совсем не серьезно. Хотя, может быть, кто-то со мной не согласится. Поэтому хочется услышать более обьективное мнение по этому вопросу.

Очень бы хотелось,найти не просто собеседника,но мужчину для создания семьи. Одиноко быть одной)

Здравствуйте Господа Форумчане! (*_*)Вот возник вопросик ,а где же тут-Клуб для настоящих Женщин на Форуме? Мы же — настоящие Женщины, потому как мы — деловые, ответственные, совершенные, всё умеющие делать, прекрасные хозяйки. Мы — добрые и важные, красивые и сексуальные, счастливые и азартные, любимые и любящие. Мы — самые надёжные и верные, лучшие в мире)))Клуб для Женщин прошу в студию!

Ladies - what do i do here?
Hi there
Ladies - I need your advice!
I have just signed up to this site, and I am quite overwhelmed with the amount of letters i get.
Off course I can not start a meaningful communication with everyone, you know, men are not good at multitasking
Tell me, what is the best way to act on the letters, where I decide not to take it any further - do I write a short reply of some kind or should I just delete the letter - or what to do?
Maybe I am making too big a deal out of it, but when a person have seen my profile and decides to send me a letter, I do think the person deserves to be treated with respect, even that I don´t want to take it any further.

Age difference and love
Hello everyone
Here it goes. I am a divorced man, I don't have children. I was married 14 years to my first girlfriend. I have a positive self-image. I have good plans for my future and I expect to marry a decent woman who would want to share her life with me.
I am looking for a much younger woman ( 18-28 ) than myself ( I am 48 years young ), but age is just a number as they say; so I am a bit flexible.
Why do I want to marry a (much) younger woman?
Because I want to have children, I want a woman who has no children of her own, I want a woman with plans for the future, I want a woman who has dreams and ideals and is romantic, I want a woman who doesn't believe all men are pigs, I want a woman who will see me as I am, a man looking for love, I want a woman who is innocent and a bit naive, not because I want to fool her but because I want to protect her from experiencing the ugly things in a romantic relationship. I want a woman who is a dreamer and who is cheerful and likes to spend time with me doing new and interesting things. I want a woman who wants to learn and discover the world. I want a woman who can feel amazed. I want a woman who is passionate about life and who leads an active lifestyle. I want a woman with a sense of adventure. I want a woman who thinks is possible to do something in order to change the world and make it a better place to live. I want a woman who is hungry for life. I want a woman who is appreciative and supportive.
I want to feel that she loves me. I want to feel that she wants to be with me. I want her to be happy and excited and thrilled and full of passion. I want to feel that she is enjoying her time with me. I want to feel alive and in love. I want to feel the magic of being human. I want to be having intense emotions.
Is this really too much to ask?
What am I offering in return?
I am a dedicated man, I am smart, attentive, patient, supportive, encouraging, challenging, loyal, respectful, loving, romantic, gentle, polite. I am a man of one woman and I have always been. I want to live with a woman for the rest of my life and I like to fight for the things and the people I care about, I like to make efforts every day to improve my life and the life of others. I am not a millionaire and I have a rich inner world in the spiritual and psychological sense. Almost every single girl that I have had the fortune to interact with, says that I am the ideal man, an angel (fallen one, I am sure), a saint or something along these lines. So why then I am still single?

women that block without reason.. in advance
I feel always surprised when i get blocked without any reason;
Of course everybody can do it.. but it is really rude;
And those that post filters.. even if they are allowed... or course... is also rude...
so bad that because the bad behaves of fews... many others get pushed away...
just to block in advance someone is a sign of big ignorance and cheap mind..
that is all
китай - россия, брак, встреча, транснациональные, китайские мужчины.
Все хорошо. меня зовут юй Бонг, мне 42 года, мне было 35, и я приехал из Пекина из китая. рост на 170 сантиметров. Нет плохих привычек. Ищите девушку с чувством юмора, добрым, чувствительным, готовым к отношениям с россией или Беларусью, Украиной. идеальный возраст для девочек - от 22 до 40. рост 160CM и выше - это фото - Я буду лично. Кто - то заинтересован - Не стесняйся, письмо. китайский пекин

Juan Francisco
Respuesta a wiwiena 41
I do not know in sant petersburgo, but before criticizing? please inform first ok ?. in Spain, WE HAVE FREE HOSPITALS, WE HAVE FREE DOCTORS, you say you do not understand because I pay for a hospital, I hope that now your doubts are clarified, if you in Russia pay for a hospital? Spaniards are not guilty, that you have to open a topic and discuss it with the Putin government, thanks for the attention and greetings to everyone.
what should i do?
i've been looking for the right woman. but it's seems they only after my money.
i just need someone who willing to spend the day with me even when i'm broke as hell.
i don't wanna be broke but at least they will stay.

Price in Russia
How much does an I phone cost cost in Russia?
I ask. How much does a very good computer ( laptop ) price in Russia?
Post a link if you can please.
I ask because I want to get when I visit.
Жизнь и виртуальный мир
Огромное количестыо людей, общаясь в интернете создают иллюзию жизни, общения, отношений...Меняются люди, а на самом деле лишь картинки в смартфоне...Жизнь проходит, а мы остаемся одинокими в реальности. Давайте решаться на встречи, будем настоящими, отбрасывая страхи и сомнения...Даже разочаровавшись возможно испытать настоящие эмоции. В- общем я против долгой и бессмысленной переписки))))

Long distance relation
Long distance computer relationship.
The most emotional experience in my life.
The loneliest experience in my life.
The greatest experience in my life
I am only a man, walking this earth alone, I never give up.
One day I will have my soul mate by my side.

7 спутников жизни ☄
Сегодня прочитала наиинтереснейшую статью про отношения😅
Называется 7 спутников жизни ☝🏼
Как говорят шаманы (если вы конечно верите в это) в жизни есть 7 уровней и каждый человек выбирает себе партнера, на одном из них🤗
1. Самый примитивный уровень - это выживание
На этом уровне пары поддерживают существование и безопасность семьи. До этого уровня спускаются многие пары утратившие любовь, страсть и интерес друг к другу. Проще говоря, живут ради детей! Это вообще не понятные мне отношения, если из вообще модно назвать отношениями
2. Второй уровень - страсть🔥
Секс- марафон одним словом.
Тоже не вечные, на вторые же сутки захочется безумно жрать😂
3. Общее. Это человек, к которому нас влечёт не только физически, но с которым у нас есть и общие интересы, ценности, пусть это будет даже материальная выгода, например общий бизнес💰
4. Чувства. Создаются такие пары по зову сердца или проще говоря, по любви❤
Вроде бы предел отношений, да не тут то было
5. Совместное самовыражение. Тут и любовь и секс, а ещё творчество или совместная деятельность! Как Пигмалион и Галатея
6. Развитие. Это именно тот человек, с которым вам по пути 🏻 то бишь человек, решающий сходные с вами задачи, ведь вдвоем легче усваивать уроки жизни, есть кому подсказать и у кого поучиться💪🏼
7. Ну иииии та даммм:
Духовный. Союз людей близких по духу. Таких пароконного единиц☝🏼 Но представляете какая это мощь✊
Я только становлюсь одной ногой на 6 ступеньку🙄 Очень мне это все интересно👌🏻
Борщи я давно научилась готовить🍲 , деньги зарабатывать тоже 💵, пришло время качнуть себя
Ну и дождаться встречи, того самого мозгопрокаченного
А Вам какие отношения близки?! Вообще верите во все это?!🤔